OT: What is your best personal scary story?

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New member
Oct 21, 2012
In light of Halloween, why not? I realize I'm probably just going to get a bunch of sarcastic responses but I remember this thread starting on tigerdroppings a while back and got a bunch of cool responses so let's hear it!


Mar 3, 2008
I was at The Maine!!

In light of Halloween, why not? I realize I'm probably just going to get a bunch of sarcastic responses but I remember this thread starting on tigerdroppings a while back and got a bunch of cool responses so let's hear it!



Active member
Nov 28, 2006
Just finished my last final for the semester (630pm final); went back to apt and packed car up to move back to Pensacola for my coop semester which was to begin the next Monday...finished around 1:30am and was contemplating sleeping in and driving down the next day but decided to drive....started bobbing and weaving on hwy 45 South, so I pulled off into one the gas stations and dozed at the gas pump for about 20 min when a knock on the window woke me up....standing there was a big burly dude...I cracked my window and he asked if I could give him a lift to work (remember it's 230am) about 2 or 3 miles down the road at a "plant" south of there...by this time adrenaline is starting to crank up, I shake my head no and speed off....well 2 or 3 (next 10 or so) miles down the road is nothing but fields....I don't think his intention was to go to work


Sep 10, 2009
One time I drove home from a Sound Tribe show at red rocks after having some FUN.......earlier that night and two highway patrol pulled up on my *** before screaming around me to get someone else.... Scariest moment of my life... Jail was the last place I wanted to go that night...


New member
Nov 19, 2012
In New Orleans, a block off Bourbon but way too far away from Canal, and a young guy (15?) runs up to me and yells "Help! My girlfriend is getting attacked by 2 guys around the corner!" Well, I was packing (hey--it's New Orleans) so I whip out my .380 Kahl and start to follow him-- and he breaks in the opposite direction… with 3 "friends" who were hiding behind a dumpster.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Driving down a 4 Lane highway late one night (highway 82) and was in the middle passing someone. Saw some headlights off in the distance around a corner and kind of over a hill (enough to the point where the hill blocked my line of sight to him). I was a few seconds from hitting the guy before I realized he was driving down the lane I was just passing another car in (in the wrong lane going full speed). Had the car I was passing still been to my right (about 10 seconds earlier), I might not be sitting here typing. I literally had nowhere to go but right into him going 70 mph.

Eta: I had to pull off the road about 10-15 minutes to calm down enough to drive. That was the first time in my life I realized how close I came to dying.
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New member
Sep 6, 2012
Getting off of work new years eve 2009 and getting into a wreck seeing the whole thing coming thinking oh **** this is it. I pushed back off of the floor bracing for impact and then we hit. The guy had been swerving and I told the girl driving to slow down which she did then he slammed us dead on. The hit was so hard my glasses flew off, and immediately gave me the worst seat belt burn ever. My whole stomach was purple and black for 2 weeks from where I had been wearing my seat belt which saved my life or I wouldn't be here typing this. So after I pat my head, tell my self my social security number and my full name, the girl who was driving yells for me to get out of her car and go hide in the woods. I proceed to call my girlfriend and tell her which she thought I was joking until she saw 3 fire trucks, 2 ambulances, and about 6 police cars rush past her. The girl who told me to go hide in the woods never told me that no one was supposed to ride with her, so I will never forget giving her a big 17 you. Probably the scariest part of it all was a state trooper coming up to me screaming asking me was I the driver of the other car. I told him no, that I was the passenger of the car he crashed into, about 5 seconds later he comes and apologizes and told me how lucky I was because the driver in the other car was dead on the scene. So if any of you ever wondered why the speed limit on 471 was lowered, widened, and a 4 way light installed in front of cornerstone, that is why. I count my blessings everyday and try to tell people to always wear seat belts, they save lives.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Up until this year, the worst feeling I ever had was at the bottom of a fumble recovery pile on a rainy field in Pisgah. My face was completely under water for what felt like forever until the pile got seperated I thought I was going to drown. But this year took the cake. I was throwing a fly trying to catch a Spanish or Blue on a real clear day in the Gulf. I keep my head on a swivel whenever I'm up to my waist and there is a lot of bait around. But this time he must have got behind me. I turned back to the beach to see what my wife and daughter were doing when a big mass that was swimiming parallel to the beach immediately turns and starts heading straight for me. I grab my knife, ready to just stab when it gets close enough. It turns about 10 feet from me, does a little semi-circle and then swims into the darker water. Best I could tell it was about a 7 ft Bull or Dusky. Needless to say that was the end of my fishing day

