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Everything Notre Dame OC Mike Denbrock said before Irish host Louisville

IMG_7504by:Jack Sobleabout 9 hours


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Notre Dame offensive coordinator Mike Denbrock. (Photo by Mike Miller)

Notre Dame offensive coordinator Mike Denbrock addressed reporters Tuesday evening as the Irish get set to take on Louisville.

Here’s everything Denbrock had to say.

On if he spoke with Chuck Martin and other Miami coaches he’d worked with in the past before the game

“I got to spend a few minutes with them before the game, which was nice, and see Chuck, obviously. Unfortunately, as much as you care about them, I hate those scenarios where you actually have to play against people that you love and care about. But at the same time, you’ve got a job to do and, thankfully, we ended up getting it done.” 

On if Notre Dame QB Riley Leonard trusting his receivers on 50-50 balls is progress

“A hundred percent, yes. I mean, he’s putting in some really good, substantial work on the practice field with those guys and trying to continue to build confidence, not only in what he’s doing, but what they’re doing. And I think some of that resulted in him being willing to let go of it a little bit more. And I just hope that continues to build. Because, obviously, when we threw the ball vertically down the field, there were some good things that happened. Yeah, the balls weren’t completed, but if we hadn’t been dragged on, they may have been. And he did a good job of trying to be more aggressive with his decision-making and when to let the thing go.” 

On if Leonard is progressing like Jayden Daniels did

“Oh God, I hope so. I mean, that would be awesome for all of us, would it not? You hope that the natural progression continues to build and that he takes from the confidence-building that there was in last week’s game and continues to push on the gas and cleans up some of the cupcake throws that maybe we missed that we’ve got to hit. And he knows that very well.

“But I can see a progression. I don’t know that it’s obvious to everybody. Is it as fast as we all want it to be? It’s not. I mean, I want it to be perfect tomorrow, just like you guys do, but I do see progress there. And I think it’s attributed to the work that he’s put into it and being mindful that he’s got to be willing to do those things.” 

On if he carried over the Miami (Ohio) game to this week’s practice

“I did. I thought he threw the ball really well today. And really all last week, I would say would put him in a position where I thought he had his best week by far since he’s been here, throwing the football last week. And I saw that kind of continuing this week, and hopefully, we continue to build on that.” 

On what qualities he saw in Leonard to think he’d be someone like Daniels who makes a big jump at their second school

“Yeah, I mean, I think No. 1 is them letting go a little bit. I think, more than anything, they’re so naturally gifted of their own right. And I think you saw that a little bit in the third quarter from Riley, where he kind of said, ‘You know what, I’m going to run this over here. I’m going to run this over here.’ You know what I mean? And then still have that — don’t lose that, but then have the ability also to trust the people around you enough to go, ‘That guy could really help me if I just put the ball where I should. Or if I’m a little more aggressive with this, there’s people here that can help me get this job done.’

“And I think that’s what helps guys move from the second category you mentioned into the first category, where they can become more dependent on people around them, while not losing the biggest chunk of themself that’s made them successful all these years.” 

On the challenges Louisville’s defense presents

“Their front seven, I think, is as good as we played against all season. They get after it, and they’re very aggressive. I mean, we consider ourselves an O-line-driven program. We’ve got to win the line of scrimmage. I mean, that’s a huge key to the game, is us being able to do and kind of facilitate the things we want to do offensively. And that means you’ve got to block them. And I thought we had a really good day today. I think the kids understand the challenge. It’s a substantial challenge. They’re really good up front, but you know what, it’s something that I think they look forward to. And they’re kind of embracing that challenge.” 

On Louisville DE Ashton Gillotte

“He’s somebody who can get it done on both ends of it. He’s not just a pass-rusher and he’s not just a really good [guy at] stopping the run and being that type of run defender. He can do it all, and uses his hands really well. He does not stay blocked. We’re going to have to lock that guy up and pay him the attention that he’s due, because he’s a dynamic player on the edge of their defense.”

On Louisville DL Tramel Logan, a South Florida transfer

“Yeah, he is [pretty good]. Listen, the transfer kids that they brought in, I think, are equal to what they played with a year ago. I don’t think they’ve dropped off at all. And I think the rest of the guys have
developed, and I see him playing some really good football up front with their guys.”

On bringing Notre Dame TE Mitchell Evans in motion and having him crash into the line of scrimmage on run plays

“He was supposed to avoid some of the line and get to the linebackers. But you’re right. He crashed into the line quite a bit.” 

On setting up the zone read throughout the course of the game

“You try. With all that, a lot of our run game is: It’s read the edge of the defense. And if they’re being overly aggressive, obviously, he can make plays with his feet. And he did that on Saturday, which was a big boost for when we were a little bit stalled out there, especially early in the game.” 

On if Leonard has the ability to make a bad read look like a good read

“Yeah. I I think you saw that if you went through the tape. I mean, there were a couple where I’m like — the first touchdown run really was one he probably should have given up, but made the guy miss in space. And he’s just a playmaking young man.” 

On the QB run game helping the running backs, even though people talk about Notre Dame RB Jeremiyah Love not getting enough touches

“I don’t think the narrative is fair to say the running backs aren’t getting enough touches, because if you watch our running game and how it’s constructed, it’s built off of a lot of reading the edge. And so, the defense is really going to dictate a lot more about who gets the ball and who gets the carry than I do.

“And I’m not necessarily saying we don’t want Jeremiyah carrying the ball and we don’t want Jadarian [Price] — of course we do. Those guys are dynamic, and we want the ball in their hands. But if the defense reacts a certain way, we’re going to take advantage of that as well because of the type of quarterback that we’re playing with. So, I hope that we can keep the ball in all three of those guys’ hands as much as we possibly can, because every time they touch it something good seems to happen.” 

On Price’s feast-or-famine style

“I think it’s a little bit of both [circumstance and outside zone]. And I think he would tell you, ‘You know, maybe I need to be a little more patient here and there.’ But he is so explosive and dynamic, I’m the last person that I’d be telling anybody how to run.” 

On Notre Dame WR Jayden Harrison

“I mean, better and better and, I think, more comfortable. He’s being asked to do some things that he wasn’t asked to do at the level that he’s being asked to do them now, where he was. And I think that’s been a little bit of adjustment for him, but I see him kind of really getting into a comfort level with what we’re asking him to do, and I think that’s going to be good for us.”

On Harrison thinking too much earlier in the offseason vs. playing and reacting now

“He definitely seems more natural, more comfortable. His game is kind of flowing a little bit more easily to him and whether that’s from extra reps, whether that’s from extra film study, or whatever that happens to be, we’re glad to see it, because we need him to be a playmaker for us.” 

On pushing Notre Dame LT Anthonie Knapp and LG Sam Pendleton through growing pains

“You try to manage it as much as you can. You can’t always. Sometimes they’re kind of out there on their own and they’ve got to get the job done. But we’ve been trying to do things with what we do scheme-wise and offensively to try to give them support around them a little bit more than just kind of them isolated, necessarily, in a scheme on certain guys. And we’ll continue to do that, because I think all of our guys across the front have kind of benefited from that, especially the last couple of weeks.” 

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