My theory on pessimism centers on our older fans (sixty and older). There's a significant block of these folks who are afraid of success. Not all of them; I'm guessing this applies to about 35% of that age group.
They want us to win, of course. They attend a few games and give a little money. But somewhere deep down, in places they don't talk about at parties, they're afraid that winning will bring change. And they're uncomfortable with that. They might not get to park close to the stadium. They might have to pay more for their seats. Or stand up to see over the youngsters ringing those stupid cowbells. They take a perverse pride in being "lovable losers". They say things like "I hope we don't get ranked. We play better when we're not ranked." And "We don't deserve a bowl game/regional host/tournament bid."
They don't like losing, but it doesn't tear them up inside. They can get home faster with less traffic. God help them if visiting fans don't have the most amazing experience in our stadium. Create an intimidating environment to help our team win? No, it's too loud or too bright or too new or an opposing player's great aunt might post something mean about us on Facebook.
I've honestly never met a single State fan that fits these criteria.
Hope that wasn't pessimistic.
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