Buy/Sell J-Money is best BBall player in MSU History....


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Stormrider81 said:
The guy takes stupid shots sometimes, but crap man if we didn't have him we wouldn't have sniffed an SEC West title or an NCAA berth the past two years. Outside sources have a better understanding of what he does for us than our own fanbase.

Bingo!!! We have jackasses here that are getting into pissing matches because some of us MSU fans appreciate a good player. Goddamn, we had 2 guards that were lucky to score 10 in a game, yet we continue to dog Jamont for "hogging the ball". If he was playing alongside Darryl Wilson, sure you don't want Jamont jacking up 20 shots, but **** he was playing with Ben and Randy for christsakes. Until Charles went on his tear to end the season, Jamont was the team's leading scorer for the entire season. The almighty deity that is Hansbrough had SIXTEEN single digit scoring games this year and Randy was hardly a presence on the floor in the last half of the season.

Not sure what MSU fans want. We **** on Jamont's accomplishments, praise McDonald's AA Scotty Hopson for going elsewhere, and then ***** and moan because Tyler's brother is leaving. Dee Bost and Osby better get ready. If they don't score 40 points per game between them next year our fine MSU basketball fans will be calling for their heads.</p>


New member
Apr 1, 2008
Zimmerman, Bowers, Dontae, Wilson, Dampier, Varnado are my favorites. Not saying he isn't a good ball player, he just needs to tighten up his game a bit. I think with some decent gym time his shot will improve immensly and he won't be so sloppy. The major task that Stans has in front of him is to get him to play with more urgency, less palming and overall sharper gameplay. Best ever seems to be a bait type of post, but it is still worth discussing.</p>


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Coach34 said:
Gordon hasnt. Why? Defenses had to pay so much attention to Wilson because he could fill it up. Dampier wasnt much help on offense, Russell Walters? The same.</p> <p style="font-weight: bold;">I know one thing, had Wilson been on this years team instead of Gordon, they wouldnt have been an 8 seed. They would have been at worst a 4</p>

Good God. Between you and Fishwater I am really not sure who the bigger idiot is


New member
May 1, 2006
Jamont was the only consistent backcourt player we had this past season. Ben and Barry couldn't consistently create their own shot and couldn't consistently hit wide open outside shots. Sure, we had excellent low post play from late December forward, but we still had lackluster backcourt play outside of Jamont. People complain because he takes 3s in crunch time but he has passed it off to the others before and they flat out missed. I don't blame him for taking the shots, he probably had as good a chance as anyone to hit them.

People refuse to admit that there have been times when he has been forced to carry the team and he did so willingly. Look at the Memphis game, he almost singlehandedly brought us back from 8 down to tie the game, yet he gets flack for taking the last shot. It boggles the mind how our fans treat Jamont.

Some may say I'm showing Jamont a lot of love. I say that I just simply realize what he has done for us and what kind of team we have. If he leaves we are going to struggle mightily. You can better believe the rest of the SEC hopes he jumps into the draft.


Jun 11, 2007
DowntownDawg said:
intangibles and little things like leadership ability, clutch shooting, free throw shooting, decision making vs. raw athletic ability.
I like Jamont and all, but some of you are overrating him badly. I think y'all are looking too much at ability and athleticism and not at results. In Jamont's three years, I remember him winning a game in the final minute twice. Kentucky in the SEC tourney and Troy his freshman year.

This year in the SEC tournament against Alabama, he was on the free throw line with a chance to ice the game and I had no faith that the game was over. With some other players of the past, there would have been no doubt in my mind. I just never trusted Jamont, and that's why I don't feel like he's an all-time great.


Jun 11, 2007
Stormrider81 said:
Outside sources have a better understanding of what he does for us than our own fanbase.

Outside sources often only see highlights; we see everything, the good and the bad. And if you're going off of highlights and things he can do that few other players can, then yes, he is one of the best players we've ever had.</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
Not to take what you said to extremes, but you do realize that some people who aren't MSU fans do watch entire games that we've played, not just highlights? People like opposing coaches, commentators, journalists, some fans of other schools. And that's the point I'm trying to make, people that have watched us a lot and aren't MSU fans have a better understanding of what Jamont does that some of our own fanbase does, and that's sad. I'll use this example again, he brought us back against Memphis and gave us a chance to tie yet gets flack for shooting the final shot. He's often called a selfish player even though he had games with upwards of 10 assists.
Aug 30, 2006
Outside sources often only see highlights; we see everything, the good and the bad. And if you're going off of highlights and things he can do that few other players can, then yes, he is one of the best players we've ever had.</p>
More times than not, the first person mentioned by opposing coaches, both before and after the game, is Jamont Gordon. That is the bottom line. That should tell you all you need to know about his ability to effect the game.

Does he make mistakes sometimes? Absolutely. Can it be frustrating as crap to watch him when he goes into his "I'm the next MJ" style of play? Absolutely. However, he is the best player on the team right now. And, he should be remembered as the best player on the team during his time here as well a very good player for MSU.


Jun 11, 2007
But I think people outside of the program overrate him. An example would be Gottfried. Of course he stated that Jamont was without a doubt the best player in the league. Jamont torched their *** in Tuscaloosa. But I bet Dave Odom didn't think he was the best. Jamont sucked against South Carolina this year and last.

You say other people watch all of our games, but do they really? Obviously caoches who scout us do, but do you really think journalists, commentators, and other fans watch our team as much as we do?</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
No, they don't watch our team as much as we do. However, they do watch a lot of our team, certainly more than highlights. In addition, they watch us without emotion one way or the other. When the guy makes a mistake they don't hold it against him as much as MSU fans seem to.

According to you our fans are the ultimate authority on our players, coaches, and teams, or at least that's my interpretation of what you are saying. I don't buy that in all cases. Many times we have an in-depth knowledge of our team because we have watched a lot of their play, but oftentimes we aren't able to provide an objective point of view on our teams. By the same token, there are times when an outside source isn't knowlegdable and thus is unable to provide a good point of view, such as Rick Cleveland's "told you so" after we made our run in baseball. He doesn't follow college baseball as closely as others and thus his opinion on the situation wasn't based on anything more than his perception of events rather than what really happened.

Put it this way, when coaches around the league and commentators for Raycom praise Jamont they are not doing so based on a few highlights but rather based on seeing film of our games and watching him in person. I would be less inclined to listen to a Billy Packer type who I'd wager hasn't seen a whole lot of actual game footage of our team.


Jun 11, 2007
Stormrider81 said:
According to you our fans are the ultimate authority on our players, coaches, and teams, or at least that's my interpretation of what you are saying.
That's not how I intended it. What I'm saying is that the truth is probably somewhere in the middle most of the time. We have the most knowledge of the team but have biases. These other sources are unbiased, but don't watch every play like we do.

I think Jamont is better than JR, fishwater, and my dad and his friends think he is. I don't think he's as good as you, Costanza, and the media think he is.