Ticketgate: I have unbanned BearcatBully for the time being...

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
He emailed. For those named, present your side, it will go before the executive board and we will then decide.

Just wanted to let you know that there are two sides to every story and you've not bothered to ask me my side before banning me. CivilDawg( or who i take to be civildawg, all i have is a phone number) called me about the a&m tics i had posted on the ticket exchange. After the usual questions (how much? where are you? meeting place?)he seemed a little iffy in that he said he wanted them but didnt really want to come meet to get them? However i think we left it that i would call him thurs and he would get them. a while later though, he sent me a text offering a lower amount than we had agreed on since"he had to come meet to get them" At that point, after already feeling he was gonna screw me, i considered the deal off and i did edit my post to a new amount around what they were going for on StubHub. I had already listed them on CL before i ever talked to him. After editing post, i left to go to a childs soccer game. 4 hours later, i saw on my phone that he had offered to buy them again at the original agreed upon price. By then, i had actually committed to sell them to a friend i ran into at the game.

As far as talking to the other person that i "did this too", that pm'd him, no one else committed to buying them at any price. As to MCDawg or whatever, i don't know his involvement in this. i dont know if i've talked to him or not or if he's just piling on. I don't know what rule i violated to get banned. i have a copy of the texts he sent trying to lower the price he had agreed to originally. I didnt think anything about it. He was probably one out of 20 people i talked or texted with shortly after posting the tics and i just figured he was gonna back out anyway. As far as that goes, Big Mother Trucker had a friend who screwed me out of a $120 parking pass by agreeing to and then backing out of a deal at the last minute. I didnt ask that he be banned.Guess he forgot that when he commented in this thread

I've been a member here since you started this board, at least since 2003-04. Don't know why my profile shows joing in 2008 or so but i have an email from when i originally signed up then to prove it. I think it sucks that someone joining in 2012 can stretch the truth to start something. If scalping tickets is reason for banning, you better get busy. there is one there now asking 100 each for an upper deck 706 ticket. I always sell only to State fans. Dont really think its wrong to ask any price that the market bears for a ticket. They shouldve bought a season ticket every year since 1990 like i have, and then they would have a ticket. Capitalism and all you know?
Anyway, please just let me know why you did what you did. You can PM me, well now you can't, so call, text, or email me and i can explain further if you like. Like i said, i have all the texts of our exchange. Thanks for your time
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Aug 20, 2006
my friend backing out of your parking pass deal has nothing to do with my standing on this board. The question posed was if changing the aggreed upon ticket price was ban worthy... I still say yes to that. Bearcat is right about one thing though... There are two sides to every story. I still dont understand the bump in price from $75ea to $100.
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Active member
Aug 22, 2012
I have no problem with him being unbanned . I did text him and asked him if he would take $65 each since i was taking all 4 (only needed 2 but wouldnt split them) and i was having to drive to brandon to get them from him, but he said no so i immediately texted him back saying ok i will do $75 and to let me know what time to pick them up ( i was suppose to meet at his girl's soccer game). 5 minutes after i texted him and saying i would do $75 his price was edited to $100. I dont want to get into an arguement over a message board ticket exchange, I just wanted to rant in my original post. I have found tickets so it really doesnt matter anymore. Like i said i really didnt want him banned, just thought it was kind of a dick move
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Mar 3, 2008
And the price i ask for a ticket has nothing to do with you in particular, or in my standing either. The only changing of an AGREED UPON price was requested by the prospective buyer and when he started to waffle, i began dealing with others that were calling and willing to buy. It was just amazing to me that you would pile on without knowing any facts after you or your friend did exactly the same thing i was accused of. I bumped the price when i found out the person who i was selling them for wanted more for them. It's that simple.
Aug 20, 2006
A) You're full of ****. The two situations are nothing alike. My buddy called you about the parking pass and then decided not to buy it. Then I had to open my inbox to a message you sent about how ****** of a human being he is for not buying your pass. Guess what man... **** happens

B) You on the other hand, agree to one price then edit your post asking for more.

C) Believe it or not, reading his rant and seeing your name didn't automatically connect the dots to me that you were the same ******* I directed my friend towards for the parking pass before the season started.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
FYI for all those that ***** and moan about Stubhub, it's crap like this that is exactly why I use it 99% of the time. I've tried using ticket exchanges twice to make sure that my tickets got into the hands of MSU fans, and this type of thing has happened to me both times I did that. I don't blame anyone because in both cases, it was no one's intent to screw me. But I'll think that I have several tickets sold and then buyers end up backing out towards the last minute.

Anyway, luckily, my unused seats have gotten into MSU fans' hands every time that I've used SH so far but the conveniences of using it is worth the risk for me.


