BulldogBacker's Tupelo Road Dawgs Report...

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Because this board is not limited to just State fans. If it's a legitimate argument, go for it.
Oct 17, 2007
was it just Croom making a random comment or was it in the context of something bigger.

I have a hard time seeing him saying "well I see a lot of promise in Carroll and Lee, and by the way if I had 24 players..."

Coaches make jabs at rival schools to make the crowd laugh, it is a tried and true public speaking tactic that you might try sometime. If your coaches have never said anything negative about MSU so be it, you are just better people than we are. Maybe we can strive to have an large part of our alumni base with the alcoholic's red tint to our face...or maybe ya'll just still paint up at that age.
Mar 3, 2008
Why in THE HELL would you tell Greg Byrne he is in a "no win situation" with the head baseball coach hire? Any AD at any school is going to piss some people off and make the others happy with a new hire. You should have told him you look forward to him putting his stamp on MSU athletics and that you fully support the national search. Unless you don't. And then you would be wrong and I don't want you having any more "private conversations" with him. Like he needs somebody reminding him what Polk thinks.

Ole Miss Grad

I'm not going to get into a pissing match on a rival schools board, but I suspect it followed some comment about 'character', blah, blah, blah.....which is a hysterical joke to most people of any knowledge----including the media.

Once the general public feels like Croom has been given his fair chance......and his butt is on the hotseat, the media will use all that against him. I'm shocked Croom can't see that.


New member
Sep 1, 2003
i don't see why it's a big deal. i wasn't there, not even on that side of the world, but i daresay it's just something he said to get state fans laughing, and not any kind of pledge. it's a fundraiser for state, not some kind of political campaign. jokes about your opposition go with the territory.

and, no, i wouldn't have a problem if nutt made a crack about his players not firing guns on campus.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
The obvious reason why Croom makes statements about Ole Miss while Ole Miss never even mentions State is that you guys just have more class. We are but jesters to your court. One day maybe we will find some class somewhere, but I wouldn't count on it. Another reason why NOONE from Ole Miss ever mentions State is because we are not your rival, remember? Your rival is LSU. So why would you waste your time with us. Ole miss is the harvard of the south, the only reason why our avg ACT scores are higher is because there is an agriculture section added. So there you go, I acknowledged your complete dominance.....now back to naffoom to talk about party school ratings.

Bulldog Backer

New member
Jul 22, 2007
...I told him I fully supported his selection and his energy and direction for the Athletic Department. There was a lot more to the conversation than you make it out to be. I told him I supported him with whomever his choice was. I have talked to Greg a lot more than most on this board.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I read Veazey's blog entry on this subject, and he falls just short of saying Croom shouldn't have made the comment.

So yes, I think that the media, especially those in this area, recognize that his program isn't much different in the character area than anyone else's program, and yes I think his comments will come back against him whenever he does reach the hot seat point that all coaches eventually reach.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Bulldog Backer said:
...I told him I fully supported his selection and his energy and direction for the Athletic Department. There was a lot more to the conversation than you make it out to be. I told him I supported him with whomever his choice was. I have talked to Greg a lot more than most on this board.

</p>putting anyone at ease with that statement


New member
Mar 3, 2008
RebelBruiser said:
I read Veazey's blog entry on this subject, and he falls just short of saying Croom shouldn't have made the comment.

So yes, I think that the media, especially those in this area, recognize that his program isn't much different in the character area than anyone else's program, and yes I think his comments will come back against him whenever he does reach the hot seat point that all coaches eventually reach.



New member
Feb 14, 2008
I loved it when Jackie would make remarks about "Mississippi." HOWEVER, jokes about kicking players off the team for offenses that seem minor to things that went on recently at State, is quite foolish.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Croom will always be the First AA coach in the SEC. That's how the media sees him. He's always going to be seen as the "classy coach" that was the son of a preacher.

The facts don't matter.


