Drunk OT: Are you better than you were 4 years ago….


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
This isn’t a political thread. It’s an economics vs time thread. I feel like Reagan’s words were very powerful but nobody pays attention to them. So I ask the pack. Starting with you professional career, I know some of you old 17s go back to the Eisenhower days how were you doing? Not necessarily how your stocks were doing, but your income and general welfare
2008- Married 2 years, I was mid management at a CU and had improved my life pretty well.
2012- Moved closer to family, housing and BP oil spill hurt the local economy, so I was making significantly less because I had to start at the bottom at a bank, but my wife was the bread winner. My house was much nicer.
2016 - Worked my way up to mid management at a CU again with a great job, making significantly more than I did in 2008. Still in my great house.
2020 - Moved my way up to head of a department, significantly more pay, that was dissolved. Lost my job, but had severance which I planned on using to get better at golf, but then covid hit and I became a third grade teacher for my daughter.
2022 - I work remote for a fantastic company. More pay than at the CU. I also have a pool and an easy bake oven that I make brisket on while I mix my Basil Hayden with Coke Zero.
So realistically the only dip in my income and what some would consider success was by my own doing. What are other people’s experience?

Col. Forbin

Active member
Oct 2, 2012
In regards to job and income, yes, my situation is better. After working at a bank from 2007-2012 I switched industries and found my career. I was with a smaller family owned company that taught me a lot and introduced me to a lot of people in the business. I started with my current company(large national presence) in 2018. Several promotions later and I am in a great spot today. Plus wife is a teacher and finally gonna get a bump up this fall.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
Yes, I would say so. We lose sight of how fast technology is moving and the improvement it brings in our lives. We got Uber and delivery apps out of reliable 3G - who knows what’s coming for 5G?


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
Haven’t been in the post-training workforce long. Started in 2017. Steadily improving but it’s more of a career progression thing than anything else. Operating in the startup space now, and I took a significant pay cut for that in exchange for equity. A little nervous about the looming recession but I think we have a good funding source who’ll see us to the other side. Working from home again as of this week with flexibility to travel, and honestly as happy as I’ve ever been with my work setup


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
I want to interject again, this isn’t necessarily a call from 4 years ago, I’m just curious about everyone’s journey from one election to the next.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
In regards to job and income, yes, my situation is better. After working at a bank from 2007-2012 I switched industries and found my career. I was with a smaller family owned company that taught me a lot and introduced me to a lot of people in the business. I started with my current company(large national presence) in 2018. Several promotions later and I am in a great spot today. Plus wife is a teacher and finally gonna get a bump up this fall.
Hope you don’t lose all that money to me beating your *** at Tiger Point this summer.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Haven’t been in the post-training workforce long. Started in 2017. Steadily improving but it’s more of a career progression thing than anything else. Operating in the startup space now, and I took a significant pay cut for that in exchange for equity. A little nervous about the looming recession but I think we have a good funding source who’ll see us to the other side. Working from home again as of this week with flexibility to travel, and honestly as happy as I’ve ever been with my work setup
Awesome Kissinger. I’m so bipolar about the recession. One one hand it seems necessary to reign in prices but on the other hand it can hurt a lot of people. I guess it goes back to the fallacy of content. Someone has to do a ****** job for less than they deserve.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2018
Started growing a business in 2014. The first two years were slow with little growth. From 2016-2021, I had significant growth and things were great. 2021 year financially was awesome. This year is trending toward very little growth compared to last year.

In my line of work, it seems growth slows when a certain party implements their policies. I’m actually not trying to be political, just relaying my experience.


Active member
Oct 6, 2009
In 2018 I made the personal commitment to get out of the corporate world and buy my own business. I took over on 9/1/2019.

We’ve grown 18% and 10% in the 2 full years I’ve owned it. We are on pace to grown another 5-8% this year, recession pending.

My wife just took a significant raise to switch companies and starts in August.

Financially, things are a lot better here. We had twins in April of 21 to go along with our other 2 kids, so our house is getting insanely crazy, as well.

Overall, the last 4-5 years has been really good to us.

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
Financially? Absolutely better.. I am a high school drop out that struggled for years and years living pay check to pay check life style. About 17 years ago I finally landed a position.

