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Three Points by Sean + Hall's Daily Dose podcast

by:Sean Adams01/26/16
Charlie Strong
Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)
Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)

Charlie Strong. (Will Gallagher/IT)

Three points by Sean Adams discusses Vince, defensive tackles, and more.

Also, the IT Daily Dose with Chris Hall – “Jake Raulerson transfers to UCLA”.

The National Championship is not on the line

I had an Aggie send me a message on twitter saying, “No chirping from you on VY getting a DWI? Figured.”

I responded saying, “No offense to VY but I just don’t care. He is a legend, not a current player. I don’t know that I would give it a lot of attention were it Reggie McNeal from Texas A&M or Jason White from Oklahoma.”

Apparently Vince Young made a mistake. It appears that people would like him to be punished as though he still represents the University of Texas as a student athlete. Young is employed by the University of Texas, and should receive nothing more or nothing less than the average of the last five staff employees at the University of Texas received which I would assume is a stern talking and a letter in their file. I do not know what they received because I do not know who they are.

As far as the Longhorn Network, that should be the decision of ESPN. I really don’t have time to click off the number of employees at ESPN or the Longhorn Network that have experienced the same offense. I would assume that Young is not slated to work for the network for a long time outside of spring football.

I am sad for him because I’m saddened anytime this happens. I am almost saddened because this isolated mistake opens old ‘decision making’ wounds that lead to comparisons with Johnny Manziel. But that comes with the accountability of mistakes that he has to manage. We have all made mistakes that we are forced to learn from.

If Oscar Wilde is right and “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes,” then Young and a few other people might learn from his mistake.

Get every DT you can

I know I should be worried about this 2016 recruiting class but truthfully, I am not. If there was a position that gives me pause it is defensive tackle.

It only gives me pause because there is only one ‘in house’ right now. There could be any number of six that could end up as part of the 2016 recruiting class.

My only advice to Texas is take as many as will come. I assume that competition will run off one of two and that leaves Texas with four or five.


D’Andre Christmas-Giles, Chris Daniels, Gerald Wilbon, Jordan Elliott and Stephon Taylor would work to my liking.

Future conversations suck

I think future conversations should be reserved to vacation planning, investment strategies, and having kids.

I hate future conversations when it comes to sports. Next year means nothing when you are in season now…


… I want to talk about the future of Texas Basketball all day. I’m no fan of moral victories but watching this Texas Basketball team play should take away every issue or question about whether or not Shaka Smart can coach, motivate, coach the situation or coach to his talent.

There are surely some holes in the roster whether it be the talent or injuries that created it but Texas will recruit just fine and the rest of the system appears great.

Texas is good now and could be great in short order. A recruiting class does a lot for a roster and the 2016 recruiting class will do just that.

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