BWI Board March Madness Standings after 2nd Weekend

Tom McAndrew

BWI Staff
Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
are below. If it indicates "not sure who that is," please reply and indicate what your handle is.

1. @CinLion12 - 40
2. @AustinLion - 39
3. @NitneLiun - 38
3. @Kriner - 38
3. bna (not sure what your current handle is) - 38
3. @wolfee55 - 38
7. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 37
7. @Ralphie_ - 37
7. @twak - 37
7. @ThrowMeDamBall3 - 37
11. @furrdogg - 36
11. @1995PSUGrad - 36
11. R Martin (not sure who that is) - 36
11. Chris (not sure who that is) - 36
11. @psufan07 - 36
11. @Faraway1 - 36
17. @Fac - 35
17. @Grove Lion - 35
17. @Lionville - 35
17. @AustinLion (2nd bracket) - 35
17. @Cigarowl - 35
22. @WanderingSpectator - 34
22. @LionsAndBears - 34
22. @Lionville (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @Tom McAndrew - 34
22. @psufan07 (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @furrdogg (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @ps_1294 - 34
22. @CoolBean - 34
22. @Lion7two - 34
22. Pa Catamount (what handle are you now?) - 34
22. Former Nittany Lion Mascot (not sure who that is) - 34
22. The Good Teakster (not sure who that is) - 34
34. Jeff (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit - 33
34. @mwaltrip - 33
34. @Bob78 - 33
34. @mrmk5110 - 33
34. RobertC (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit (2nd bracket) - 33
34. @Lion7two (2nd bracket) - 33
34. The Good Teakster (2nd bracket) (no sure who that is) - 33
34. @IrishHerb - 33
34. @BiochemPSU - 33
34. @mrmk5110 (2nd bracket) - 33
46. @mwaltrip (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @IrishHerb (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @Cigarowl (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @PSUGrad9095 - 32
46. @Offside Clyde - 32
46. @Global Fan - 32
46. Chris (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @Grove Lion (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @NittanyPirate - 32
46. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 32
46. Ian (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @CF Lion - 32
46. Riff (not sure who that is) - 32
59. @RyanSnyder - 31
59. Boo (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Mike (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @PSUGrad9095 (2nd bracket) - 31
59. My Son (Tom's son) - 31
59. Michael (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @Woodpecker - 31
59. @CoolBean (2nd bracket) - 31
59. @Woodpecker (2nd bracket) - 31
59. Mike (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Michael (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
71. @Nittanylion83 - 30
71. ccgk51156 (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @Mick7432 - 30
71. @Offside Clyde (2nd bracket) - 30
71. marvin (not sure who that is) - 30
71. Jeff (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 30
71. HtHat (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @harjeff - 30
79. @BlueBand - 29
79. @JimD - 29
79. Kory - (not sure who that is) - 29
82. Chelsea (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @Tom McAndrew (2nd bracket) - 28
82. @Bob78 (2nd bracket) - 28
82. marvin (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @troutrus - 28
82. @tzinger - 28
89. @PaWofTHeNittAny - 27
89. @Sif - 27
89. ccgk51156 (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 27
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