I am Al Czervik

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Croom is black? Seriously though who really gives a rat's *** what these coaches say on the rubber chicken circuit? It is nothing but pandering.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
that the Rebels are concerned that Coach Croom is a threat to them. The same Rebels that were saying after Croom's first year that he was doing things the "right way" are now calling him a hypocrite and boldly predicting that "next year" he'll be back in the hot seat. Relax. It was a joke that he told to a group of MSU supporters to get them fired up and bait UM. Its pretty obivious from the comments on this board that he got under the Rebels' skin. Good for him.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
dawgoneyall said:
It's is minor if it is someone else's stuff stolen. Maybe?


He's using the term minor to make a comparison between the incidents at Ole Miss last year and the incidents at MSU this spring.

And yes, I do think most people would consider stealing a clock radio or stealing a pillow to be minor in comparison to shooting a gun at someone.

I'd much rather have someone steal my pillows and radios than have them shoot at me, especially if I had the theives' credit card information and had the option of charging them for my missing items. You may not consider the stealing act itself to be minor, but TR is saying it's minor in comparison to other acts that are much more serious offenses.

rebel law

New member
Jun 4, 2007
Just how is Croom at threat to Ole Miss? In case you missed it, we went 0-8 in the last year. Croom isn't anymore of a "threat" to us than Bobby Johnson. It's not like we are sitting on a perch on top of the West trying to determine what team and coach is a "threat" to us. 0 and %%*+*!# 8. You don't have threats at 0 and 8.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
RebelBruiser said:
And yes, I do think most people would consider stealing a clock radio or stealing a pillow to be minor in comparison to shooting a gun at someone.

</p>that they were shooting at anyone. They simply fired a gun on campus, to my understanding.

Both the clock radio and shooting incidents are stupid on both ends.

Ole Miss Grad

Actually most Ole Miss fans that I know can see right through him. Same goes for MSU fans. Some are hesitant to say, but it's obvious.

This has nothing to do with the Ole Miss/MSU rivalry, but I honestly don't know anyone in the SEC that is scared of Croom's abilities.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
.....we're not in the top 2-3 teams in the SEC, but that we're getting close? REALLY? Then prove it next next season. You gotta have another winning season first and foremost. After that we'll judge where your team stands.

Homer J Simpon IV

captaindawg said:
that the Rebels are concerned that Coach Croom is a threat to them. The same Rebels that were saying after Croom's first year that he was doing things the "right way" are now calling him a hypocrite and boldly predicting that "next year" he'll be back in the hot seat. Relax. It was a joke that he told to a group of MSU supporters to get them fired up and bait UM. Its pretty obvious from the comments on this board that he got under the Rebels' skin. Good for him.

Christ.</p>Croom's a threat now.

Didn't think I'd ever see that phrase on a board that is still pissed off about how bad the offense was all last year (and the retention of McCorvey and transfer of Riddell, the best QB on the team from what I've read here), the 6-0 overtime spring game and Ellis Johnson being gone. Your NFL-caliber LT (Not my claim as I didn't know who he was until after the incident, but it seems like several have called Brown that), Wesley and Hughes gone for good, and Anthony Johnson gone for '08 if not permanently. I think losing Blackledge, Titus Brown, Burks, Butler, Hannibal, O'Neal and Sherrod will hurt a great deal as well.

Your schedule also looks to be tougher next year (Auburn, Vanderbilt, Kentucky and Arkansas in Starkville, LSU, Tennessee, Alabama and us on the road ((and we now have a coach that has had your number and may even punt the ball on 4th down if the game's in control)), and Georgia Tech replaces West Virginia.

