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Penn State veterans move on, examining their careers: BWI Daily

Headshot 5x7 reduced qualityby:Thomas Frank Carr01/18/22


Penn State football gave clarity to their roster a week after starting the spring semester. Several players left the roster as of Monday, and while there were no shocking subtractions, they do leave an impact in their absence. That’s what host Thomas Frank Carr and senior Editor Nate Bauer of Blue White illustrated discuss today on the show.

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Penn State loses Miranda after frustrating season

They start with a player who had a frustrating end to a solid career in center Mike Miranda. While some fans may be happy to see the end of Miranda after struggling last season, Bauer notes that he did leave an impact by his play and presence on the field for Penn State. T-Frank explains how the once-promising interior lineman found himself consistently performing under expectations in his final season. He notes that while Miranda didn’t change as a player, the cast around him and his position switch hampered his production.

AJ Lytton’s curious time at Penn State

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From there, they discuss another name that is more curious than anything in cornerback AJ Lytton. The former Florida State corner came to Penn State late in the transfer process and never found a defense home. But, according to T-Frank, unlike Miranda, Lytton leaves an imprint on Penn State for not playing.

Injuries derailed several careers

Next, they move on to examine the career of receiver Cam Sullivan-Brown. First, Bauer chronicles Sullivan-Brown’s snake bit time at Penn State and how he was seemingly just a step away from being a factor for the Nittany Lions offense. After that, T-Frank uses Sullivan-Brown as a cautionary tale for listening to one particular type of quote coming from coaches during the pre-season. Then, he uses that lesson to share his feelings about certain players for next year.

They discuss a similar story with defensive tackle Fred Hansard and his unfortunate run at Penn State, marred by injury. This discussion leads them to a larger one about the reality of college football and the hard truths that it presents. From there, they wrap up focusing on the program’s future and what Penn State fans can learn from these stories.

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