California legislators vote to repeal LGBTQ travel ban…


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Imagine how intolerant one has to be to pass laws like this in a democracy because you think fellow Americans in some states are just horrible people. Are Republican state legislatures doing this to Dem-led states? It shows how intolerant some leftoids are. I doubt they can specificially point to laws that are anti-lgbtq+ but claim that a law that say prevents surgery and mutilation or homone therapy on teens with gender dysphoria is somehow anti-lgbtq+ even though it doesn't effect most people identified by those letters. In fact, it may actually be pro-gay and pro-lesbian and pro-bisexual because gender dysphoria typically goes away for most teens (they might just be gay or lesbian rather than trans). Whoever invented the misleading and vague phrase "gender affirming care" is a marketing genius. Of course, this vote shows how money makes some abandon those incredibly strong principles they hold.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I bet everyone posts with respect ancalm in this thread. Can’t wait to see the calm debate take place.
Cat Reaction GIF by reactionseditor


Aug 22, 2012
I bet everyone posts with respect ancalm in this thread. Can’t wait to see the calm debate take place.
Along with plenty of the same tired passive aggressive “I can’t believe anyone is unenlightened enough to care.”

Eta: wanted to be the first to use the word “triggered.”


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2018
It was state employees or politicians on business trips.
But didn’t apply to state employees conducting business on behalf of the Democratic Party apparently. I guess Newsome was just out in front of the “enlightening” law.

Gavin Newsom brings California values to Mississippi By: Russ Latino - April 3, 2023

Just two days after President Joe Biden toured tornado damage in Rolling Fork, California Gov. Gavin Newsom jetted into Jackson to promote his new PAC aimed at taking on red state leaders. Newsom tweeted that he spent the day with embattled Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom, who swapped the traditional moniker of “First Lady” for “First Partner” in California, tweeted that their family had attended church and visited the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum with Lumumba’s family.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Not sure how anyone can say sports isn't important. It got our flag changed, and now this, and even in a state where they are said to not care about college sports in general.

I wish there was a mutual fund I could invest in, I heard someone say years ago sports was the most recession proof thing there was, and they aren't far off. Influences everything.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Que Glfr in 3,2,1………
The travel ban was odd when they voted on it 5 or whatever years ago.
I chalked it up to a state legislature, dominated by one party, going too far.
Its good that they are removing the ban.

I am sure nobody here has ever lived in a state where a state legislature, dominated by one party, enacted some dumb stuff.***


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
And that original ban was because of the flags, did it just get conveniently looped in and extended w/ LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ too?
I think they passed a separate ban for any state that prohibited municipalities and/or counties from creating their own EEOC type ordinances making LGTQRS++ a protected class. I think states the states that din't have LGTQRS++ as a protected class but didn't pass any new legislation on it were not included.

Not that it ever really made sense, but when the legislation from the Supreme Court came down making LGBTQ++ a protected class under federal law, the state laws mostly became irrelevant.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Goes to their Governor for his signature.

And this applies here because of ACC exoansion…

See comment 8 by @John Deaux VII in my Stanford, Cal, SMU in the ACC thread on September 1.

(Tried to link the thread but it wouldn’t show up here)

This post does not apply here. It's a recipe for a 100 post long thread of anger and nothingness.

If we're going for anger and nothingness, let's at least continue it in a Mississippi State fashion.

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010

That does not say what you think it does. John Wayne stated he believed in White Supremacy and was a homophobe. That is not in dispute it's documented. Great guy uh? Actors are not always what they seem but you might be OK with that behavior, I am not.

The problem with homophobia is the bible was changed with the King James version making it worse. The original scrolls used words that did not mean what we were taught. Men laying with men is not even a part of the original scrolls. The original scrolls read men laying with a male child, I think we all can agree that pedophilia is an abomination. That was a common practice among Greeks to for men to have a teen boy and act as his "MENTOR".

The German translation of the Bible reads completely different. Funny how we were lied to all these years by a group of priests and a King with an agenda hundreds of years ago and we still fighting over it. Religion at it's worst, it makes homophobes out of perfectly decent people otherwise.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
That does not say what you think it does. John Wayne stated he believed in White Supremacy and was a homophobe. That is not in dispute it's documented. Great guy uh? Actors are not always what they seem but you might be OK with that behavior, I am not.