Lee Corso

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Oct 13, 2012
We were being all bad, so 4 of us went to a graveyard on Halloween night with a Ouija Board, whipped it out on top of a grave. All 8 pairs of hands were on that letter/movin thang, and "something" grabbed each one of our necks while the board was answering questions, and started trying to choke all 4 of us at the same time. We all jumped up, and hauled *** back to the car, and left squallin tires. Never really spoke about that again. I will never again 17 with an Ouija Board, even though they are supposed to be fake.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Driving from Shreveport to Ruston after the Snow Bowl. It took me an hour to go from Ruston to Shreveport to get to the game. It took me 4 hours to get back. The roads were so slick, that if I took my eye off the road one second, the Ford Aerostar minivan would start swerving. I went about 15-20 miles an hour. I was convinced that I was going to die that night.

Was in a near fatal car wreck in 1990, but the morphine washed away the memories of the wreck.

Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
Something similar to this was going to be my story. I've had two close encounters with 6-8ft sharks wade fishing just knowing that I was going to be attacked, one of them being a month ago at horn island. Both times that I've seen the sharks I fully thought I was going to be attacked but never got the least bit scared. It isn't until I make my way back up to land that I have a near panick attack nearly hyperventilate.


New member
May 22, 2013
Seeing the tornadoes that went through Starkville (the ones that tore the roof off of the cafeteria) in 2005 maybe. They went right over my apartment and I watched as they turned from the blackest clouds I have ever seen into funnel clouds headed for campus. Scared the **** out of me even though they had already passed over


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
It is crazy but I nearly died in the same way just north of Louisville

Driving down a 4 Lane highway late one night (highway 82) and was in the middle passing someone. Saw some headlights off in the distance around a corner and kind of over a hill (enough to the point where the hill blocked my line of sight to him). I was a few seconds from hitting the guy before I realized he was driving down the lane I was just passing another car in (in the wrong lane going full speed). Had the car I was passing still been to my right (about 10 seconds earlier), I might not be sitting here typing. I literally had nowhere to go but right into him going 70 mph.

Eta: I had to pull off the road about 10-15 minutes to calm down enough to drive. That was the first time in my life I realized how close I came to dying.

I had been driving in the left lane because it was January 1st and there were deer all over the sides of the road. Almost none of the deer were in the median. When I got to Louisville I had to get in the right lane to take the on ramp. I had not moved immediately over to the left lane yet. It was 1:00 in the morning. All of the sudden an SUV passes me in the left lane going south in the northbound lane that I had been driving in for an hour. Our mirrors nicked each other. This bastard was hauling *** and going the wrong way. I didn't see him because we were topping one of those many hills in that area. I called the highway patrol and then pulled over in the driveway to the prison up there and sat for a long time before driving off. Damn near **** my pants.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
I was hunting at our old camp near Port Gibson

It was getting near dark and I was bow hunting. I then heard the worst sound possible as the sun is going down for a bow hunter.... a rattle snake. I was about 30 feet up the tree so I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from for a while. Finally I saw this massive snake and he was about 10 feet from the base of the stand. I snagged a small dead limb and threw it at him. I thought it would either piss him off so that he coiled up and I could go the other direction or it would make him slither off. Unfortunately it caused a whole different problem. It pissed him off, he curled up, started to rattle loudly and then not one, not two, but three more rattles started to sound off through the woods and none seemed too far from my stand. It sounded like they were in multiple directions. Four rattle snakes, one located, damn near dark, no gun on me. It was a bad situation.

So I start to go through my pack...no flashlight. 17! I was about a half mile from the truck and the truck was about 5 miles from the camp house. Being bitten would be a problem.

I scaled down the tree immediately since there was a small amount of light left. I got to the bottom rung, jumped in the opposite direction of the one snake I could see and high stepped it like a crazy *** person all the way to the truck.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
Worked a code one night on 5 East of North MS Med. Center. In every room a clock was mounted on the wall closest to the foot of the bed, about 6 feet away. We worked the code for a while then the doctor called it - said something like, "Times up, it's over", or something to that extent. Definitely said the word "time" in there somewhere. Anyway, as soon as he called it, the clock literally flew off of the wall and landed on the patient's chest. Freaked me and everyone in there the hell out.