Mar 3, 2008
If it really doesnt matter, don't come on here with your 2 month membership spreading lies. After you tried to get them for 65 and acting like it was too much trouble to drive from Jackson to Brandon to exchange tickets, i said no, told you what i needed, and promptly began dealing with the 15 other people wanting to buy them. I didnt look at your next text because i wasnt fixing to get in a negotiation on price when there were more willing people calling. After i got thru with practice i did look at your text saying you still wanted them and i texted you back saying i would let you know if i could still get them. (i had already committed to sell them to another, but knew i could possibly get 4 more from the same individual) Then i get on here late last night and find you on here not telling the whole truth. As for whoever, pmd you saying i did the same thing, thats a bald face lie. I didnt agree to sell them to anyone other than the person i sold them too. I don't appreciate you getting on here behind my back. If you had a problem all you had to do was call or text back. You had my number. Also you said i wouldnt answer your calls, you HAVE NOT tried to contact me since your last post! If you've got a problem let's talk about it like men instead of hiding behind a username and getting into a pissing match on here.


Mar 3, 2008
Again, let me make this simple for you.

A. THERE WAS NO AGREEMENT ON PRICE!!! When he counter offered it made the asking price irrelevent.

B. THIS DOESNT INVOLVE YOU IN ANY WAY!!! The only reason i'm talking to you is seeing your posts piling on and it triggered my memory of another ******* who was involved in one of the few times i've had a bad experience on here.


Active member
Oct 3, 2004
If it really doesnt matter, don't come on here with your 2 month membership spreading lies.

This fact is the only irrelevant part of your post...it doesn't have much of anything to do with the discussion. Otherwise, your points seem valid to me. Carry on.
Aug 20, 2006
This DOES involve me you 17ing *******... You named me and one of my friends in your email to dawgstudent implying that it was exact same situation when it was not. I dont appreciate that ****.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Seinfeld is 100% right. Unless you're getting them from or giving them to a friend or co-worker, use StubHub for tickets. Apparently, grown-up transactions between message board heroes is way too much to ask for these days. It's ridiculous that DS even has to deal with this.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
You do understand that the reason my join date is new is because of the board change over correct?

Tin Cup Cowboy

New member
Sep 14, 2012
This is the first post I've read on here this morning so I have no idea about the other post that is spoken of in this topic. This is what I gather:

1. There was a potential sale agreed upon at a price.
2. The buyer came back and made a counter offer
3. Seller says no to that offer
4. Seller discovers tickets are selling for more than he originally asked, increases price and has a line of customers wanting said tickets
5. Original buyer comes back and says he'll pay original price
6. Seller has already found a willing buyer at higher price

To me it sounds as if the confusion is within #'s 3-5. I have no idea who BearCatBully is, but from what I gather he assumed that Civil did not want the tickets, especially at the higher price. He then sold the tickets thinking this, only to have Civil come back and agree to the original price.

While I think the original buyer should have been given the first right of refusal, I also think that the buyer can't expect anyone to discount the tickets that much because he drove from Jackson to Brandon.

I honestly think the entire thing could have been resolved with a phone call from either. This is a prime example of when technology and human interaction clash.


Jun 4, 2007
Charging $100 per ticket on SPS makes you a crook, imo...

If you want to make money on tickets, put them on stubhub or go scalp them yourself...


Mar 3, 2008
You're involved only because you chose to get involved in Civildawgs original BS in which you had no reason to get involved in. You commented without knowing ALL the facts. You were named because of your comment, if not you would not be named in the explanation. Now go back to trolling and looking for other peoples business to stick your nose into. I'm done with you.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
If no money changed hands then no foul occured. It sucks for civildawg88 but **** happens. I'd say next time someone posts on a MB about tickets that everything be handled in-thread so that no misunderstanding occurs. It's hard to deal with 15 different people all texting at the same time.


Sep 4, 2012
This scandal is giving the ticket exchange a bad name.

From an outsider's perspective it looks like both parties should share the blame here.

Exhibit A: When a seller posts a price on a product, that price should not change just because they realized after the fact that they could get more due to market conditions. He should also have conveyed to the buyer the terms of the sale. When you know that you will be getting a flood of calls/emails/texts, as a seller you need to have your act together. First come first serve and no barganing. You pay me X price by this time, if not then move on to the second in line. Not brain science.

Exhibit B: The buyer should have realized that tickets for this game are sparse for resonable prices ($75 is very reasonable in that section) and immediately made concrete arrangments to get the tickets in hand for the advertised price. "He who hesitates loses."

I have had great experinces buying and selling all sorts of things across the country on multiple forums by sticking to this simple train of thought. As a matter of fact, a gentleman on this forum advertised some great tickets yesterday. I didn't hesitate and emailed him immediately. Luckily I was the first email received and he promptly responded with his conditions. I agreed and his tickets will be in my hand today, according to FedEx tracking number. He is in Tupelo and I'm in Jackson.

So both parties need to quit their whining and chalk it up in the lesson learned category.

No ban. Buyers and sellers beware, lol.
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Mar 3, 2008
AMEN and THANK YOU. Its amazing how most of the ones involved in this were not even part of the actual exchange to know WTH they are even talking about.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Can you make both Civildawg and bearcatbully wear the Mississippi state flag shirts? BMT may want one too.

