Cleveland's article today

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New member
Mar 3, 2008
All I'm going to say about us potentially losing to USM- we beat the C-USA Champion at a neutral site. We would have beaten USM by at least a Derek Pegues TD last season.

I think if we were to play it, we would have to make it the first game of the year like we used to do with Memphis so that our fans could get somewhat excited for it.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
pull a Polk and give up buddy.

I have been a fan of both ...yes both.... Southern and State football for years. I have always said it would be nice to play each other but nice is as far as I would go. The pros for Southern to play in that game and win heavily outweigh the pros for State to play in the game and win. Also, the cons for State to play in that game and lose heavily outweigh the cons for Southern to play in the game and lose. Simply put, for an SEC team, playing an in-state team with no BCS affiliation means almost nothing when winning and means A LOT when losing.

The solution: Win the conference and have a match up in the Liberty bowl. This could have happened this year. There are clauses in place that allow the SEC team chosen to opt out if they have to play an in-state C-USA team but I seriously doubt State would turn down a bowl bid. This is not to mention that it would give State the ability to finally end the debate. The two teams would play when Southern has already won its conference, meaning that beating Southern would actually be somewhat good for State while terrible for Southern. In other words, playing while in a bowl would level the pros and cons just enough to constitute going through with it.

One last note, you know you are denying all reality when you say that Southern fans wouldn't treat a match up with OM or MSU as the Superbowl. The fact that it is in-state is one thing but magnify that with the fact that Southern has been asking for the game for nearly 20 years and you create pandemonium. Personally I wish Ole Miss would be dumbasses and throw their hat in the ring against Southern. Then I would be able to go to two football games in one season with the hopes of beating them.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Jackdragbean said:
So USM fans won't make a huge deal out of playing MSU. So why are you on a MSU site talking smack about why MSU won't play USM in football?
i havent said one lick of smack. this thread was started by a bulldog and then someone down 2 posts started the smack. i have been over to rivals and everytime i am on there is at least 2 or 3 people logged in with a State or OM type nickname. its not like this thread is full of USM fans. again don't flatter yourself. its passing interest for me and most others i know when we play someone in football or baseball. you go over to each others boards to talk about it (and talk some smack on both sides sometimes). thats the nature of it. that doesnt mean that i am obsessed with State or this board or for most of the USM fans.


New member
Aug 16, 2006
Research what was the largest crowd ever at MS Veterans Memorial and who played in that game. The 1990 game was in the top 10 of largest crowds at Scott Field for many years.

Ole Miss Grad

If USM won that hypothetical game in the Liberty Bowl, they'd claim the CUSA is dominant. Nevermind the fact it's against the 6-8th best team in the SEC.
Oct 17, 2007
Alabama, West Virginia...

"what are you talking about? i am merely talking about teams coming to Hattiesburg to play us. not who will win. i am not talking about winning or losing. i am talking about having balls enough to come to hattiesburg and play. and we beat Nebraska in Lincoln, admittedly when they werent very good (but neither were we) so good sense and logic would tell you they wouldn't want to have nothing else to do with us. but they are at least coming to hattiesburg again once more than i know of."

I wish we got credit just for "playing the big boys". We can't ever win the west without winning those games. We go to plenty of difficult places...why would we add another place that we gain nothing from. The reward behind the MTSU and LaTech is that they SHOULD be wins, not saying they will. USM is much more risky with zero reward.
Oct 17, 2007
game. We may not be doing a good job of it but we are trying. SOS does matter if you pull together a good season, which have been nonexistent recently. We haven't always sucked...we pull off two more games last year and it would have mattered. I hope the coaches don't lack the same ambition as your comment does or we can fold it up and go home.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Some deluded beliefs on this board regarding USM. We don't hold OM/MSU in as favorable a light as you seem to believe. We hate Ole Miss. They have the lawyers and politicians that run Mississippi... into the ground. And a long time ago, before integration, they were pretty good. We pity MSU. You continually follow OM's lead and base any decision on whether OM would so the same. Beating either of you in football is at the same as beating Vandy or Kentucky. It's NOT equivalent to winning the Super Bowl. Beating Bama AT Tuscaloosa with SEC refs when they'll only play us there and with those refs, now that's worthy of celebration. We're jealous of the money that the SEC forks-out every year to both of you. Money earned by your larger conference-mates. Auburn is going to pay us $700k for visiting them this year without a return trip to H'burg. OM and MSU can't afford our payout to enjoy the same terms. Besides, we don't think you deserve those same terms. OM and MSU aren't worthy.


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May 28, 2007
Columbus Dawg said:
Because La Tech and MTSU don't treat their game with us like the Super Bowl. USM would.

We already have a tough SEC slate + a rivalry game with UM. We don't need another one that wouldn't prove anything.

