Our Brittany Spaniel, "Marcus Aurelius", is 15-ish (we think, rescued him in 2010). He has been beyond wonderful. Extremely loving, smart, trouble free. He and I have probably walked 10,000 miles together. Now he is fading quickly. Totally deaf, clear confusion/dementia most of the day, occasionally going to bathroom on rug. Also has random nosebleeds. Vet has not determined anything terminal like cancer, etc... He can still jump up on couch but stairs are out of the question. Really heartbreaking to watch. My last dog was a Golden (named Nittany) and he suddenly dropped dead of cancer at age 9, so this is my first real experience with this slow fade to the end. One minute my wife screams at having to shampoo the carpets almost daily, but when I bring up putting him down she refused to even consider it.
When is it time to say goodbye?
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Put our 17 year old dog down back in May. The best advice we were given…what are your dog’s 5 favorite things? If they are no longer doing any of those 5 things, it’s another sign that it’s time.
Beautiful dog by the way. You can just tell he’s a good boy and a really awesome friend.