Band to sit in endzone this year

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Apr 6, 2008
good... I can never hear them when i sit with my parents in the upper deck, but boy can i hear the visiting band loud and clear.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Why would the echo be cut out? It is a true echo. The crowd is yelling in unison and then the sound bounces off the other side of the stadium. The band has nothing to do with the echo which got louder after the upper deck on the East side went up in 2001.

The echo will get louder because more people will be able to hear the FMB and therefore will respond to Go State.


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Jan 23, 2007
I think the band, and the drums beating in particular add to the whole aura that is college football. I never understand the people sitting up in the suites or in the club level with the windows sealed off where they can't hear everything going on.


New member
Feb 18, 2007
I am not big on band people but, I can't think of college football without the band. When the bulldogs are getting off the buses and heading to the M-club with the band playing, would get Debbie Downer fired up.

Damn I can't wait until football season starts.

edited to add:

I think putting the band in the endzone is a great idea.


DawgatAuburn said: long as they have on their %*%@* uniforms on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

</p>I know....those damn pussies. "Too hot to wear the uniforms"...well lose some weight and quit eating all those <17>ing twinkies and maybe it won't be as bad.

Goat Holder

It will at least make the endzone look full. And more seats for students hopefully.


Nov 15, 2005
...with our opponents' bands than with our own. I am inevitably jealous of the Auburn band (for example) when they play cool **** like "Eye of the Tiger" to fire up their team. Meanwhile, my beloved FMB is out on the field, playing halftime songs from "Annie", "Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits", or "Mr. Rogers's Neighborhood". I just can't get fired up to the crap our band plays.

*With the notable exception of instances like, at the end of the '99 and '07 Egg Bowls, when I'm sure they were playing something that added to the excitement. But I didn't really notice it. If so, kudos.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
This is the best news I have heard all day

Our next challenge is to get the inflatable helmet removed. Has anyone heard anything on that


New member
Aug 16, 2006
but for BC members no. For the fraternities...yes. Some poor pledge of KA or Pike just got assigned to be in the stadium about day break to save those seats. Get to the stadium early and watch for fights in that area. </p>


New member
Jul 1, 2008
This is such a good idea, the acoustics are awful where they sit now. Now at the end of the game more people than just the student section can hear the "hey go state" song


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
...but the crowd is not yelling in unison because there's a delay between when the band plays and the people on the west side hear it. If you're sitting on the west side you don't hear it because you yell Go State when you hear the east side yell Go State. If you're on the east side, you don't hear the west side until a split second later because you were yelling with the band and it takes about half a second for the west side to hear you and for you to hear them back.

If the band is in the endzone, then both sides hear the music at the same time and both yell at the same time.

That said, this is a nerd topic, let's not talk about it any more.


Feb 24, 2008
His music would be an improvement. I'm particularly fond of the same old patriotism program they do every year. Tired doesn't begin to describe it.


Sitting behind the tuba's was beginning to be a bad thing for me. However, I don't like the idea because the losers that sit in the end zone will come up and sit by us. BAD IDEA!!


New member
Jul 10, 2008
However, I don't like the idea because the losers that sit in the end zone will come up and sit by us. BAD IDEA!!
I don't know the social hierarchy of who sits where in the student section of football games, but I would think sitting right behind the band would suck a lot more than sitting behind any number of "losers." I think it's a great move for everyone that the band moves to the end zone bleachers.


Aug 1, 2007
lake3dawg said:
Why would the echo be cut out? It is a true echo. The crowd is yelling in unison and then the sound bounces off the other side of the stadium. The band has nothing to do with the echo which got louder after the upper deck on the East side went up in 2001.

The echo will get louder because more people will be able to hear the FMB and therefore will respond to Go State.

Please tell me you don't actually have a degree from MSU. You really think this is a echo? do you not understand the whole "speed of sound" thing or what?


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Mar 3, 2008
is for someone to design band uniforms that don't absorb so much heat. Basically, uniforms that are more lightweight and breath more easily. Band uniforms are basically scotch guarded cotton, which are long sleeve, and then you have the throw in the fact that the band is tightly packed in along with 90+ degree temperatures, and it gets pretty dangerous. Those uniforms were designed for places like Michigan and Ohio.

I do think that another solution would be for someone/ the band to buy those "cool zone" fans that spray water into the air to try to help keep the temperature down.

You can make fun of band people for being wusses and all that, but look at all the heat related deaths and cases of dehydration that are happening to football players in recent years, and that's with all of the precautions that they take, the cool zone fans, and the constant hydration. Those football players are typically in top shape and have to go through physicals every year, and you're seeing them suffer from heat related trauma every year. Point is, you can be in top shape and still suffer from dehydration and heat stroke.