Welcome to the CNN/FOXNEWS on SPS


New member
Aug 22, 2012
This is the first post I've read on here this morning so I have no idea about the other post that is spoken of in this topic. This is what I gather:

1. There was a potential sale agreed upon at a price.
2. The buyer came back and made a counter offer
3. Seller says no to that offer
4. Seller discovers tickets are selling for more than he originally asked, increases price and has a line of customers wanting said tickets
5. Original buyer comes back and says he'll pay original price
6. Seller has already found a willing buyer at higher price

To me it sounds as if the confusion is within #'s 3-5. I have no idea who BearCatBully is, but from what I gather he assumed that Civil did not want the tickets, especially at the higher price. He then sold the tickets thinking this, only to have Civil come back and agree to the original price.

While I think the original buyer should have been given the first right of refusal, I also think that the buyer can't expect anyone to discount the tickets that much because he drove from Jackson to Brandon.

I honestly think the entire thing could have been resolved with a phone call from either. This is a prime example of when technology and human interaction clash.

To add to this sensible post....

I remember some people quoting the law yesterday, well the law also says that when there is a counteroffer, the original offer is disqualified. The person who made the offer (Bearcat) could make it again, but the original offer is no longer valid. As soon as civil (who i am not calling out here, he helped me out with tickets - it went as well as it possibly could. He isnt calling for the banhammer, and I dont think he's wrong to be frustrated as it is a frustrating situation) counteroffered, EVEN if there were an agreement - the agreement is off. If bearcat would've texted back when civil said ok i'll do 75 and bearcat said okay good deal lets do it etc etc blah blah then their agreement would've been back on. Doesnt seem like that happened.

To me, the law makes sense here. When someone negotiates they havent agreed to anything unless they say, "ok i'll pay you that, but would you possibly accept [insert lower number here]?" in which case why negotiate? No one is going to take less money when you'll pay them more.
Aug 29, 2009
I've had one experience on the Ticket Exchange and it was positive. I didn't advertise a price in my thread, I simply requested anyone interested to PM me so that we could exchange information that I would rather keep off of a public thread. I know I bounced my price around. I did it in away that was advantageous to the buyer. I started at my maximum and whittled the price down until I had my first buyer that was comfortable with what I offered.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I personally think that all of you should meet on campus before the game and have a free for all. That's the best way you can solve this problem. Dawgstudent would make a great referee. It would create a little excitement before the game.


Oct 6, 2010
an unbiased opinion here ... doesn't appear to warrant bannation

Agreed on no ban. Ive laughed at the arguing in this thread. Its like Sally Jesse Raphael on sps. The thing that I dont understand is the haggling. I assume most MSU fans to be fair people. If they offer a price, Im either gonna buy them at that or no dice. Every time Ive sold a ticket to another MSU fan, Ive just said, "Give me what you think is fair" and I will unless they lowball me to the point of being disrespectful. Jesus folks, this isnt a a million dollar business deal, this is tickets to watch the dawgs play


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Surprised somebody hasn't come in with a "my dad can beat up your dad" or the always great "buttsniffer".
I say no ban and if anybody comes on here trying to sell tickets the negotiations be public.


Aug 22, 2012
You were not screwed out of a parking pass. I backed out a couple of days before the season started only because thought at first it was club parking. Found out it was prepaided parking and couple that with a hurricane hitting at the same time and MSU closing down grass prepaid lots that I needed for a tailgate. didn't figure it was worth it. However days before the season started.


Aug 25, 2012
No ban

The buyer countered and the seller just went to the next people in line. There is no deal until the buyer has agreed to all aspects of a seller's offer. If the buyer counters, the old offer is gone.

Anything in the $75 - $100 range for lower level tickets seems to be really fair to me. The season ticket holder has to make a season long commitment with their purchase and has to make a bulldog club contribution for the simple right to buy tickets. Single game SEC tickets, if you can get them, are $65 a ticket through the ticket office. It is not that much to ask for a few dollars over that ticket price.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
You pretty much

hit the nail on the head. The buyer essentially screwed himself. By making the counter, the original was out the window. Basically, this could have been handled if either party would have made a phone call. Who negotiates via EMail??


Aug 25, 2012
If the seller represented that it was club parking, it would seem that would be a valid reason to back out. But, if you just did not know to clarify what type of parking it was and you thought grass prepaid was not available because of bad weather, that is on you. The only thing that had not happened, it sounds like, was that cash had not changed hands. If you decided to accept the offer and simply backed out because something bad happened after you accepted that was no fault of the seller, that sounds low to me.


Aug 25, 2012
I've used the exchange as well

Bought and sold tickets on it. Worked out pretty well as a buyer and a seller.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
No Ban at all...

As a season ticket owner of a lot more tickets than I could ever use myself, it completely sucks trying to find someone to buy them.

You get rid of them the fastest, most convenient way. I've dealt with ******** wishy washy buyers before and its not worth the hassle. You sell them to who puts the money in your hand first. I've had people say they were meeting me on gameday to buy them and then I eat 4 tickets for the game I could have easily sold to others.

Moral of the story, use StubHub and avoid dealing with ********.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
WTF is this ****? You guys sound like a bunch of bitching *** women sitting around a bunko table.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Says the person who emails Stricklin over hotdogs!!

Among other things, yea- I emailed him. Do you donate to athletics? If so, i'd encourage you to voice your opinion as well. Its been that way since Byrne was there. They want feedback. Give it to them.
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