The problem with homophobia is the bible was changed with the King James version making it worse. The original scrolls used words that did not mean what we were taught. Men laying with men is not even a part of the original scrolls. The original scrolls read men laying with a male child, I think we all can agree that pedophilia is an abomination. That was a common practice among Greeks to for men to have a teen boy and act as his "MENTOR".

The German translation of the Bible reads completely different. Funny how we were lied to all these years by a group of priests and a King with an agenda hundreds of years ago and we still fighting over it. Religion at it's worst, it makes homophobes out of perfectly decent people otherwise.
That's a whole lot of words and justification to change the narrative of why God wiped two cities off the face of the map.

If you believe the word of God, and you believe it was the inspired word of God when it was written on scrolls, then you should believe it was also inspired by God when it was translated. It's called faith. You either have it or you don't. But changing the Word or meanings of words in the Word, or implying a different intent just because you live a life in conflict with the Word is probably not a wise position to take if you're a Christian. Just my humble opinion, though. I doubt either of our positions is going to change many minds here.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I don't get into every political thread. I only respond when boom or glfer posts something blatantly dishonest. That's never gonna go unchecked.
Well the chances of that happening are high!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
That's a whole lot of words and justification to change the narrative of why God wiped two cities off the face of the map.
There's no agreement among archaeologists, scientists and Biblical scholars that Sodom, and its sister town Gomorrah, existed at all - let alone that it came to a sudden and apocalyptic end.

If you believe the word of God, and you believe it was the inspired word of God when it was written on scrolls, then you should believe it was also inspired by God when it was translated. It's called faith. You either have it or you don't.
Hold up, I am supposed to believe that if something is mis-translated, it was God who inspired the mis-translation? Why would God inspire a mis-translation? No need to answer, thats a rhetorical question since 'He works in mysterious ways...' is the stock response for everything that makes no sense.

I posted nothing blatantly dishonest, so no need to respond.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Hold up, I am supposed to believe that if something is mis-translated, it was God who inspired the mis-translation? Why would God inspire a mis-translation? No need to answer, thats a rhetorical question since 'He works in mysterious ways...' is the stock response for everything that makes no sense.

I posted nothing blatantly dishonest, so no need to respond.
Considering you are not grasping the concept of faith, no, you didn't post anything blatantly dishonest. Just really ignorant.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Considering you are not grasping the concept of faith, no, you didn't post anything blatantly dishonest. Just really ignorant.
I grasp the concept of faith- you believe something with all your heart and power, and dont question it.
If you question the historical accuracy or human accuracy, it quickly falls apart.

Getting back to the thread's topic, I like that the law changed. Public funds should be allowed for travel to states that dont align with political, religious, or economic ideology.
MS should allow public funds to be used if someone in the gvt wants to travel to CA and public funds should be used if someone in the MA gvt wants to travel to Alabama or Indiana.
I understand the intent, but its shortsighted and unnecessarily combative to create such a ban.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I grasp the concept of faith- you believe something with all your heart and power, and dont question it.
If you question the historical accuracy or human accuracy, it quickly falls apart.

The biblical definition of faith is "the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." When you start trying to use human logic and anecdotal circumstantial info to deconstruct a core tenant of Christianity, you are proving my point that you aren't grasping the concept of faith. That's why Christ calls on Christians to have a faith that is "childlike."

You can choose to not believe the king james bible is the inspired word of God. That's you're right. But you can't be a Christian if you don't believe it. You can't be half-in, half-out. And when pseudo-intellectuals like you try to talk down to people with your FaCTs ANd LogiC!1!, you're really doing nothing more than grandstanding and wasting your time. So my gentle advice to you is to be a better human being.


Active member
May 23, 2022
The biblical definition of faith is "the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." When you start trying to use human logic and anecdotal circumstantial info to deconstruct a core tenant of Christianity, you are proving my point that you aren't grasping the concept of faith. That's why Christ calls on Christians to have a faith that is "childlike."

You can choose to not believe the king james bible is the inspired word of God. That's you're right. But you can't be a Christian if you don't believe it. You can't be half-in, half-out. And when pseudo-intellectuals like you try to talk down to people with your FaCTs ANd LogiC!1!, you're really doing nothing more than grandstanding and wasting your time. So my gentle advice to you is to be a better human being.
Here we go with the "you can't be a kris-chen if you don't do as i say and believe as I believe. Your faith is greater in a despotic king and his scribes than it is with teh kris-chen deity.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
That does not say what you think it does. John Wayne stated he believed in White Supremacy and was a homophobe. That is not in dispute it's documented. Great guy uh? Actors are not always what they seem but you might be OK with that behavior, I am not.

