1. Munson
2. Ward
3. Jack
Everyone else, big drop off.
Munson's style is so unique, and I like the use of "we," "our," etc. during his broadcasts. The "Hob-Nail Boot" call was an instant classic. Ward was just very solid and the trademark "Touchdown, Tennessee!" was nice. Jack may have the best pure voice and has a simplistic, just-the-facts style that's becoming a lost art. "Wrap it in Maroon and White!" is certainly the trademark. The Cristilisms, while funny, are the result of ****** football and a cranky old man. I enjoy them, but they probably aren't lasting. The 1980 Bama call was good, but basic in Jack's style. You just aren't going to get "Hob-Nail Boot" or a Wardism out of Jack's style.