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University Book Store Headlines: May 26

On3 imageby:Tom Dienhart05/26/23


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Quote of the Day

“At some point in time, would we be willing to consider that. I would, yes. I think it would be a really unique situation for our players, for our fan base, for everybody to experience something different.”

-Purdue AD Mike Bobinski on perhaps one day playing a football game in Ireland


BOILING OVER: Hoops recruiting, scheduling, as well as football dish –

Purdue football in Ireland? Maybe one day –

Williams Advances in 400m at NCAA Prelims –


MAY 26

Bob Herrick (1952) Flanker, Football
Adrian Beasley (1977) Strong Safety, Football
Aaron Bunten (1978) Kicker, Football
A.T. Simpson (1980) Wide Receiver, Football
Lindsay Wisdom-Hylton (1986) Forward, Women’s Basketball
Keiwan Jones (1995) Defensive Tackle, Football
Nojel Eastern (1999) Guard, Men’s Basketball
Jack Cravaack (1999) Defensive End, Football

MAY 27

Jack Spellman (1950) Fullback, Football
Lou Lang (1953) Defensive Tackle, Football
Melvin Russell (1956) Quarterback, Football
Cornelious Friendly (1968) Fullback, Football

MAY 28

Steve Walker (1956) Forward, Men’s Basketball
Leonard Scott (1961) Linebacker, Football
Steve Wambold (1968) Kicker, Football
Tommie Thomas (1990) Safety, Football

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