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The basketball team played kickball with kids at Picadome Elementary today

by:Mrs. Tyler Thompson09/17/15


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] @CoachCalDotCom[/caption] While you count down the minutes until quittin' time, your University of Kentucky Wildcats are wrapping up visits to area schools on behalf of the UK Athletics God's Pantry program. Today, the basketball team visited Landsdowne Elementary and Picadome Elementary to deliver lunches, talk to the kids, and have some fun. At Picadome, they even played a little kickball. Who's got the better leg: Derek Willis or Jamal Murray? Gotta go with Jamal on that one. As a three-year adult kickball league alum, that's a textbook kick. The MVP award goes to the kid who got Marcus Lee out: Here's a video documenting the day from KyWildcatsTV: Sadly, it appears John Robic did not suit up for today's festivities:

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