“Ex-Vikings QB Tommy Kramer says he has dementia”


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Brett Favre just recently announced he has Parkinson’s Disease. He’s 54. He also suggested that he probably had “thousands” of concussions over the years playing football.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
It’s good that he quit drinking. Tommy had quite the reputation around here back in the day as someone who liked to imbibe.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Brett Favre just recently announced he has Parkinson’s Disease. He’s 54. He also suggested that he probably had “thousands” of concussions over the years playing football.
Both my parents have Parkinson's Lost my father 2 years ago. Side effect of Parkinson's is the disease driven dementia. My mother is going through it now and my father had it towards the end for him. It's tough to see loved ones go through it.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Both my parents have Parkinson's Lost my father 2 years ago. Side effect of Parkinson's is the disease driven dementia. My mother is going through it now and my father had it towards the end for him. It's tough to see loved ones go through it.
So sorry to hear this... I have a close friend who was diagnosed with Parkinson's in his early 50s after just remarrying and having a child. But that is a friend... both parents, I couldn't possibly imagine.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Both my parents have Parkinson's Lost my father 2 years ago. Side effect of Parkinson's is the disease driven dementia. My mother is going through it now and my father had it towards the end for him. It's tough to see loved ones go through it.
My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in her early 50’s. She was a vibrant, active woman and watching it take a toll on her body until she passed in her 70’s, was heartbreaking. She was devastated when she sought out a neurologist to evaluate her for a brain stimulator and she was denied because she was too advanced. She never got dementia from Parkinson’s. However, she suffered from all the other symptoms, tardive dyskinesia like symptoms, as well as, difficulty swallowing, shuffling of feet, the loss of fine motor skills in her hands, flat affect, etc. She ultimately died of aspiration pneumonia as a result of the Parkinson’s.

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