New member
Mar 10, 2013
I was about 10-12 my uncle invited me to go to Destin with him and my cousins. One afternoon we decided to go snorkeling. Mind you I'm as blind as bat so any water activity means no glasses and I do not wear contacts. We are snorkeling by some rocks and all of a sudden I feel something pulling on my leg. At first I thought it was one of my older cousins. It was the rip tide. Pulled me clear under and started to carry me away. I had never heard of the rip tide so I tried to swim directly against it. I tried for what seemed like forever. I couldn't see anything. That's what made it the worst. It carried me out quite a ways. A guy on a jet ski saw what happened and came and got me. Having no control and not being able to see anything is what made it so bad.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
We were out one night riding in my friends car in high school and it had been raining really hard. We were going up 51 to Stateline Road in Southaven and came to a red light but he hit two huge puddles of water and we went hydro planing into the intersection with traffic coming from both sides. One car missed us right in front and then one missed from the back. I really did think we were dead or were going to be seriously hurt.

Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
I was at work in Hattiesburg this past year when the tornado came through town. It was headed right towards where I was and I didn't have enough time to go anywhere. I stayed outside and watched it as it passed about a quarter mile from where I was at. I was also in Starkville when the one came through a couple years ago. I lived at the pines and it came about 30 yards from hitting my trailer. Me and my dog hid in the bath and he pissed all over me.


New member
Oct 15, 2013
Never seen a ghost but my dad had two (instances) before his death that make me know there is more than just the here and now.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
There's a very old house across the road from our farm shop that was build in the 1890s. The people that live there claim that they see an old man sometimes sitting in a chair in one of the rooms. And then he vanishes.


Apr 13, 2008
If you grow up in a house where a confederate camp used to be in the woods about 100 yards away and is documented in the archives. Ghosts will be present. I have years of stories.
Aug 15, 2011
I also had the same thing happen to me...

Driving up Highway 25 at night north of Louisville near the prison. I was about to pass a vehicle when a truck was going the wrong way in the left hand lane. It scared me to death thinking that I was about to pull out into that lane to pass the car in front of me.

I had been driving in the left lane because it was January 1st and there were deer all over the sides of the road. Almost none of the deer were in the median. When I got to Louisville I had to get in the right lane to take the on ramp. I had not moved immediately over to the left lane yet. It was 1:00 in the morning. All of the sudden an SUV passes me in the left lane going south in the northbound lane that I had been driving in for an hour. Our mirrors nicked each other. This bastard was hauling *** and going the wrong way. I didn't see him because we were topping one of those many hills in that area. I called the highway patrol and then pulled over in the driveway to the prison up there and sat for a long time before driving off. Damn near **** my pants.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I obliquely knew the two guys from 'Goula who claimed to have been picked up by aliens while they were fishing on the Pascagoula river. They claimed they were taken to a UFO where they were "scanned" by aliens that looked like "robots." I knew Hicks through a friend's dad, and seemed far to dumb to fool an FBI interrogator (and the FBI did question them). The other one broke (Parker) down and was committed after the incident. He never talked about it for years, but on the anniversary of it this year, he gave his story to the CL and other media. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/11/calvin-parker-jr_n_4084159.html

They passed lie detectors tests, hypnosis, and government interrogations, and stuck by their story. To this day, it is considered by the UFO community to be one of the best documented "close encounters" with aliens. I always thought they were telling the truth and saw "something" but they were so dopey, we'll never know what.

Why is it the "aliens" always pick up the dumbest humans they can find? No wonder they quit coming here.


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
Last February, I was about 2 blocks from the F-4 Hattiesburg tornado. For the first time in my life, I questioned whether these next few seconds would be my last on earth.

