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Happy Thanksgiving from Lettermen Row!

On3-Social-Profile_GRAYby:On3 Staff Report11/22/18

Thank you.

Let’s start with that, as simple as it might sound. There’s really no way the Lettermen Row staff could come close to truly expressing how much gratitude we feel for the people who have supported this site, enjoyed BuckIQ segments, encouraged our work and helped us grow during our first season in existence covering Ohio State. We wouldn’t exist without the Best Damn Fans in the Land, and it’s important to share our thanks for that on a holiday designed for that purpose.

This has obviously been a weird, entertaining, unpredictable, testing year to start our coverage of the Buckeyes. There have been some growing pains at times for us as we’ve experimented, fine-tuned and pushed ourselves to make Lettermen Row a place Ohio State fans want to come. Hopefully we’ve at least hidden most of those difficulties so far. If not, it’s a promise that we’re only going to keep getting better as time goes on, because everybody here fully believes in what we’re doing and the potential moving forward — from the former Buckeyes already on board to the original crew that pressed the launch button in June.

Ohio State-Urban Meyer-Ohio State football-Buckeyes

Ohio State coach Urban Meyer on the field at Michigan State. (Birm/Lettermen Row)

Honestly, we’ve been blown away with the reception we’ve received so far. Whether it’s just the amount of people who have checked out our work, feedback on social media, seeing Lettermen Row gear in the wild or bumping into fans on the road who recognize what we’re doing and want to shake a hand, we sincerely appreciate it all.

Lettermen Row isn’t slowing down. We might be taking it a bit light by normal Thursday standards today, of course, and we hope that you all get to do the same with family and friends. But we are ramping up for The Game, still anticipating the chance to cover something special for Ohio State in the postseason, ready to dig into covering a nationally-ranked basketball team and counting on Birm to keep delivering the goods ahead of the early signing period for recruiting.

And we know that none of this possible without an audience of passionate Ohio State fans.

So, thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving from Lettermen Row!

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