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Good Morning CaneSport 7.12.23

On3 Staff07/12/23


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Good Morning CaneSport! (photo by Gary Ferman)



First up this morning in your Miami Hurricanes news?

Today we aren’t just ranking returning Miami players who have the most talent. We’re looking at the new faces on the roster … and there are a lot of them (14 transfers, 25 signees including JUCO arrivals) … and breaking it down by the impact they can have this coming season. So don’t miss that.

Plus in recruiting we go up close with Miami commit Jacksonville (FL) Mandarin three-star offensive lineman Deryc Plazz. You want to be sure to check out that Inside The Lines feature.

There’s also in-depth news with Hollywood (Fla.) Chaminade-Madonna four-star safety Zaquan Patterson. He’s a huge priority and you don’t want to miss the latest going on there. Plus we have your update with Oviedo (Fla.) 2024 three-star offensive lineman and Miami priority target Tye Hylton. He is set to announce his commitment Friday, and while he wants to take a few days to triple-check, he has a good idea of where he wants to end up.

And yesterday CaneSport broke down a 2019 Miami recruiting class that failed on numerous levels. As we pointed out, 17 of the 24 players in the class never had much of an impact. And all seven of the players that either didn’t transfer out or depart early for reasons other than the NFL were either JUCO arrivals or transfers. Today? It’s on to the 2020 class. So you want to read that interesting analysis as well.

Then there is CaneSport is breaking down the top 30 Miami players on the roster, and today we’re at No. 20, P Dylan Joyce.

And, as always, stay tuned today for any news that may come up.


Inside The Lines: Get to know Miami commit Deryc Plazz

The CaneSport On3: Ranking the top 10 most impactful new faces

STATE OF THE U 2023: 2020 recruiting class analysis

July Player Performance Index top 30 deep dive: No. 20 P Dylan Joyce

Miami remains in the mix for 4-star S Zaquan Patterson: “There’s no place like home”

Cross-Exam: Miami perspective on Top 100 safety Zaquan Patterson

Miami 2024 target Tye Hylton talks recruiting as commitment decision looms


Have any of you ever felt bad for believing? … Posted by 6882

Clearly we’ve all fallen victim to higher expectations than what we’ve seen. Do any of you really feel bad about it though? I don’t. Screw it, what do we have to lose? I mean I know emotionally it hurts but **** it, what’s another year? My common sense tells me 8 but I’m putting the expectations right back at 10 wins. Really, what difference does it make if I’m wrong?

i just go back to 00. I never saw it coming and always felt like I missed out on everyones excitement going into the year. Never THAT confident. Even when we beat fsu I was skeptical about vtech. I bought the hate, that we got lucky. Never again. Just such a lame feeling coming off a win that you thought we’d lose.

coolest ever was when we were playing uf in the ob and were just down by so many points, 30 something I think. I was with some gator fans and had learned my lesson at that point. Just kept smiling and laughing it up with them and confidently saying back, it aint over, keep talking ****. Obviously this story is a micro but I just REALLY don’t think we have to be THAT good to pull off a 22 fsu type season. Fsu SUCKED in 21 AND their recruiting REALLY wasn’t that good.

Our schedule is not exactly a gauntlet. I get that we say that every year and WE’RE RIGHT! It wasn’t!

all we have to do is what fsu did last year and not suck. This isn’t asking too much. It never was.

here’s to not sucking this year! Beat 10 unranked teams. Half of which I promise you won’t finish the year in the top fifty.

when you look back on the last twenty years, it’s always a colossal something. Our kicker missing like 27 points in field goals and extra point attempts in one season. Our entire defense just not tackling. Our OL getting shut out of the end zone for like 12 freaking quarters in a row. Team giving up like an average of 112 yards in penalties a game. Our defense playing ten yards off every play, etc. these things aren’t normal, they’re anomalies! These things never should have happened. Our expectations of just sound football were never out of line. Just don’t suck and we’re there!

is this THAT big of a stretch?


“I came into high school thinking I wasn’t going to play football anymore and that I was just going to play basketball. My basketball coach made me play football, and I came late, so my first practice was the day after the first varsity game, so I was on junior varsity. I played two games of JV, then I started on varsity the next week. After that, I thought I might be able to do something with this. Then I started to gain some attention from DI programs, and from there, it started rolling.”

Miami commit Deryc Plazz, in his Inside The Lines interview with CaneSport

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Lastly, Have a great day!

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