Hello, everyone. Let's have a little fun today. Why not? After all, it's friday, it's almost summer, and none of us have anything to do, right? And who doesn't enjoy a good
enigma -- those popular and challenging riddles by which you must solve a short mystery -- among friends? See if you can solve the following puzzles, with increasing levels of difficulty, and become the
Friday Enigma Master! Bounce them off your friends for maximum fun! Just read the premise, see the question, and then turn your computer upside down to see if you're right! As always, happy Friday!
Question: A man is watching television when there is a knock at his door. The man at the door seems to know a lot about the television program he's watching, what channel it's on, and can tell him how he can see it even more clearly than he already does. Then he mentions Tennessee's 2010 Elite Eight run. Who is this man and how does he know all of this?
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Question: During a campus visit, a young recruit shakes hands with a college coach. "It's very nice to meet you," he says. Just then two NCAA officials step up and tell him he can't go to school there, and that the coach will be put on probation. Why?
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Question: During a very close conference championship game, one player passes the ball to his teammate, who is open, and with no opposing player around. A referee suddenly screams "That's a foul!" and the player goes to the line for two. The crowd gets upset, but why did the referee do this?
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Question: A young couple decides to hire a babysitter and go out for the night. They get to a fancy restaurant, let a valet take their car, and head inside. As they step up to the hostess, she informs them that they can't eat there and that they have to go someplace else. Why did the hostess say this?
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Question: A well-known man spends fifteen seconds on the floor of an Italian restaurant, then stands up, smiling. What just happened?
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Question: A man wakes up one morning, puts his pants on his head and pulls a shirt up over his feet and legs. What's wrong with him?
˙ʎןʇɔÇɹɹoÉ” buıɥʇʎuÉ op oʇ ÊoÉ¥ puÉʇsɹÇpun ʇ,usÇop puÉ 'uÉÉŸ ÉuÉıpuı uÉ sı ÇÉ¥ :ɹÇÊsuÉ
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