Not exactly apples to apples. US involvement in WW2 lasted nearly 4 years with hundreds of thousands of casualties. Vietnam lasted almost 10 years with thousands KIA. Operation Desert Storm lasted two months with less than 300 killed. Not much time or need to draft anybody for Desert Storm. Sound bites are great if they are actually relevant. Sure, the populace was neutral at the beginning of WW2, would you not be? Pearl Harbor changed that thinking pretty quick.
No, I would not be neutral. Germany and its allies had 20 years previously started and subsequently lost a world war that cost 100K plus American lives. By the mid 30's Hitler was building a gigantic war machine in complete violation of the Treaty of Versailles and promised vengeance against the Allies (including the US) that forced Germany to sign the treaty in defeat. I'm a firm believer in if you have a dog that bites somebody, you put him down. Don't wait for him to bite you too.
Now to the other thing... There are nearly 3 million veterans of Iraq/Afghanistan. It's by far the longest, most drawn out debacle in US military history. More than half of those veterans did multiple deployments into combat zones. We spent more than 15 years in those clusterfux. Granted it was not anywhere near as dangerous as Vietnam/WW2 due to superior weaponry/tactics/armor and less effective insurgent forces.
That said, every generation's war has it easier than the previous. Vietnam sucked compared to Iraq/Afghanistan. Korea was worse than Vietnam. WW2 worse than Korea. WW1 was an absolute horror show, even compared to WW2... The Civil War was unbelievable horrific compared to WW1... You can chase this all the way back to people beating each other to death with rocks and sticks.
The apples to apples is this... WW2 vets created multiple generations of military volunteers, even though most of those who served did no volunteer . The vast-vast majority of today's military serves because its a family legacy to do so... Not because they want to chop their wiener off and wear purple lipstick. They should be proud.