Brown and Wesley sentenced........


New member
Aug 16, 2006
Croom can not afford to. He has gone on record entirely to much about running a program with character guys. Not to mention, letting them come back, would under-mind his authority with the rest of the players. I am all for Croom's attempt to build a team of character too. College football should be a privilege for the athletes and entertainment for the fans. Not a win at all cost, business it has turned into.

I hate it for Brown and Wesley. However, they could have called the cops or went to coaches or locked themselves in a dorm. Anything but what they did.


New member
Jan 23, 2007

I am not opposed to them getting a second chance -- After the term of their probation is up. And if they didn't get probation, I'm not sure how I feel. I just think those guys need a little time instead of immediate reinstatement. And by a little time, I don't mean the summer.
Aug 30, 2006
I think they should get another chance
I just don't think it should be at MSU. I hope that another school gives them a chance to come in and prove themselves to be good responsible citizens. However, they discarded their chance at MSU. The situation was weird & unique & I think they know they reacted poorly. I believe that they know how badly they screwed up & sincerely regret it. That said, in order for society to exist, consequences have to exist for actions. Part of those consequences for Brown & Wesley are losing their scholarship, being kicked off the team, & being kicked out of school. Personally, I don't believe there is a single person on this board that would be defending or rationalizing their actions if they were just a couple of regular college students. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it....


New member
Aug 21, 2007
BigMotherTucker said:
We NEED Brown on the line.</p>


And at the end of the day, that's all any of us really care about anyway. If we could enroll him and get him on our team for this fall, I'd take him as well. It's all about winning.


New member
May 1, 2006
I don't care about the whole convicted felony stuff. The bottom line is they fired a gun on campus in 2008 in the wake of various school shootings that have happened recently. We cannot let them back in. I don't think Wesley and Brown are going to go on a killing spree, or even just fire another gun, but we can't take that chance when they have already fired off a gun. Firing a gun on campus should be treated with permanet epulsion carried out immediately. As football players I'd love to have them back, but we have the safety of other students to worry about, and that's more important than winning football games. I'd be ticked off if I was a student or had a kid going there and they let these guys back in.

Ole Miss Grad

They have to pay $100 per month on their fine, along with $50 per month to their probation officer.

If they were still on scholarship, they would get their monthly allowance from MSU....which is currently around $700 per month.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
mainly because of this:</p>
I'd be ticked off if I was a student or had a kid going there and they let these guys back in.
Just too much publicity involved with these two. My primary point is that there are students on campus that are much greater threats than Brown and Wesley. You made a comment that some offenses should carry immediate expulsion and I agree with you and I also agree that gun play should be one of those offenses. What bothers me is that there are many more transgressions that should carry the same penalty. However, if you've got the right kind of pull, it doesn't seem to work that way.