This study has been making the rounds the past few days. Reason has some good info here:
You can look at the data here:
I’m curious as to the methodology.
For example, Southern Miss & MSU both are listed in that spreadsheet as offering Masters in Teacher Education but Southern Miss has a significantly better and net positive ROI than does MSU (we’re talking a well over $100K difference).
My initial thinking is that Southern Miss grads travel more and get paid what they’re worth and MSU grads stay home and are underpaid.
(For those wondering, I chose that major and subject area since my grad degree from Southern Miss is in that general field. And of course, YMMV.)
Nearly half of all masters degrees aren't worth getting
Is college worth it? Well, it depends on what degree you're getting and where you're getting it, according to a new paper from the Foundation for Research
You can look at the data here:
ROI Graduate - FREOPP
I’m curious as to the methodology.
For example, Southern Miss & MSU both are listed in that spreadsheet as offering Masters in Teacher Education but Southern Miss has a significantly better and net positive ROI than does MSU (we’re talking a well over $100K difference).
My initial thinking is that Southern Miss grads travel more and get paid what they’re worth and MSU grads stay home and are underpaid.
(For those wondering, I chose that major and subject area since my grad degree from Southern Miss is in that general field. And of course, YMMV.)