Still can't believe nobody died.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Too bad they didn't have cell phones back then so they could have made a couple of group pics with their alien friends. ;)


New member
Dec 1, 2011
I am not sure if I have seen one or not. I do know I have had some strange occurences happen and they all seemed to start when my daughter was born. At our old house my wife started having the feeling of being watched and one night she was in the den feeding my daughter when she suddenly started hearing the kichen cabinets start opening and closing. Not long after I got a job in Starkville and we moved here. We built a house (now in it for 4 years). Not long after we moved in we really started having strange occurences. Had voices come through the speakers of my stereo system that was turned off at the time. It was also not hooked up to a radio antenna so all you can get is the CD player. We have seen several dark human shaped shadow figures out of the corners of our eyes. Pictures in frames that we had sitting on tables would be moved and laying down. I have been laying in bed and feel someone tap my shoulder. I thought it was my wife and rolled over to see what she needed only to see she is facing way from me and sound asleep. Also had a whispery voice get my attention at night. Again, thought it was my wife but she was sound alseep. The coup de gras was one night my daughter woke up screaming. Not crying...screaming. We rush into the her room and she is huddled up as far into the corner of her toddler bed as she can get. Eyes huge and you can tell she is terrified as she stares at her closet. We ask her what is wrong and she says "He was in here." Who is he was our next question. SHe answers, "The snake." Well, being good Southern Baptists the snake reference conjures up one very vivid idea. That next day we hung a cross in her room and made sure the closet doors were always closed. (Yes, you can rib me about this, but the fact remains after all the stuff we had experienced and the terror in my little girl's eyes I was not leaving anything to chance.) That was all about three years ago. Things had been pretty quiet since then until a couple of weeks ago. The kids (now have a boy too) got some remote control cars. One afternoon we are sitting in the den watching TV and one of the cars starts running. It will move forward about 6" and then stop. Then it would move backwards a little bit. It did that off and on for about an hour. All the while I am sitting on the couch staring at the remote on the floor in front of me. Last night I get up because I can't sleep well at night. I go into the den to watch some TV and see my son (age 4) curled up on the couch asleep. I decide not to wake him and just let him sleep there. This morning I asked him why he was on the couch and not in his bed and he said he woke up and there was a shadow at the end of his bed that scared him so he came into the den to sleep. Oh, forgot to add - back during the height of all of the events I was describing earlier, my son was also being scared at night and pointing to his closet door that was usually left open. A lot of those events I would like to pass off as imagination or not seeing what we thought we saw or heard what we thought we heard. Only problem with that is that on several occassions bothme and my wife would experience it at the same time so if it was imagination then we were both imagining the same thing at the same time.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
In high school I was a civil war reenactor and i had heard many ghost encounters from the other members in the unit. Before I tell my story I will say that this is the only such instance that I have been present for. My friends have always enjoyed hearing me tell this encounter, because theyfeel it must be real since I start getting chills and sweating every time I tell it.

The unit I was apart of would every so often stay weekends at this old plantation which was a museum. Well this one night around midnight or 1 we began a "ghost march" which was us marching in our uniforms and butting our rifles on the ground with every step. The lead man had a lantern and that was our only light of the night. After about 45 minutes of the ghost march some members of the unit and myself decided to go into the main house which was 2 story with 2 rooms upstairs and 2 downstairs.

(Now the story goes that during the Vicksburg Campaign union soldiers raided this plantation and found the buried silver the owners had on the property. Just so happens that on this certain night we wearing our union blues.)

As several of us entered the house 4 of us began to walk up the stairs. In front was a heavy set man and behind him were his daughters and I was the last one. I hear the man begin to whisper to his daughters as he entered a room with the lantern. Afterwards I was told he saw a woman in mid 19th century dress brushing her hair in front of the mirror. I turn the corner and see a glimpse of a figure but not able to make out any details. As soon as I turn that corner I hear a women scream "GET OUT!"

The older man runs out of the room followed by his oldest daughter almost knocking me down. His youngest was standing there in shock, so I grabbed her arm and we quickly followed everyone out of the house.

On the back sidewalk about 15 yards from the house all of us saw the curtains move back as if someone was looking out. Then on the back porch one of the members of our group said he was freezing and wasn't bothered by any mosquitoes at all, not unusual but this was the middle of JULY while 15 yards away the rest of us were sweating from the humidity and swatting at mosquitoes.

