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Michigan football: How attainable are Derrick Moore's freshman goals?

clayton-sayfieby:Clayton Sayfie05/17/22


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Michigan Wolverines football defenders Derrick Moore (No. 8) and Jaylen Harrell (No. 32) are expected to contribute in 2022. (Photo by EJ Holland /

On his 2016 satellite camp tour and in a speech to Paramus (N.J.) Catholic graduates, Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh told high school campers that if people aren't laughing at their dreams and goals, then they aren't set high enough. "Dream big,” Harbaugh said in 2016, according to the Detroit Free Press. “Dream so big that you beg people to make fun of you. If people aren’t making fun of you for the dreams you have, you’re not dreaming big enough.” Now, nobody's making fun of Michigan freshman defensive end Derrick Moore, who set some lofty goals for himself ahead of his freshman season this fall. But Harbaugh's figure of speech applies in that Moore is dreaming big, aiming to reach heights that haven't been hit by a freshman before. In an exclusive interview with, Moore laid out what he'd like to get done individually during his first year in a winged helmet. Here, we use history to examine how realistic those goals are.