is for someone to design band uniforms that don't absorb so much heat. Basically, uniforms that are more lightweight and breath more easily. Band uniforms are basically scotch guarded cotton, which are long sleeve, and then you have the throw in the fact that the band is tightly packed in along with 90+ degree temperatures, and it gets pretty dangerous. Those uniforms were designed for places like Michigan and Ohio.
I do think that another solution would be for someone/ the band to buy those "cool zone" fans that spray water into the air to try to help keep the temperature down.
You can make fun of band people for being wusses and all that, but look at all the heat related deaths and cases of dehydration that are happening to football players in recent years, and that's with all of the precautions that they take, the cool zone fans, and the constant hydration. Those football players are typically in top shape and have to go through physicals every year, and you're seeing them suffer from heat related trauma every year. Point is, you can be in top shape and still suffer from dehydration and heat stroke.
The last thing that I want to say if you want the band to wear uniforms even if it means endangering people, you're being an *******. I'd like to see you validate wearing uniforms to a parent that has a child in the hospital on life support due to heat stroke. I'd like to see you say well, they should have been in better shape. Send their family a card that says "Hey thanks for wearing the band uniform during the SLU game. Ya'll looked great!" And you can say but...but...EVERYONE else does it, and that's not true. For one, I know that Ole Miss doesn't wear their uniforms to every game. I've also seen other bands on TV that weren't wearing their uniforms. If you think I'm exagerrating, I'm not. Heat stroke is almost a death sentence, if you're lucky.
And Mrs. Lance is not going to change. When I was in the band, we played Memphis during the day around noon and wore our uniforms, and the temp was 100+. We had something like six people pass out. I'm in fairly good shape and I lost 10 pounds basically in water. After that game, she swore that we would not wear full uniforms for a game in those types of conditions ever again, and she didn't cared who complained about it.