The last thing that I want to say if you want the band to wear uniforms even if it means endangering people, you're being an *******. I'd like to see you validate wearing uniforms to a parent that has a child in the hospital on life support due to heat stroke. I'd like to see you say well, they should have been in better shape. Send their family a card that says "Hey thanks for wearing the band uniform during the SLU game. Ya'll looked great!" And you can say but...but...EVERYONE else does it, and that's not true. For one, I know that Ole Miss doesn't wear their uniforms to every game. I've also seen other bands on TV that weren't wearing their uniforms. If you think I'm exagerrating, I'm not. Heat stroke is almost a death sentence, if you're lucky.

And Mrs. Lance is not going to change. When I was in the band, we played Memphis during the day around noon and wore our uniforms, and the temp was 100+. We had something like six people pass out. I'm in fairly good shape and I lost 10 pounds basically in water. After that game, she swore that we would not wear full uniforms for a game in those types of conditions ever again, and she didn't cared who complained about it.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Todd4State said:
You can make fun of band people for being wusses and all that,

Ok. I will.
but look at all the heat related deaths and cases of dehydration that are happening to football players in recent years, and that's with all of the precautions that they take, the cool zone fans, and the constant hydration.
Right, football players. In pads. Exerting maximum physical effort. Contrast to band members. Sitting down. Playing an instrument.
The last thing that I want to say
I bet it's not.
if you want the band to wear uniforms even if it means endangering people, you're being an *******.
I'd like to see you validate wearing uniforms to a parent that has a child in the hospital on life support due to heat stroke.
Who are the band members in this situation? This is a serious question. I don't recall ever seeing this or hearing about a band member suffering a heat stroke and being on life support. That would obviously be bad.

And Mrs. Lance is not going to change. When I was in the band, we played Memphis during the day around noon and wore our uniforms, and the temp was 100+. We had something like six people pass out. I'm in fairly good shape and I lost 10 pounds basically in water. After that game, she swore that we would not wear full uniforms for a game in those types of conditions ever again, and she didn't cared who complained about it.
I win the bet.

Look Todd, I don't want anyone to die. I am just tired of us looking like Local Yokel University in most everything we do. I have been at Auburn for 13 years, and I don't ever recall Auburn wearing anything other than their uniforms. It's got to be just as hot here as it is in Starkville or Memphis, but somehow Auburn has done it and no one has died. I wouldn't even care if they changed into short and polos after halftime, but anytime they are on the field they should be in uniform. That's my opinion and short of death, I won't be changing it.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Thankfully it hasn't happened. And part of the reason it hasn't happened is because Mrs. Lance has enough common sense- or fear that her *** would be sued, at the very least- to take preventative measures. If someone did die or go to the hospital, it would come back to her, and knowing her personally, it would probably tear her up inside. Part of that prevention is NOT wearing uniforms when the temperature is over a certain Farenheit. It's going to be hard for her and the University to defend in court that they endangered someone so that "the band could look good and that's what the alumni wanted".

As far as Auburn, I don't know what they do or don't do differently in regards to heat. I have no idea if they have uniforms that are designed better for the weather in the South.

That's my point- not that the situation has happened, but that the key to avoiding heat related trauma is preventive measures. Being in healthcare, really moreso than being in the band, is the perspective that I'm going with here. Having seen patients that have suffered heat stroke, it's not even worth taking the chance, and certainly not to "look good" or "look better/as good than Auburn". That's petty and ridiculous. Furthermore, the only people I've heard complain about it is State people. I don't recall Ole Miss fans coming over here and talking trash about our khaki shorts. It's just not worth the risk, and if Auburn doesn't take the precautions that are necessary, again I have no idea what they do or don't do, they're playing with fire.


New member
May 23, 2006
Who are the band members in this situation? This is a serious question. I don't recall ever seeing this or hearing about a band member suffering a heat stroke and being on life support. That would obviously be bad
I don't know of anyone who's died from it, but I was in the MSU band in the early 90's. When we played Texas in '91, it was over 100 degrees on the field. We had over 10 people pass out after we formed the tunnel during the pre-game show.

Most of them were in what you would consider to be decent shape, it's just that when you are wearing a wool/cotton uniform in 100+ degree weather it can be dangerous. If the university is too cheap to pay for uniforms that can be worn in extreme heat, then I think the band director is well within her rights to have them wear a shirt and shorts. I'd rather be safe than have someone become seriously ill (or die) from something as stupid as this.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I guess the point was that I don't understand the windows/doors being closed. I understand people sitting there.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
I can't speak for the specifics for Auburn, but I was watching TV one time and Navy's band was wearing polos and shorts. If it's ok for NAVY to do it, then it's ok for any band in the country to do it.
It's quite obvious that you've never had to march in 100+ degree heat, carrying a 40 pound instrument in a long sleeve wool uniform.
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