The ones who blow their own whistle over there....

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posted by Ace Leroy.

that piss me off are the self righteous who challenge anyone who complains about losing to call Croom on his show and ask him to answer their complaints.

Yeah right , like you are going to get a fair shake in that situation. If you sound the least bit critical your *** will be refused on the show like Mike Tyson at a beauty pagent. Only the back slappers are allowed to actually be on the air.

Here is an idea.....If Croom is being unfairly critcized on any of MSU's boards , then by all means let him come here and answer our questions without the benefit of being able to simply "hang up" on a tough question.

The other "kind" that rip my *** are those who think by being supportive of whatever happens in our athletics , they are better fans than those of us who do not not accept losing.

I APPLAUD the fan who gets a belly full of pathetic performances by our team and vows not to come back until we improve. And just as soon as he makes his stand as a pissed off fan , some "better than you" cock sucker will post right behind him...." I had a great time at the game even though we lost , I took 3 retards and my drooling 200 year old grandfather to the game and they enjoyed the day , We had some GOOOOOOD Popcorn!!!" ....."Can We have your tickets to our next flop performance?? Since you have better things to do than to waste your Saturday watching ****** football played by poorly prepared players." "We like to go to the games because We get good "eats" there , no matter if we get the stem winding **** beat out of us or not."

Well if you are that fan.........**** You. You aren't helping **** by showing up to watch us lose every week.

You ARE NOT one grain better than any other fan.

Perhaps You actually hurt the program with your blind allegiance. If you keep on giving them your money even if they fail , then WHAT REASON DO THEY HAVE TO WANT TO SUCCEED?????

So , in short , if you are one of those fans who thinks you are better than others because you support no matter what , then stop and take a look at yourself. You are not a better fan , you are just an idiot who falls for a ******** salespitch just because it gives you a chance to make you feel like you are better than someody else.

The truth is , your kind just allows the losing to gone on a little bit longer. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

So go ahead , brag about going to the games and being "supportive" no matter how disgracefull our team performs. But know this , being supportive no matter what happens is = to supporting losing. So don't fool yourself into thinking you are a better fan , you are not , you are more a fan of yourself than the team. The "REAL" fans of MSU don't support losing , WE want to ******* win.

If We ***** over losing , it is because it matters to us.

Those who claim to support no matter what happens , I question if winning or losing even matters to you at all. You are not an MSU fan , You are just looking for a chance to credit yourself. The worse We are , the more you can give yourself credit for.
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