You are exactly right....MT is excited to get MSU in M'boro, and the game will probably set the attendance record at Floyd Stadium, but there is no way Raider fans are looking at that game the same way USM would look at getting State in H'burg. To Middle, it is just great to get a 3rd BCS school into Floyd in 3 years and hopefully have a good showing again.

Now when Vandy comes to MT in a few years, that will be treated like a rivarly game the same way USM would State.
Apr 16, 2006
Damn, we're not THAT delusional. C-USA sucks like a Hoover and we (well, most of us) know it.

That said, I wish we would play occasionally- every few years, do a home-and-home. I think you guys downplay the interest that MSU fans would have. I think our side should stop the "MSU is scared to play" nonsense.

BTW, MSU would have drug the field with USM last year.

Ole Miss Grad

As stated above, you haven't beaten a ranked team with a winning record in 17 years.

If you want to be someone's $700K *****, feel free.


New member
May 23, 2006
You hate Ole Miss and the pity comment.....nice bait. Hard to pity someone who is bigger and better than you in all facets. Before you say "but we won last night!"...... I'm talking about better school, better facilities, better conference, etc., etc. Apparently we're still worthy of USM fans bitching and moaning about games, etc. What's really funny is I go to USM's games and enjoy being there. I just think it pitiful that there are so many USM fans that think MSU fans give a rats *** about their program as a rivalry. We don't. Move on, and we'll watch your program and cheer for you when you beat the other ****** teams in your conference. You're like the little retarded kid down the street. You're funny and cute and I like to see you succeed, but when you do, don't act like you're an all american scholar. You're still the little dumbass that superglued his testicles to the cat 30 minutes ago.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
it is downplayed a bit. there would be a lot of maroon at the game. luckily there are a few fans from southern who can be objective about that godforesaken conference. i don't really count since i am a fan of both but i do know a few out there who can actually rationalize the situation.</p>


Active member
Jun 3, 2007
hell I'd probably go too.. but that's only bc I'm a fan.. most fans will go to the game no matter who the team is playing.. but it wouldn't be on the top of my list of teams to play nonconference.. even in C-USA. Like I said, I'd rather be in Houston, or Birmingham, or New Orleans. USM means nothing to me and most MSU fans I know feel the same way.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
we are years away from SOS being a factor. SOS is really only important to BCS Championship contenders. Let's learn to walk (i.e., put 2-3 bowl seasons together) before we run (i.e., start talking about BCS championships).


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Jackdragbean said:
You hate Ole Miss and the pity comment.....nice bait. Hard to pity someone who is bigger and better than you in all facets. Before you say "but we won last night!"...... I'm talking about better school, better facilities, better conference, etc., etc. Apparently we're still worthy of USM fans bitching and moaning about games, etc. What's really funny is I go to USM's games and enjoy being there. I just think it pitiful that there are so many USM fans that think MSU fans give a rats *** about their program as a rivalry. We don't. Move on, and we'll watch your program and cheer for you when you beat the other ****** teams in your conference. You're like the little retarded kid down the street. You're funny and cute and I like to see you succeed, but when you do, don't act like you're an all american scholar. You're still the little dumbass that superglued his testicles to the cat 30 minutes ago.

you are enjoying the mere affiliation of a BCS conference. tons of money, easily earned, older(more generational advantage) and everything along with that. you are talking smack about us also because of mere affiliation. to call yourselves higher than us or any other school that is not from a so called BCS conference, merely because you are affiliated with a conference you are lucky enough to be in. by the way stop talking about filling up our stadium. i looked at your home football statistics. take the number of people your stadium fills and divide it by the total possible and compare that to our numbers (for the past 5 - 6 years) and its right on target and very comparable, yet you have the luxery of having other fans of visiting teams bring thousands upon thousands every year (another advantage), that the SEC enjoys because most schools are nearby each other.

Ole Miss Grad

Give it up man. I'm defending MSU here. I think most here know my attitude toward MSU.

That alone should tell you something.

You claim we (Ole Miss/MSU) are nothings in the SEC.

Well, you're nothing in your own state. Never have been, never will be.

Unlike y'alls obsession, neither of our schools rarely even think about USM.



its passing interest for me and most others i know when we play someone in football or baseball.

Spoken like a true Golden Eagle.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007

there truly is no end in sight on this one. i know i added fuel to the fire. sorry.


New member
May 23, 2006
Apparently it's more than passing interest since I can't get any of you to STFU about playing MSU in any sport.


