Depression Likely NOT Caused by Chemical Imbalance


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
This is a major problem I have seen over the course of my career, especially with psychiatry, the over-reliance on medication as the “treatment“. Folks with mental health issues, as well as any human being, need a holistic approach to treatment, not just pills. Also, how many folks who get treated for depression only participate in pharmacological interventions and do not get connected to a qualified therapist? We are losing millions of young people to the idea there is something that needs a medication vs really taking an in depth review of what is going on. Why? A pill is cheaper than talk therapy or thorough assessment.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Does this mean that Big Pharma is just pursuing Big Profits and not really helping people?

I'm shocked- shocked, I say.



Sep 23, 2021
What's really bad about SSRI's and SNRI's is that for many people these drugs are not only used for depressions but for long term pain management such as fibromyalgia, back pain, and diabetic neuropathy. Many people are experiencing the long term brain trauma related to the toxic effect related to these drugs on the brain. As mentioned in the article, the cause of depression is not fully understood nor how these drugs have an impact on pain management. The benefits for pain management seem to dissipate after about a year but many patients are finding out that the drug itself has caused neurological impacts that for some are very difficult to reverse. Just take a look online at a site called Cymbalta Hurts Worse. There are about 30,000 members on this forum struggling daily to get off of these drugs. Many are struggling with severe anxiety and depression, things that they weren't struggling with in the first place when placed on the drug for pain management. That is just one site and one drug. As rudedude shared, the dispensing of these powerful drugs is epidemic and the money to big Pharma is in the billions. These are very powerful drugs and have a hyperbolic curve meaning that the first 20% of the administered amount has 80% of the impact and the dose is increased dramatically to gain an additional impact. This means that for many, when they try to get off of this stuff, they don't really see the extent of changes in the brain until the dose is reduced below 20% of what was prescribed and then all hell breaks out. I can't tell you the extent of damage I've seen from these drugs. My warning to you is that before allowing one of your loved ones to be placed on these drugs, do your research and due diligence. Do not trust the medical community on this because even the scientists who develop many of these drugs do not understand the impact of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake on the brain. As mentioned, in the article, billions are spent for these drugs for dubious benefits and significant potential health risks. Thanks Thorndike2021 for posting this information about a serious epidemic facing our society.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
How do they make money if people get better (or die)?

I would guess that the best way to make the most money is to create maintenance drugs that just keep you going and encourage dependency. As stated in the article, the SSRIs DO numb all emotions to some extent, depending on the person and the dosage. They can 'take the edge off' of whatever you don't want to feel any more. That could definitely help some people, and it does, but it is not addressing the underlying causation or 'curing' anything, as the general public has been led to believe.

Not that leading the general public takes all that much effort.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Off Topic Aside: Anyone else notice that imbalance is spelled 'imballance' in the original link? In just a couple of generations we've gone from Bach to TikTok, and from imbalance to imBALLance.

Sad, really.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Off Topic Aside: Anyone else notice that imbalance is spelled 'imballance' in the original link? In just a couple of generations we've gone from Bach to TikTok, and from imbalance to imBALLance.

Sad, really.



Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
This is a major problem I have seen over the course of my career, especially with psychiatry, the over-reliance on medication as the “treatment“. Folks with mental health issues, as well as any human being, need a holistic approach to treatment, not just pills. Also, how many folks who get treated for depression only participate in pharmacological interventions and do not get connected to a qualified therapist? We are losing millions of young people to the idea there is something that needs a medication vs really taking an in depth review of what is going on. Why? A pill is cheaper than talk therapy or thorough assessment.
In the latest Harper’s Index is the following:

Portion of U.S. counties that lack a psychiatrist specializing in children or adolescents: 3/4.


Active member
Nov 1, 2021
Being a social worker, you have to balance the two. The medication makes life “manageable”. Then it’s professionals like myself that can try to assist is polishing areas so people can be more independent. I’ve had great luck in this approach, then you get people with complex life traumas of abuse, violence, etc… and then you’re just in a whole different ballgame!
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