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Monday Morning with Sean: Blank Check

by:Sean Adams11/23/15
Charlie Strong
Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)
Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)

Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)

If you had Charlie Strong’s blank check, what would you do?

Remember the movie Jurassic Park? The park proprietor, John Hammond, explained his investment in the park by ending every description with, “Spared no expense!”

Changes are going to be made at Texas. From every piece of information from every source that I have, I believe the University of Texas administration from Chancellor to President to interim athletic director Mike Perrin, Charlie Strong will be afforded every resource to be successful.

I do not want to say that Strong has a blank check but I feel that way.

The bigger question will be – What does Strong do with that blank check? It is not a secret that Strong trust’s very few people.

You are talking about a man at the top of the college football profession that operates without an agent. Just about every coach that he has hired has been through relationships. Does he have an offensive coordinator with the impact that he needs already in his current relationship group?

Did Bob Stoops have a great relationship with Mike Leach when he went to the University of Oklahoma in 1999? Did he have great relationship with Lincoln Riley before he came to Oklahoma this year?

Obviously Strong reached out to Chad Morris and Tom Herman when he first accepted the job at Texas so he does not have to have a great relationship with anyone to hire them but it might be worth noting that those two guys were well-known commodities when he approached them.

Who does he approach this year? Who is Strong talking to in order to vet any future coordinators?

Because he doesn’t trust much, doesn’t communicate much, and keeps everything close to the vest, the Texas fan is left to wait to see the outcome stemming from Strong’s brain.

Does he trust enough to get someone great and take a risk? Does he go with a safe choice that makes him feel comfortable?

When you have a blank check, there is no time to play it safe.

Go big Charlie.

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