a few things (as posted by Coach 34)...

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003

Requiring Johnny to have his core classes in line to play football, for instance, would help.

Students must pass 5 classes to be eligible to play the following year. For some kids, thats a very hard task. There are really some stupidass kids out there. I've gotten kids sent to me in the 9th grade that cant hardly read, think Europe is a country, cant name the 3 countries of North America, and cant pass the states and capitals test (for you slow people, I taught geography).

Alot of kids out there have no kind of homelife. Mother works all kinds of hours, or is gone 3 or 4 days at a time and Grandma has to try to raise them. We had kids that had to miss practice because Mama had to work and they had to babysit their 2 yr old sister. You think any of these kids are being taught to read and worked with at home?

Passing kids along- yeah, i did it a few times. I'd have some kids that tried really hard and just came up short. Probably twice in 12 years did i pass a kid because I needed them on Friday night. Football, for some of the kids I coached, was all they had that could keep them out of trouble. By keeping them in sports, we kept them off the streets more often and from running around stealing and shooting. It wasnt a matter of qualifying, it was a matter of keeping them out of jail.
"Instead of the death penalty, we got Croomed."- Jackdragbean


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
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