Now ever since then I have been interesting in things of this nature even use to check local hauntings with friends from time to time while at state, never anything that may be demonic though. I haven't experienced anything like that since and hope I don't.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
I was watching some stupid horror movie late one night by myself and had all of the lights in the house out. I don’t even have a street light and I live 600’ off of the road in the woods so it was dark everywhere except for the tv. Just as the movie was reaching the crescendo and I was slightly leaning forward in my easy chair, there was a loud, repeating banging on the window right next to me not 2’ from my head. I mean it was PERFECT timing! I immediately thought GUN! BEDROOM! ****! Of course I thought those three words in probably 1/10[SUP]th</SPAN>[/SUP] of a second. The next thing I did was take 3 steps that probably covered 20’, made sure the carport door was locked, retrieved an ax handle from behind the door, grabbed a flashlight and proceeded to ‘sneak up’ on the window with the ax handle drawn back. As I approached, I could see there was nothing out in the yard. Once I reached the window, I shined the light down into the yard. Just under the window out in the yard was the biggest boar coon I have ever seen. I’m guessing he had climbed up onto the window ledge and was scratching himself and banging the window. All I know for sure is that I really did almost **** my pants when it happened.</SPAN>


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
True story. I'm pretty sure I know the 'heavyset' man he is talking about because he told me the same story.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
When I was about 13, I went to Chicago to stay with my Dad for about a month. During that time, my cousin (who was about 16) drowned in a pond behind his home. I wasn't able to come back for the funeral and that bothered me. My cuz was the older brother I never had and a really cool dude.

Later that fall I was staying at my Grandma's house where he and I usually got together on the weekend to hang out and help her with her garden, mow the yard, etc. I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the can. As I am walking down the hallway I look up and there he sits at the kitchen table, smoking a cigar and smiling. He looked normal except that he had some kind of glow I really can't describe. Not blinding or anything, just an illumination (it was the middle of the night.)

He looks at me and smiles and says, "Hey man! You wanna play some poker?"

I froze, wiped my eyes and shook my head… but he was still there.

I actually stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light, looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I am awake and then looked back out down the hall.

He's still sitting there with a cigar in his mouth and smiling.

I look into the mirror again and look for him one more time and he's gone.

So… I never tell anyone this story till one night about 20 years later my Mom and his Mom (my Aunt) were sitting around telling "ghost" stories on Halloween night and having a couple of drinks. I finally tell them the story. I had never told my Aunt because she had really, really taken my cousin's death hard.

She looks at me and smiles and says, "You know... Mike's favorite thing was to go hang with his friends on the weekend to play poker and smoke cigars."


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
Anyone seem a ghost? I think some large percentage clAim up have. Me, no.

My best friend's wife straight-up did. I won't do the story justice as she would, and I feel obligated to note that this lady is not given to exaggeration, drama or otherwise. In short - I believe her. Anyway, long and short of it is, they had a house that was circa 1921. Apparently the matriarch in the family that built it and lived in it for a long time died in the house.

Well, both my buddy and his wife had many experiences where doors would open and close, and once my buddy said he heard a door slam, he went to go see what was going on on at the front door and it was wide open. As he stood there confused, he heard the back door slam. He goes back there and it too was wide open. Least I think that's how he told it.

Anyway neither had seen anything for a while - until my buddy's wife walked into the bedroom and saw her standing looking out the window, plain as day. Said the woman was beautiful, peaceful. Said it freaked her bad, but at the same time didn't feel threatened at all. I think she saw her again at some point too. Anyway, I may have gotten some of the details wrong, but that was basically what they told me.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
This was horrifying.. One time I bought a ticket here and watched this:



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
When I was in second grade my grandfather died suddenly of a heart attack. My grandparents lived in an older house in the middle of Clarksdale and they never used the original front door much because it was so hard to open and close and they always kept it locked. So it's the day after the funeral and I'm playing in the living room and all of a sudden there's this gust of wind and the door comes flying open and slams back almost shut. I think it was my grandad just letting us know he was still around.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
My true story goes like this....

In light of Halloween, why not? I realize I'm probably just going to get a bunch of sarcastic responses but I remember this thread starting on tigerdroppings a while back and got a bunch of cool responses so let's hear it!

June 7, 2000 at approximately 3;20 while I'm working, (I'm a Banker), 4 guys wearing bandana's run into our bank and fire off a shot. My office interior window has a view to the bank lobby. They turn to my window screaming open that gd door mf'er over and over. Kicking my door. Pointing a gun at me and about that time the dude with the gun shoots at me and all I can tell you is I'm very thankful for bullet resistant glass. When they replaced the window with a new one, they let me keep the old one that was cracked from the bullet. I still have it today as a reminder.

The bank robbers were caught individually over the next 3 days and are serving their 20 year sentence.
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