The problem with homophobia is the bible was changed with the King James version making it worse. The original scrolls used words that did not mean what we were taught. Men laying with men is not even a part of the original scrolls. The original scrolls read men laying with a male child, I think we all can agree that pedophilia is an abomination. That was a common practice among Greeks to for men to have a teen boy and act as his "MENTOR".

The German translation of the Bible reads completely different. Funny how we were lied to all these years by a group of priests and a King with an agenda hundreds of years ago and we still fighting over it. Religion at it's worst, it makes homophobes out of perfectly decent people otherwise.
One certainty is that if you are hating someone in the name of Jesus, you're doing it wrong. Christian Nationalism has fostered a lot of this and it actually only one of those words, and not the one that starts with "C"...
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
That's a whole lot of words and justification to change the narrative of why God wiped two cities off the face of the map.

If you believe the word of God, and you believe it was the inspired word of God when it was written on scrolls, then you should believe it was also inspired by God when it was translated. It's called faith. You either have it or you don't. But changing the Word or meanings of words in the Word, or implying a different intent just because you live a life in conflict with the Word is probably not a wise position to take if you're a Christian. Just my humble opinion, though. I doubt either of our positions is going to change many minds here.
Primary sin in Sodom was heterosexual men sexually abusing foreigners (male and female). Hence the reason the angels were invited inside to stay inside. The whole offering of one's own daughters to be raped in their stead is pretty hard to look at...
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The biblical definition of faith is "the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." When you start trying to use human logic and anecdotal circumstantial info to deconstruct a core tenant of Christianity, you are proving my point that you aren't grasping the concept of faith. That's why Christ calls on Christians to have a faith that is "childlike."

You can choose to not believe the king james bible is the inspired word of God. That's you're right. But you can't be a Christian if you don't believe it. You can't be half-in, half-out. And when pseudo-intellectuals like you try to talk down to people with your FaCTs ANd LogiC!1!, you're really doing nothing more than grandstanding and wasting your time. So my gentle advice to you is to be a better human being.
I wasnt talking down to anyone. You claimed God destroyed 2 cities and I pointed out that there is no known evidence of the cities existing, much less being destroyed by God's wrath. That isnt me talking down to you, its me pointing out a historical reality. If you feel like the currently known historical reality = you being talked down to, thats a you issue to work thru.

Anyways, your comment in red is genuinely something I fully accept. Seriously, I do. I 100% am on board with the concept/view/expectation that if you are going to believe, if you are going to have faith, you must be all in. It isnt a buffet where you pick and choose. If you have to be all in.
I am a fundamentalist extremist at heart and since I cant buy into all of it, I have to pass.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Here we go with the "you can't be a kris-chen if you don't do as i say and believe as I believe. Your faith is greater in a despotic king and his scribes than it is with teh kris-chen deity.
"In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God." - John 1:1.

It's not a cafeteria where you can pick and choose which things you like and which things you don't. Which parts you believe and which parts are ridiculous. If you reject any part of it, you reject all of it.

I'm no better than anyone else, so you can stop that nonsense. Nothing about me is perfect. But I didn't invent the rainy day, either. You can choose to believe what you want.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
That does not say what you think it does. John Wayne stated he believed in White Supremacy and was a homophobe. That is not in dispute it's documented. Great guy uh? Actors are not always what they seem but you might be OK with that behavior, I am not.

The problem with homophobia is the bible was changed with the King James version making it worse. The original scrolls used words that did not mean what we were taught. Men laying with men is not even a part of the original scrolls. The original scrolls read men laying with a male child, I think we all can agree that pedophilia is an abomination. That was a common practice among Greeks to for men to have a teen boy and act as his "MENTOR".

The German translation of the Bible reads completely different. Funny how we were lied to all these years by a group of priests and a King with an agenda hundreds of years ago and we still fighting over it. Religion at it's worst, it makes homophobes out of perfectly decent people otherwise.
Now do Islam regarding homophobia.
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