I, and many others I’m sure, had to wait 12 yrs. to erase the unpleasant taste in our mouths after the historic win over #1 Bama in 2010. One of our biggest upsets - like Tenn - ever. Was ready, with my son, to storm the field to celebrate with the team and fans, only to see our fans being tackled by event staff. When you are trying to become a big time program, you let fans storm the field. The scenes, seen all over courtesy of ESPN, were well worth the $100K in terms of the positive images it created. The players looked like they were having a ball, as did the fans. Never knew who made that idiotic call back in 2010. No, you shouldn’t be tacky like Clemson and go on the field after you beat one of the Sisters of the Poor(what do you expect though from a program that still puts Omaha on the back of their baseball caps) but when you have a huge win like we did, you allow people to celebrate as was done. My son and I FINALLY got to go on the field at Willy B., took a ton of pictures. So to whoever made that decision, and for the team and the coaches who made it possible, a big thank you!!!