If Croom pulls off a winning season with all this ****, my hats off to him and I'll proclaim him to be the threat of threats. But going 7-5 by beating an Auburn team when it was struggling early, an Alabama team that lost to Louisiana Monroe on senior day (and without the departed Anthony Johnson's 100+ yard pick 6 may have won), an 0-7 OM team that choked away the game, Tulane, UAB, and Gardner-Webb (are they even 1-AA?) does not equal SEC threat in my eyes yet. I didn't mention Kentucky because I'm just going to give credit on that one. That was the one win that impressed me. And don't bring up the Liberty Bowl because my old high school could've stopped their QB. All you had to do was key on the RB.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
when they handed out bowl bids, they didn't take into account six of our seven wins were pretty worthless in the Homer Simpson Championship Series. And then the bowl game was worthless as well. I wonder two things: Could Ole Miss have outdone your high school and beaten UCF? How many of your eight conference losses were equally worthless?

Only in your world could playing Vandy at home instead of South Carolina on the road, and playing Georgia Tech instead of West Virginia equal a harder schedule.

I'm not going to sit here and say that Croom's a threat to anyone at this time, but your post is just ridiculous.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
have the opinion that Croom is a much better man than he is a coach.

I think most coaches around the conference think he's both a good man and a good coach.

I think most Mississippi fans think he is an uppity n word.

I personally think he's a good man with an unfortunate chip on his shoulder the size of the Selma Bridge. I also happen to think that, if he will surround himself with quality assistant coaching talent - even if it means backtracking from his assinine pronouncements about "never gonna fire a coach," he could produce a consistent 6-8 win product. His level of sophistication and his complete lack of innovation and his incredible jackassedness will never allow him to excel consistently. But all he needs to do is beat Mississippi 5 out of 10, get to a bowl 3 or 4 times a decade, and backdoor into a west championship once in his career, and he's black jackie.


New member
May 1, 2006
I don't view Croom as a threat to OM or anyone, yet. He still has a lot to prove. However, I take a few issues with your post.

1. Our schedule next year is not tougher than last year. Last year's was brutal. We had to go to Auburn, to UK, to West Virginia, to Arky, and to SC. We also had to play LSU at home to start the friggin season and also caught UT at home. I still don't know how we got 7 wins out of that schedule, the team deserves major credit for that.

2. You talk about catching breaks. What team doesn't catch breaks in a winning season? Let's not forget Auburn dropping an easy TD pass against you guys in '03. You also say we caught teams at the right time. I would argue that we caught LSU, UT, Arky, and SC at the wrong time. Again, that's part of the game.

3. You are not giving the D enough credit for stopping UCF's RB. That guy was awesome. Some of the moves he made to get back to the LOS were really impressive. He still had over 100 yards, even though we focused in on him. You act like all a team had to do was focus on him and they would win the game. My question to that is why didn't more teams stop him and beat UCF?

Look, we get it. You guys had a craptastic season. We had a good season. Again, I'm not yet sold on Croom, but I'll give him a ton of credit for getting 7 wins plus a bowl win last year with that schedule. He deserves it.

Homer J Simpon IV

Pretty sure I made it clear that we blew chunks last year. I also did not mean that Vanderbilt was tougher than South Carolina (please point out where I said that), but that the home-away game swap looks like it may be tougher. Your easiest 2 SEC games are at home (Vandy, Kentucky) with Auburn and Arkansas, and your road schedule looks pretty damn difficult with Tennessee, Alabama, LSU and us on the road. Lose to Arkansas and Auburn, and 3-5 or 2-6 in conference is likely.

Just my view, I could be wrong. You don't have to like it, just like you don't have to like my view about your wins last year. But here are the facts.

Auburn's 1-2 start concluded with the home loss to MSU. It had also struggled to beat 5-7 Kansas State and lost to South Florida at home. They would go 8-2 the rest of the way with losses to LSU and Georgia (national champ and Sugar Bowl champ) on the road. You caught them at the right time. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

Alabama went 6-6 and you got them at home. They were in position score a touchdown to take a 13-point lead (or at least get a field goal to make it 9) right before the half before John Parker Wilson ("He's a winner. He gets the job done" - credit ESPN during the early season Alabama blowjob fest) threw a pick-6 to a guy that will not be on the team this year, the difference in the game.

