Steer clear of any of the ones that have the linear compressor. We got ours about 7 years ago and it bit the dust at 5 years 3 months. 3 months outside the warranty window. The fridge repairman said he had just diagnosed 3 of the same exact fridge that day with the same issue. All just outside the warranty period. He said at that time that LG was looking to switch off that compressor since it was a piece of junk.
Steer clear of any of the ones that have the linear compressor. We got ours about 7 years ago and it bit the dust at 5 years 3 months. 3 months outside the warranty window. The fridge repairman said he had just diagnosed 3 of the same exact fridge that day with the same issue. All just outside the warranty period. He said at that time that LG was looking to switch off that compressor since it was a piece of junk.