Zero sum thinking is certainly a big, big problem with many aspects of life. If you think about the psychology of change, if I eat no vegetables today and you tell me that I have to start eating two servings a day, I might decide at some point that you are pushing me to vegan. I see two clear things. Post Civil War, we did 11 years of Reconstruction that resulted in blacks getting elected locally and nationally and just taking "too much" power, so we ushered in the Jim Crow era saw the rise of the KKK and all the race issues that persisted, to some extent, to this day. We did pass the voting rights act in 1965 and now, in the 2010's white america sees it's majority shrinking, and it's power along with it. Turns out that "those people", who now have some ability to shape policy, don't think the same as "we" do, so we end up with violent conflict (e.g. 1/6) that really boils down to the world is changing in a way that I don't like.