You beat an 0-8 Ole Miss team that had the game in hand. All we had to do was punt and play good defense. We went for it and got stopped, sparking MSU, and choked the rest of the way. In hindsight it was the best thing that could've happened to us though as it resulted in the coaching change. Still, it would've been fun to see a team with a 3-4 SEC record lose to its 0-7 rival at home at home, especially with talk that a 6-6 record may have left MSU home for the holidays.

Wins over UAB (2-10), Tulane (4-8), and Gardner-Webb (5-6 at 1-AA) simply don't impress me. Now if they impress you and other MSU fans, that's fantastic.

But it's the equivalent of me attempting to claim that our wins over Louisiana Tech (5-7), Northwestern State (4-7) and Memphis (7-6) were impressive. They weren't.

With regards to the Central Florida game, their quarterback was one of the worst I have ever seen in my life. There's a difference between a good QB being defensed well, and a QB who is just bad. This one was the latter. Had I seen them in some other games, I might have been impressed with them. But they looked horrible that entire game. That's what I based my opinion on. Well, that and the fact that, once again, the C-USA champ lost to the 6th or 7th-place SEC team.

Now you're asking the wrong question. This is not about what we could've done last year. We sucked, admittedly. I don't think I've seen an Ole Miss fan debate that point.

The real question is this. Could MSU have actually repeated the feat against the 3 quality teams they beat (Auburn, Alabama, Kentucky)? Catch Auburn later in the year, don't get the pick-6 against Alabama (or catch them earlier when they were hot, and not in the midst of a 4-game losing streak), and if Ole Miss punts on the 4th down instead of going for it, 7-5 likely turns into 4-8. Better yet, what are the odds MSU will beat these teams, or LSU, Tennessee and Arkansas for that matter in 2008?
Oct 17, 2007
they(Auburn, Alabama, and Kentucky) had their chance against us and lost. You only play it once. Your opinion doesn't matter when it is up against fact.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
thats why they play the games. Its pretty unreal though that you would take the time to research our season and write such a detailed account of what things "could" have been.</p>


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I think you're missing the point.

State went 7-5 in the SEC with a difficult schedule and won their bowl game. Sure, you could argue that they played some teams "at the right time" but, then, to be consistent, you'd also have to argue that they played other teams "at the wrong time." For example, South Carolina was clearly better when State played them than at the end of the season.

And, while there were games that were helped by one play here or there in State's favor, there were also games that would have turned out much differently if plays hadn't gone in the opponents' favor. For example, UT wouldn't have scored one of their TDs in the second half if not for a terrible personal foul call, and then the game plays out much differently at the end, with State having a chance to win.

The point is, the schedule was favorable in some ways for MSU, and unfavorable in some ways for MSU. And, MSU had some good things happen to help them win close games, and some bad things happen to lose games.

No, MSU probably would not win all 7 games if they played them over. But, they probably wouldn't lose all 5 they lost if they played those over either.

Homer J Simpon IV

captaindawg said:
Its pretty unreal though that you would take the time to research our season and write such a detailed account of what things "could" have been.</p>

Yeah, I know. I'll never get that 3 minutes back.

Homer J Simpon IV

I know the point and I agree with everything you said. What got me started on this whole thing was the assertion that Croom was suddenly this threat that the whole SEC should be terrified (and looking ahead to what's coming back next year, what's missing, the schedule, etc.) when, if you look at it, MSU really only beat 3 good teams (perhaps only 2 pending on whether 6-6 Alabama would be considered a quality team, and barely beating them a quality win).

I also want it noted, and this is not in response to you specifically, that if Croom has the same degree of success next year or greater, I will really be impressed with him as a coach. Last season just did not sell me on him though.

