Ok guys and gals, let's get some of that money you've been saving by not donating to Penn State and get it where it may possibly do some good. Barry is asking for $10k, but that's not going to cut it. We need a big bag of money raised and this is your opportunity to help make a difference.
"Dear Penn State friends and family,
My lawsuit against the Penn State Board of Trustees and Matt Schulyer (Chair) is moving forward. Dave Lapioli, a Penn State alum who you might know, has set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help me hire legal representation. Dave is a stand up guy and I am very grateful for his effort. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-penn-state-trustee-barry-fenchaks-legal-fund
Before I filed the suit I spoke with several lawyers who quoted in the ballpark of a $10,000 retainer, so that's the goal. If I am able to hire a lawyer the complaint would be amended to request legal fees if we win, but that is at the judge's discretion and not guaranteed.
You can go to my website and read about the lawsuit (https://barryfenchak.com/legal/) - I think you'll agree it's long overdue and shows just what kind of leadership is running the BOT.
I want to make this the best lawsuit we can present, and your support will help make that happen. Sharing this with your Penn State connections would also move us closer to success. Together WE ARE making our voices heard.
I am happy to talk with anyone interested in donating. Contact me at [email protected] or check my website for other contact information including my address if you'd feel more comfortable sending a check.
Thank you for your support and encouragement, I could not be doing it without you."
"Dear Penn State friends and family,
My lawsuit against the Penn State Board of Trustees and Matt Schulyer (Chair) is moving forward. Dave Lapioli, a Penn State alum who you might know, has set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help me hire legal representation. Dave is a stand up guy and I am very grateful for his effort. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-penn-state-trustee-barry-fenchaks-legal-fund
Before I filed the suit I spoke with several lawyers who quoted in the ballpark of a $10,000 retainer, so that's the goal. If I am able to hire a lawyer the complaint would be amended to request legal fees if we win, but that is at the judge's discretion and not guaranteed.
You can go to my website and read about the lawsuit (https://barryfenchak.com/legal/) - I think you'll agree it's long overdue and shows just what kind of leadership is running the BOT.
I want to make this the best lawsuit we can present, and your support will help make that happen. Sharing this with your Penn State connections would also move us closer to success. Together WE ARE making our voices heard.
I am happy to talk with anyone interested in donating. Contact me at [email protected] or check my website for other contact information including my address if you'd feel more comfortable sending a check.
Thank you for your support and encouragement, I could not be doing it without you."