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Rebel Rags and Terry Warren settle with the NCAA, five other defendants

Chuck-Rounsavilleby:Chuck Rounsaville08/11/23
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Rebel Rags versus the NCAA has been dragging on for nearly seven years.

It’s finally settled and Rebel Rags owner Terry Warren and his counsel, Charlie Merkel, are pleased with the settlement outcome.

“We were set to go to trial Monday (August 14). But 10 days ago the NCAA started talking to us about negotiating a settlement. At 10:30 this morning (Friday, August 11), we reached an agreement,” said Merkel.

“We feel justice was done for Terry and Rebel Rags.”

About three months ago, a settlement was reached between Rebel Rags/Terry Warren and five other defendants – former Mississippi State Coach Dan Mullen, former MSU AD Scott Stricklin, former MSU players Leo Lewis and Kobe Jones, and Lindsey Miller, Laremy Tunsil’s stepfather.

“We were very pleased with those outcomes as well,” said Merkel. “Of course, the amounts are confidential and there are things we cannot say at this time, but Terry and I are very pleased with the outcome.”

Merkel said he was ready to go to trial Monday and felt good about their chances had it gone that far.

“We were prepared to go to trial and feel confident the evidence would have exonerated Rebel Rags and Terry,” Merkel continued. “Having said that, we are pleased to have this settled after so long.”

This is just the tip of the iceberg in regard to facts about the case. However, Merkel and Warren are limited in what they can and cannot say about the case as a stipulation of the settlement.

Warren stuck to his guns and used a lot of resources for a long period of time to clear his name and the name of Rebel Rags.

Finally, it happened.

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