Apr 6, 2008
usmsci said:
Jackdragbean said:
You hate Ole Miss and the pity comment.....nice bait. Hard to pity someone who is bigger and better than you in all facets. Before you say "but we won last night!"...... I'm talking about better school, better facilities, better conference, etc., etc. Apparently we're still worthy of USM fans bitching and moaning about games, etc. What's really funny is I go to USM's games and enjoy being there. I just think it pitiful that there are so many USM fans that think MSU fans give a rats *** about their program as a rivalry. We don't. Move on, and we'll watch your program and cheer for you when you beat the other ****** teams in your conference. You're like the little retarded kid down the street. You're funny and cute and I like to see you succeed, but when you do, don't act like you're an all american scholar. You're still the little dumbass that superglued his testicles to the cat 30 minutes ago.

you are enjoying the mere affiliation of a BCS conference. tons of money, easily earned, older(more generational advantage) and everything along with that. you are talking smack about us also because of mere affiliation. to call yourselves higher than us or any other school that is not from a so called BCS conference, merely because you are affiliated with a conference you are lucky enough to be in. by the way stop talking about filling up our stadium. i looked at your home football statistics. take the number of people your stadium fills and divide it by the total possible and compare that to our numbers (for the past 5 - 6 years) and its right on target and very comparable, yet you have the luxery of having other fans of visiting teams bring thousands upon thousands every year (another advantage), that the SEC enjoys because most schools are nearby each other.

I'll be sure to ask the AD to turn down that fat check that USM will get for Memphis being the only competitive team in the NCAA tournament from your conference using your logic. Now, State went to a bowl game last year which paid well over a million bucks, I believe and beat your conference champion. Then, in the past 10-15 years, State has one of the winningest basketball programs in the conference. Not to mention, one of the all time winningest programs in the country in baseball.. So, We're founding members of the conference and we deserve that "welfare" check you hypocrite.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The truly sad thing is that State thinks they are better than USM just because they play in the SEC. The mistake is that the other SEC schools (Florida, Georgia, Tenn, LSU, Alabama) laugh at State and they use yall as a padded win on their way to BCS bowl games. State likes to make the point that no good would come of the game (football i mean) if we played and I agree. I have no desire to play the Dawgs in any sport. What I dont understand is why the hatred got to be so strong. Every other state has huge rivalry games between in state schools and yes everyone would benefit in a game like that. USM will get along just fine without State and OM. Yall can continue to win your 3-4 games a year in football and keep claiming to be dominant just bc you get the SEC welfair check. You are a leach on the SEC and if you truly asked the actual "powers" in the conference they would tell you so. So IMO I dont care if USM ever plays state again. We can find much better competition anyway!
Apr 16, 2006
Uhh, they won 8 last year and beat the C-USA champion (who destroyed us in Hattiesburg.)

Sweet fancy Moses. I wouldn't play us either due to tards like this.


New member
May 1, 2006
Perhaps I've missed where we've beaten them 6 of the last 12 years. I'm sure they laughed until their sides hurt last November. I'm sure Florida laughed their last 3 trips to Scott Field as well. We may not be the class of the conference but we've jumped up and bitten some folks.


Active member
Nov 28, 2006


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I will agree that State has beaten Alabama recently while their program was in shambles on probation. Give Saban another year and that win will be non existant. I I will give State credit for the occasional win vs one of the big boys but it does not happen often enough to make note of it. My family are MSU grads and pull hard for the dawgs. I even like the dawgs when they dont play USM but I am tired of state acting like they are better just bc they bring up the cellar in the SEC. All the USM fans that scream for us to play onyl add fuel to that already overflated ego. It gives State a reason to think they are better when in reality a true State fan will admit is not the truth. So I say good luck trying to tread water in a conference you will never be competative in! Call me when you sin another SEC championship but I may not be alive then.
Aug 30, 2006
Every other state has huge rivalry games between in state schools and yes everyone would benefit in a game like that.
So does MS. It is called the Egg Bowl. Maybe you have heard of it. Then of course there is the Iron Bowl. And the big game between Clemson & South Carolina. Florida & Florida State. Texas & TX A&M. OU & Ok St. If you have paid attention to the games I have listed, all of them are between schools in BCS conferences. However, rarely if ever do any of these schools play games against non BCS schools in their own state. Bama nor AU play UAB. OU & OK St rarely if ever play Tulsa. UF & FSU don't play UCF. Do you understand?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I do understand that the glorious EGG bowl that you refer to is kinda hard to find these days. I remember coming home from school for Thanksgiving and always watching that great game but I have not been able to find it the past few years. I guess its such a great game that ESPN decided to drop it because they could make more money elsewhere. Please dont include the egg bowl in the same breath as the other games you mentioned. It really does not do them justice!
Aug 30, 2006
I will agree that State has beaten Alabama recently while their program was in shambles on probation.
Hey moron, we officially come off probation on June 11 of this year. From the link provided:
The university is placed on four years of probation beginning June 12, 2004, and concluding on June 11, 2008, (four years from the date of the infractions hearing).

