It pisses me off every time I read about the new development in Fondren. Instead of putting some cool new restaurants and bars in there, they are adding a coffee shop 1 block from an existing coffee shop, office space, and a bank. Fondren could be a really cool area, but whoever's in charge of development is doing a great job of <17>ing it up.
I listened to the head of the Rankin County Chamber of Commerce speak at lunch today, and it was pretty maddening. He said that because of the liquor ban in the county, there are a lot of restaurants that won't build in the county. Additionally, Costco was ready to put a store here until they found out about the ban. Then, he said he supported the ban. He was also asked how the 5% ABW cap on beer was hurting the county, and he said not much, except "for a couple of microbreweries." I really couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm sure no one in the area would want more restaurants, Costco, or restaurants that brewed their own beer.