In a few days I will go from being a basic licensed engineer to supervising the work of other engineers. Completely different field. So I will literally be in charge of people who have been doing a job for 20 years that I know very little about.
My biggest fear is becoming a tyrant, like so many of my past bosses, which I why I do not work for them anymore.
I know I need to dress more professional and follow the rules tighter. To lead by example.
But I have not been this fearful of a transition since I gave up pest control and went back to MSU when I was almost 30 years old.
What advice does the six pack have to give me to help me be successful doing this?
Meet with them early on collectively:
1) Ask them what the toughest part of their job is.
2) Ask them if they are missing any tools that they need to do their job.
3) Ask them if there are any current processes that are fundamentally broken.
4) Ask them if there are any sacred cows. Ask them if any of those sacred cows are fundamentally broken.
5) Ask them what is working that absolutely should remain as is.
6) Tell them that you are open to feedback and happy to address any issues they bring. Caveat that by asking that for every issue they bring up to you that they bring 3 possible solutions for the problem. If the idea/solutions are sound, ask them to lead the effort.
7) Tell them that you are there to provide them the tools and support that they need to do their jobs as efficiently and effectively as possible. Then do it.
8) Tell them that you value them growing not just as an employee but as a person. Then prove it through caring about them and who they are as a person just trying to get through life same as you.
9) If there is an elephant in the room regarding your specific experience, method of promotion, etc. address it head on.
10) Tell them you appreciate candor and if something needs to be said for the good of the group/company/product/customer that they should say it.
11) Challenge them to not have meetings after meetings. Refer to 10) and let them know that it is OK to leave a meeting feeling like you didn't get exactly what you wanted, but it is not OK to leave without committing to any established direction.
12) Ask if they have any questions.
After that, meet individually with them and pretty much follow the same script. Some people won't speak out in a crowded room. Some of these people will be your best source of ideas. Some of these people will be the ones that always hold a meeting after the meeting with cohorts to bash whatever was just discussed. Address any individual concerns that you find, even it means telling them you don't have an answer but will do some work on it and then follow up. Then do that.
Best of luck. Leadership can be incredibly rewarding if you have good support above you and if your responsibility is in line with your authority. A lot of your job will be providing support for your team despite any stupidity that goes on above you, to the best of your ability.
ETA: Being a good leader is about asking the right questions, not having all the answers.