Bulldog Backer

New member
Jul 22, 2007
...a friend of mine, who lives in Houston, Texas, was listening to a talk radio show about 2 years ago, and the host was interviewing Coach Mack Brown. Since this friend of mine is a UT alumnus and a die hard Longhorn fan, he listened to every word of the show. He called me after the show, and said, "hey Glen, how are you, you old SOB?" After exhanging a few pleasantries and insults, he said, "I was listening to Mack Brown talk, and he was asked to name one program he thinks will be dangerous within a year or two, and he said "Coach Croom at Mississippi State. He is building a dangerous team, and within two or three years they will be an SEC and National Power." In the Tupelo meeting, Coach Croom talked about possibly being in position to challenge for the SEC West this year, if our kids stay focused and take care of business. It seems Mack Brown may have been right.

Homer J Simpon IV

Random OM fan? I've got 4 fewer posts than you for <17> sake.

My take on your last season is just my opinion, based in large part from things I've read here. And I'm just expressing that opinion.

So I return your question. An MSU fan disagrees with my not being impressed with their '07 season. If someone's impressed with his not being impressed and no one's around to document the occasion, did the achievement of impressing another random person actually occur?


New member
Aug 30, 2006
here it goes again with moron om fan saying we lucked up and caught teams at the right time...i thought we went over this already?


New member
Mar 3, 2008
you talk about "luck", but against Auburn we had to score a TD on a couple of draw plays, we had an excellent punt before that which flipped the field position in our favor, and then we had a stand inside the 10 yard line to win the game.

Against UK, we just whipped them.

Aganst Bama, we got a great pash rush on Wilson, who made a mistake in throwing the ball up for grabs, which we then intercepted and took to the house. Bama also hit two 50 plus yard FG's that game and had the ball at the end of the game and were driving, but stood up.

Against Ole Miss, our defense got great penetration on the "fatal" 4th down call, and then our offense, which had done nothing all day went down and got a TD. A drive later, we throw an INT that should have given Ole Miss the momentum back, but our defense made a great stop and then we had the punt return back for a TD, which was partially because of good coaching because one of our GA's noticed that one of your ST's guys was lazy on the backside and told Pegues to cut back, which basically left him one on one in the open field against someone. We then have another 3 and out, and our offense gets in position for our then erratic kicker to make a career long FG to win.

In the LB, we had a great gameplan, and again when our offense wasn't doing anything, we managed to nut up the last drive and score the winning TD because we executed better and outcoached UCF, which has a pretty good HC.

Not to mention the fact that Croom has also beaten Saban, Tuberville, and Rich Brooks all in the last year.</p>


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Gary Enis IS the head baseball coach at Tupelo. I played ball with Gary at Chesterville from the time we were 9 years old. I also graduated from Tupelo with Gary...he is a good dude.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Todd4State said:
you talk about "luck", but against Auburn we had to score a TD on a couple of draw plays, we had an excellent punt before that which flipped the field position in our favor, and then we had a stand inside the 10 yard line to win the game.

Against UK, we just whipped them.

Aganst Bama, we got a great pash rush on Wilson, who made a mistake in throwing the ball up for grabs, which we then intercepted and took to the house. Bama also hit two 50 plus yard FG's that game and had the ball at the end of the game and were driving, but stood up.

Against Ole Miss, our defense got great penetration on the "fatal" 4th down call, and then our offense, which had done nothing all day went down and got a TD. A drive later, we throw an INT that should have given Ole Miss the momentum back, but our defense made a great stop and then we had the punt return back for a TD, which was partially because of good coaching because one of our GA's noticed that one of your ST's guys was lazy on the backside and told Pegues to cut back, which basically left him one on one in the open field against someone. We then have another 3 and out, and our offense gets in position for our then erratic kicker to make a career long FG to win.

In the LB, we had a great gameplan, and again when our offense wasn't doing anything, we managed to nut up the last drive and score the winning TD because we executed better and outcoached UCF, which has a pretty good HC.

Not to mention the fact that Croom has also beaten Saban, Tuberville, and Rich Brooks all in the last year.</p>

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. It was luck, remember?
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