1st Wyatt article on BDJ.com - good writeup, iffy title


New member
Jul 20, 2012
patdog said:
I hear the "6-6 isn't good enough" camp is pretty lonely.

</p>but I have a house. With a team that won 8 games last year against a more difficult schedule, 6-6 would be like going 4-8. It would be regressing and show that Crooms is never going to sustain a program and that 2007 was a fluke.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
DowntownDawg said:
Say we go 6-6, are you going to get mad and whine and complain and call for Croom's head?

I wouldn't call for Croom's head if we go 6-6. I know as well as anybody there's no way he would be fired after 8-5 and 6-6 seasons. But I would be disappointed. I would believe that I was right about 2007 being a bit of a fluke. And I would be very concerned about going into the next season losing over half our starters.</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
"6-6 would be like going 4-8"

Surely you are not being serious with this. I know you are speaking comparatively here but come on.


New member
Sep 19, 2007
Ah, I love your sense of cynicism. You must get a lot of joy that you can spend this much time dissecting my post. As for what I post about the information I gather, it comes from about the most reliable source there is. I will let you determine what or who that could be. If you want to slam my post, then I guess you are slamming the university.

I thought this site was about posting new found tidbits of information (especially good rumors). Well, in order to keep getting my information, I've got to keep a little bit of anonymity in order to keep receiving that information or I will lose that "source". Now we wouldn't want to do that, would we?

Actually, the 2 no names are similar to a guy like Alonzo Lawrence from George Co. who just jumped up at the last minute due to an all star game. They are hoping to shield that mistake from happening again, but it's not easy. All I can say, and it shouldn't be too hard to figure out who they are, is to watch what happens with those "single" star Mississippi seniors this fall during high school football and then be the judge. Go ahead and put in in your Outlook Calender to check their status this November. Do your do-diligence.

One other thing, don't expect what you think should happen in baseball to happen, and I do hope you know what I'm talking about! I say that so that all of you will go ahead and get your artillery in line to fire upon an announcement! </p>


New member
May 28, 2007
...first you can't stand to give Croom any credit, yet you up YOUR standards for him based on what he achieved in 2007 so that you can set yourself up to disappointed in him again.

Once again, you are a moron.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
I'm not bashing the university. I am bashing the lunacy that you suggest Crooms has a revolutionary philosophical change to unveil to the league this year, after 4 years of offensive sucktitude, and a history of rewarding that sucktitude. I don't care who your source is. It can be Crooms himself for all I care. Do you really think any "source" with a vested interest in the program is going to tell you "we are going to do the same thing again this year?"

Its not my site, but I understand it to be about posting rumors, but unabashed sunshine pumping if for another site.

What is this mistake they are trying to sheild? That good players perform well when given a chance to? I hope I read that wrong.

If we screw up this baseball hire, I'll have plenty of ammo.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
"yet you up YOUR standards for him based on what he achieved in 2007"

Well, yeah you moron- and so do most people that have 16 starters returning and a much easier schedule. Not equalling last years total of wins with alot of starters and an easier schedule would be disappointing to most normal people- although normal is nothing that can be associated with you.