I'll gladly add more examples (posted by Dawgowar)

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
I am for the moment one of his premium suscribers. Rarely post anymore as the thought police just make it pointless. Last year I was threatened physically in EMAIL by some of the bed of roses types for criticizing Prince Fant. My comments dealt strictly with his play, not his other reported issues.

After Hurricane Isabel cleared out I had no power until Monday. I got the score of the Houston fiasco on my phone and using a friend's computer posted that JWS and company should be canned. I put that up Saturday - deleted before Monday.

The premium board has become a good ol boy club of old men who so fear the past of this program that they can not bear dealing with either the present or the future. Public commentary and sports have been tied together as long as schools have played games - if players, coaches, or recruits are so fragile that they can't gleen out what matters to them and what is the rant of an idiot (select any school or fan base you would like) then I don't want their prima donna wussy butts putting on my universities colors. More and more on that page people are speaking about any of our players or coaches as if they are special needs children so fragile that they will be scarred for life if criticized. These jocks are a blast to see play but face it, they are screened and protected from the real world the moment a high school coach decides they have talent. Welcome to the kitchen boys, if you can't handle it the exit is to the right.

The main reason I decided to try and find a home here though has nothing to do with stupid rules and hypocritical old farts - Gene's page used to be fun back when it was little more than a wide open message board and good location for links. I missed the smartass posting, being able to really make fun of somebody - i.e. Roy Kramer, letting some adult humor fly and the like.

Now Barny the Gay Dino would be banned because he is in better shape than our defensive tackles and has lived up to his potential better than T. Kelly - it's gone off the page. I used to not give a rip about the limitations but we are in the third year of a 3 and 1/2 season nightmare spiral and it needs to be discussed.

I watched this board a while before registering. It's funny, sarcastic and I can probably make an absolute moron out of myself and fit in. On Gene's page we used to write up fake interviews, articles, etc - I would not try it now as such frivilous waster of valuable HTML would likely be deemed a threat to the entire future of our program.

With that - Hello Six Pack - hope I have found a place to make a total ******* out of my self. It appears the bar is set rather reasonably for that accomplishment here.
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