Alabama's probation officiall ended on Feb.1 of 2007</p>

Don't let the facts get in your way though.</p>

madison eagle

New member
May 22, 2006
not to appear i give a flip, but OK does play Tulsa, and Kentucky does play Louisville. and LSU does play Tulane. and Tenn does play Memphis and NC And NC State do play East Carolina, and Texas does play Houston nice try</p>


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I understand why your arguments for not playing USM. I know that you can get pretty nice crowds from all the excitement around the other SEC programs. I also respect that some are willing to admit that it basically boils down to is it worth it to risk hurting recruiting. To those fans who are man enough to be realistic about things, I applaud you. But this guy saying State is such a superior school is smoking the SEC crackpipe. In what? Engineering? Cow-Counting? I'm not here to argue that USM is the better school, either. I'm here to remind folks that academic quality has little to do with athletic budgets. How many football games did Harvard win last year? How big is their stadium? My point is, State is not Harvard. It is not Virginia. It is not North Carolina. They may be your BCS brethren, but you do not compare. State IS NO BETTER A COLLEGE THAN SOUTHERN MISS...PERIOD. And don't hit me with any half-*** tier rankings completed by survey and donation size, etc. Those things are about as legitimate as Fortune's MOST ADMIRED COMPANY lists.

State would have whipped us last year in football. Maybe they could again this year. They don't want to try, so oh well. Can't say that it isn't the right strategic move if they are indeed trying to go undefeated or lose 1 or 2 and get into a BCS bowl. But if you go back to winning 3 games a year, and attendance falls again, I fail to see how playing USM to a sold out crowd each year doesn't benefit State, too. State has an excellent basketball program to which USM is years from even comparing to. Baseball, we are pretty close in comparison. I would say over the past 10 years the edge goes to State. Football...I'll just leave it alone for now.

Ole Piss on the other hand holds the record for the single most delusional fan base in the history of college football. But having been to Tennessee and Florida in the past two seasons, I can tell you that their fans DID pretty much say that they view ya'll and OP as the bottom feeders of the conference. Especially Florida. Interesting comments considering that ya'll have played them mighty well lately, but their comments nonetheless. And Florida and Tenn ARE better schools than USM or State or OP.

USM fans are not all rabid about playing State nearly as much as OP. The only reason that people get so fired up and come on here is because we occasionally have to listen to some retard from State or Old Myth talk about how much better they are, etc. I would love to see us all play each other, but OP's Chancellor pretty much said they are scared, and Polk's comments recently flared up the discussion as to why the series ended. No more, no less. And in response to the comment about who's on whose boards....I assure you there are at least 2 to 3 State and OP visitors EACH....DAILY.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
kml1281 said:
I do understand that the glorious EGG bowl that you refer to is kinda hard to find these days. I remember coming home from school for Thanksgiving and always watching that great game but I have not been able to find it the past few years. I guess its such a great game that ESPN decided to drop it because they could make more money elsewhere. Please dont include the egg bowl in the same breath as the other games you mentioned. It really does not do them justice!

The Egg Bowl is on of the better rivalry games every year. On rivalry weekend it at least gets mentioned. How's your "rivalry" with Tulane going?

And you mention that we can't compete with people like UF and Bama. We have beat them not only in football but in basketball in recent years. Baseball is way down this year, but typically we certainly can compete with them.

Bama looks down on everyone because they're Bama.

Seriously how do you think USM would do in the SEC? You're recruiting base is basically the Gulf Coast, and you would still have to compete with MSU/UM/Bama/LSU/UF for players among others. Your basketball program is below average, and your baseball program is only above average. (And yes, we're bad this year. Enjoy it while it lasts.) It would take a lot more than "a welfare check" from the SEC for you to compete. Vandy would appreciate it, though.

Plus, I hate to tell you this but most of your fans are either State or Ole Miss fans. Yes, they have a degree from USM, but they go to Starkville or Oxford on Sat. THAT is why you will never be able to compete in the SEC.</p>


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I like coach Croom alot. I thnk he is doing a fantastic job cleaning up the mess he was handed but that does not change the fact that State is and always will be a 2nd tear SEC program in football. Its funny that the fans dont want to accept that and keep holding on the glory years that have long passed. The truth is that MS produces phenomenal football talent year in and year out but not enough for state and om to be successful in the SEC. The numbers just dont add up. You can twist it how you like but the facts are that the SEC does not need State but state desperately needs the SEC.

madison eagle

New member
May 22, 2006
I hate to tell you this but most of your fans are either State or Ole Miss fans. Yes, they have a degree from USM, but they go to Starkville or Oxford on Sat

are You on Freakin Drugs???????????
no i just cant imagine why USM fans would want msu to put up
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