Here in NEW. JERSEY. , a BAG. BAN. recently went into effect. While in Wegmans, I purchased a few reusable bags to haul my scones and coffees home. This is the bag:
Never? Always? And “we are stronger together”? Are we? Who’s we? What if “we” includes michigan athletic supporters or other losers?
I think Wegmans is being pushy here, and I don’t like the absolute tone. Also, I am struggling to reconcile their words with my “F*ck everyone” stance. This is a real struggle for me. The bag rubs me the wrong way (), but I love Wegmans’ bakery.
Never? Always? And “we are stronger together”? Are we? Who’s we? What if “we” includes michigan athletic supporters or other losers?
I think Wegmans is being pushy here, and I don’t like the absolute tone. Also, I am struggling to reconcile their words with my “F*ck everyone” stance. This is a real struggle for me. The bag rubs me the wrong way (), but I love Wegmans’ bakery.