are below. If it indicates "not sure who that is," please reply and indicate what your handle is.
1. @CinLion12 - 40
2. @AustinLion - 39
3. @NitneLiun - 38
3. @Kriner - 38
3. bna (not sure what your current handle is) - 38
3. @wolfee55 - 38
7. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 37
7. @Ralphie_ - 37
7. @twak - 37
7. @ThrowMeDamBall3 - 37
11. @furrdogg - 36
11. @1995PSUGrad - 36
11. R Martin (not sure who that is) - 36
11. Chris (not sure who that is) - 36
11. @psufan07 - 36
11. @Faraway1 - 36
17. @Fac - 35
17. @Grove Lion - 35
17. @Lionville - 35
17. @AustinLion (2nd bracket) - 35
17. @Cigarowl - 35
22. @WanderingSpectator - 34
22. @LionsAndBears - 34
22. @Lionville (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @Tom McAndrew - 34
22. @psufan07 (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @furrdogg (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @ps_1294 - 34
22. @CoolBean - 34
22. @Lion7two - 34
22. Pa Catamount (what handle are you now?) - 34
22. Former Nittany Lion Mascot (not sure who that is) - 34
22. The Good Teakster (not sure who that is) - 34
34. Jeff (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit - 33
34. @mwaltrip - 33
34. @Bob78 - 33
34. @mrmk5110 - 33
34. RobertC (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit (2nd bracket) - 33
34. @Lion7two (2nd bracket) - 33
34. The Good Teakster (2nd bracket) (no sure who that is) - 33
34. @IrishHerb - 33
34. @BiochemPSU - 33
34. @mrmk5110 (2nd bracket) - 33
46. @mwaltrip (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @IrishHerb (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @Cigarowl (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @PSUGrad9095 - 32
46. @Offside Clyde - 32
46. @Global Fan - 32
46. Chris (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @Grove Lion (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @NittanyPirate - 32
46. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 32
46. Ian (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @CF Lion - 32
46. Riff (not sure who that is) - 32
59. @RyanSnyder - 31
59. Boo (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Mike (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @PSUGrad9095 (2nd bracket) - 31
59. My Son (Tom's son) - 31
59. Michael (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @Woodpecker - 31
59. @CoolBean (2nd bracket) - 31
59. @Woodpecker (2nd bracket) - 31
59. Mike (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Michael (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
71. @Nittanylion83 - 30
71. ccgk51156 (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @Mick7432 - 30
71. @Offside Clyde (2nd bracket) - 30
71. marvin (not sure who that is) - 30
71. Jeff (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 30
71. HtHat (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @harjeff - 30
79. @BlueBand - 29
79. @JimD - 29
79. Kory - (not sure who that is) - 29
82. Chelsea (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @Tom McAndrew (2nd bracket) - 28
82. @Bob78 (2nd bracket) - 28
82. marvin (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @troutrus - 28
82. @tzinger - 28
89. @PaWofTHeNittAny - 27
89. @Sif - 27
89. ccgk51156 (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 27
1. @CinLion12 - 40
2. @AustinLion - 39
3. @NitneLiun - 38
3. @Kriner - 38
3. bna (not sure what your current handle is) - 38
3. @wolfee55 - 38
7. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 37
7. @Ralphie_ - 37
7. @twak - 37
7. @ThrowMeDamBall3 - 37
11. @furrdogg - 36
11. @1995PSUGrad - 36
11. R Martin (not sure who that is) - 36
11. Chris (not sure who that is) - 36
11. @psufan07 - 36
11. @Faraway1 - 36
17. @Fac - 35
17. @Grove Lion - 35
17. @Lionville - 35
17. @AustinLion (2nd bracket) - 35
17. @Cigarowl - 35
22. @WanderingSpectator - 34
22. @LionsAndBears - 34
22. @Lionville (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @Tom McAndrew - 34
22. @psufan07 (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @furrdogg (2nd bracket) - 34
22. @ps_1294 - 34
22. @CoolBean - 34
22. @Lion7two - 34
22. Pa Catamount (what handle are you now?) - 34
22. Former Nittany Lion Mascot (not sure who that is) - 34
22. The Good Teakster (not sure who that is) - 34
34. Jeff (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit - 33
34. @mwaltrip - 33
34. @Bob78 - 33
34. @mrmk5110 - 33
34. RobertC (not sure who that is) - 33
34. @fairgambit (2nd bracket) - 33
34. @Lion7two (2nd bracket) - 33
34. The Good Teakster (2nd bracket) (no sure who that is) - 33
34. @IrishHerb - 33
34. @BiochemPSU - 33
34. @mrmk5110 (2nd bracket) - 33
46. @mwaltrip (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @IrishHerb (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @Cigarowl (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @PSUGrad9095 - 32
46. @Offside Clyde - 32
46. @Global Fan - 32
46. Chris (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @Grove Lion (2nd bracket) - 32
46. @NittanyPirate - 32
46. Jimmy (not sure who that is) - 32
46. Ian (not sure who that is) - 32
46. @CF Lion - 32
46. Riff (not sure who that is) - 32
59. @RyanSnyder - 31
59. Boo (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Mike (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @PSUGrad9095 (2nd bracket) - 31
59. My Son (Tom's son) - 31
59. Michael (not sure who that is) - 31
59. @Woodpecker - 31
59. @CoolBean (2nd bracket) - 31
59. @Woodpecker (2nd bracket) - 31
59. Mike (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
59. Michael (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 31
71. @Nittanylion83 - 30
71. ccgk51156 (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @Mick7432 - 30
71. @Offside Clyde (2nd bracket) - 30
71. marvin (not sure who that is) - 30
71. Jeff (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 30
71. HtHat (not sure who that is) - 30
71. @harjeff - 30
79. @BlueBand - 29
79. @JimD - 29
79. Kory - (not sure who that is) - 29
82. Chelsea (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @Tom McAndrew (2nd bracket) - 28
82. @Bob78 (2nd bracket) - 28
82. marvin (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 28
82. @troutrus - 28
82. @tzinger - 28
89. @PaWofTHeNittAny - 27
89. @Sif - 27
89. ccgk51156 (2nd bracket) (not sure who that is) - 27
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