Men's Golf Regional


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Men's Golf Team shot -7 today and is sitting at 6th as day 2 of Regionals is wrapping up.

We're +2 over par and 4 strokes behind Florida (-2) sitting at 5th and 5 strokes behind New Mexico (-3) at 4th.

Colorado State and Indiana are tied for 7th at +3, so only 1 stroke behind us, but they still have a couple of holes left:

Need to finish 5th or better tomorrow to go to Nationals. Vandy (-16), Purdue (-15), and Arizona (-9) would have to have a major meltdown tomorrow be left out, but New Mexico and Florida are vulnerable.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Update: We stay at 6th (+2) with everybody finished.

Indiana is sitting at 7th right behind us at +3.

Colorado State had a brutal finish and end up at 8th with a +8.

We had the same round as Indiana (-7) today, which was tied as the second best round of the day. Purdue had the day's best at -11.

Need to have another good day tomorrow and hope Indiana doesn't have a surge while Florida and/or New Mexico hit a snag.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Sounds like a good start for me. Unless that’s on the first hole. I can do much better than that on most opening holes.
It was the first 1-3 holes. Right now, we're shooting +7 for the day, +9 for the tournament, and sitting in 8th place 10 strokes behind New Mexico in 5th. We're at holes 16-18. It's pretty much over.