149 7th Place Match
#7 seed Beau Bartlett vs. #11 seed Kanen Storr (Mich) (I'll use KS)
Per 1
Nothing thru 1:30. Beau in on a head inside single but they are OOB with 1:04 left. Storr in on an ankle as they go OOB. End
Per 2
BB takes bottom. Beau to his feet, and is returned, and they go OOB with 1:47 left. Beau works up to his feet, Beau with a shoulder roll but KS stays with him and they go OOB with 1:28 left. Beau tries to turn in on the whistle, Beau to his feet then a shoulder roll, and OOB again with 1:12 left. Beau to his feet again, returned. To a 4-pt stance, then a shoulder roll, but Storr stays with him, and they go OOB with 46 sec. Beau to his feet, can't peel off the hands, and Storr drives him off the mat so it's a stall call on Storr. Beau to his feet, and gets away near the end of the period, 1-0. End. RT @ 1:46 for Storr
Per 3
Storr takes bottom. He's to his feet, and Beau drives him OOB with 1:51 left. Storr to his feet, tries a roll, he grabs an ankle, and Beau with a nice response, and they go OOB with 1:26 left. Storr to a 3-pt, and Beaut gets RT under 1 min, and they go OOB. Storr hits a roll for the esc, 1-1, with under 1 min left. OOB. Storr tries a shot, Beau counters and locks a cradle for the TD, 3-1. And that's how it ends! A 3-1 DEC for Beau, as he takes 7th place!
PSU is 4-0 in this session.