Don’t care. DCD and Der try me, I just hate when people lie about their golf ability

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I think it's much higher than 60%, especially if you're going to include sandbaggers.

If you have a group you play with regularly, you can't lie to them. But outside of that group....even your handicap index can be a lie since these days you can enter your own scores with no oversight.

I've gotten to where I ask golfers. "In 25 words or less, what's your handicap?"
I use the GRINT app and record my scores in real time. It calculates my handicap for me. And I curently suck...


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm not criticizing, but if she is good enough for D3 golf, then why is she playing from forward tees? She should be able to hit as far as most men, particularly someone who only plays a couple times per year.
You are overestimating the quality of some D3 golfers.
I have played with a ton of women who play or played D3 and NAIA golf thru the years, and the talent level is all over the map. Some were scratch and consistently shoot 70-75. Some were in the 80s. Some were in the 90s. Some wouldnt break 100 if given 10 tries and only had to play 15 holes.
There are like 400 D3 schools and the women's golf at a lot of them is...not very impressive. Two suburb high schools near me have a better girl's team than a few of the small D3 colleges in my state.

I have never played with a D3 or NAIA woman that hit the ball anywhere close to the distance I hit, driver or irons. That goes for back when I actually played a lot and also in the years since.
Me only playing 1 or 2 times a year doesnt really impact how far I hit a ball- it impacts WHERE I hit a ball. A good drive now would probably be within 10 yards of a good drive 20 years ago when I played/hit daily.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I think Biden legitimately has a psychological disorder where he doesn't even know that he's lying. I think he just creates his own reality in his head and isn't capable of questioning it. Just the obvious and easily checkable lies he has told over the years, even after they blew up in his face, I just don't think normal politicking explains it.

Trump may have something similar. I can't tell how much he believes and how much is marketing in his mind and truth and lies are irrelevant concepts to marketing.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Shocking take.*****

"Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf," Reilly wrote. "He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: 'Pele.'”

Just ask members of Trump International West Palm Beach who arrived for the final round of their Senior Club Championship on Jan. 22 only to find Trump's name at the top of the leaderboard … when he didn't play the first round.

But he did play a round earlier that week, claimed he had a good day and decided to use that score for the first round of the Senior Club Championship. He then called it a "great honor" to have won the tournament on social media, adding, "he was hitting the ball long and straight."
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Active member
Mar 31, 2021
I play golf for enjoyment, not punishment. I have no idea what my handicap is nor do I care. If a ball lands in a divot, I move it to grass. Same with roots and bare spots. The group I play with always plays from the yellow/ orange T’s even though some of should be playing from the whites and one from the red. Do overs can be taken for incredibly bad shots but are more often given by the other players. Some days we forget to even keep score. I’ll play the occasional Thursday afternoon scramble and I’ll play by the rules, white T‘s and won’t adjust the ball but my drives are rarely if ever used when I’m hitting from the whites.
Looks like we have a foursome (ckDOG and stateu1)! My approach as well.
We used to call those "a gentleman's do over". Must first be requested and then granted. If you screwed up the do over, you were denied the next request. Of course we never did and actually got to the point someone would say "granted" as soon as the bad tee shot was hit. We'd all get a good laugh at someone's expense and play on.
Enjoyable golf is all about finding the right group to play with. It can certainly reveal someone's personality and temperament in a hurry to let you know.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
For the last 6 years I have played 1 or 2 times per year, and always with my oldest niece who now plays golf at a small D3 college and is going to be a Jr this fall.

I always play from whatever tees she is playing from because I am not out there for myself, but to hang with her so me standing 20-50 yards away and always teeing off first is pretty pointless.
So I tee off with her and usually use a mid-iron to ensure I end up around where she ends up with a good drive. Selfishly, I love it because my 7iron on down is easy to consistently hit even when I dont touch my clubs for a year, and I can score well which is an ego boost even though I am hitting from the reds.

Make golf courses short again!
You are preaching to the choir. Love playing with some guy who has to play from the blues and after 9 he’s hit at least 5 irons into every green and missed most of them. Just play from the whites if you are shooting in the high 90’s


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Yeah, must be deranged to think DONALD TRUMP would cheat at golf.** sorry my reality intruded on your bubble.
Well, I mean, it's almost as predictable as Boom Boom making a TDS-inspired post about the guy living rent free in his head. Almost.
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