I have started getting the paid what this position demands these last several years. I am good at what I do. I have absolutely no debt, own a couple houses, have a nice 401K, a 30 year pension banked and could retire now in my late 50's. I am not but I could.

If you had asked me 30 years ago if you thought I could have managed to do all that and own multiple airplanes at once, gotten a pilots license with no education or skills, I would thought you were crazy.

I could lay out a timeline of good a bad years and you could see it getting incrementally better as I earned more and more... financially.

But.... I am not better. I lost one of my daughter's to cancer two years ago and my wife several years before that. I am not better but I get up every day and live.


Aug 22, 2012
How do you really define “better?” Household compensation, of course. When it comes to money, I tend to look at overall net worth change over a given period. Net worth is trending very poorly.

But that 5G!


Dec 8, 2021
Monetarily? Yea. But I had to move to New Mexico to find a job paying as well as what I was making 4 years ago.

so the answer is no.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Interesting and election cycle related. (and don't turn this into how much you loved or hated Obama). Had boss who stopped expansion just based on Obama winning his first term. He was deep into the negative rhetoric to the point that he made a knee jerk business decision just based on who got elected and fear. Cut a business trip short that we were on looking at a potential expansion location. Cancelled real estate visits and interviews and just went home. I was with him and it was crazy to literally sit beside him and see the level to which he melted when he heard the results. We are now in that market and we are years behind where we would have been if he had not just panicked.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
I've worked for the gub'mint for the last 36 years (military and civilian) so my income grows a little each year. The old lady (no pics) made partner though, so our total income has increased nicely.

If I can get these dang kids off the payroll, it'll be hookers and blow for me everyday. Have your kids young, you don't want to be late 50s with one still in HS and two in college who change their major every semester.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2017
Financially we are doing great. It’s been a good run over the last few years for my family.

I started at a Fortune 500 company fresh out of college in 2014. Slowly got some pay raises here and there until I got really good at what I do. After that I received few really good raises in short succession. Just recently, with the help of some sixpackers, I switched to a smaller company mainly for a change in work environment. There was a significant pay raise involved.

We also bought the house we plan on staying in for the next 20-30 years in July of 2020. It was phenomenal timing price wise. If we bought the same house now it would be around 50% more expensive. We are incredibly fortunate.

I like what I’m doing, getting paid well, no student loans(paid off 80k balance in 2020) and have a clear path to early retirement. It’s been a great few years and hopefully it gets better.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Yes, SUBSTANTIALLY better both personally and economically. Glad to see so many sixpackers doing well.
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Four years ago, probably about even financially Two years ago, I’m much worse. I made more money during Trumps four years than I did Bush 2 and Obama’s years combined. I’ve probably lost half of those gains in the last six months. I retired or quit two years ago depending on how you look at it so I’m physically, emotionally, and health wise much better. I didn’t think that I was overly stressed in my occupation. I was 55 and my health was deteriorating, I just chalked it up to getting old and paying for past sins. After I quit, suddenly my Dr asked what I had done to change my lifestyle, all my ailments suddenly started to diminish. Blood pressure dropped, stomach ailments disappeared. Prior to quitting I had had a upper and lower GI scan looking for something but found nothing other than a few small ulcers. I’m not going to lie, I’m beginning to worry about the direction on the economy and the country in general. I don’t blame the Democrats for all the problems but I definitely think that they have accelerated the problems. I didn’t like Trump personally but his policies were good to me financially.
Aug 3, 2019
Yes. Am doing better than 4 years ago, MUCH better than 12-14 years ago

Bought a house in Texas before the real estate market blew up. Got a good job that provides. Belong to a good little church, where they have me (of all people) as their Sunday School teacher.

Wealth in money, a little better. Wealth in life, a whole lot richer.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I am better off professionally and personally.

- Earlier this year I went from working for a company for 17years that I started with right out of college to working for a large school district as a buyer and planner for all technology related products and services. I went from being on full autopilot and being negative about every change that corporate was implementing due to disillusionment, to being challenged and learning a whole different world of business. I am paid more for it too, which is awesome.

- My new job is pension based so the current market 'corrections' are largely not something I care about. My wife has a 401k and we have IRAs so it does still impact us, but I accept I will never get to actually retire so the impact is minimal.

- I am healthier, in better shape, and working with youth more now than 4 years ago(and it was a lot 4 years ago). I do need to change this part of my life and that will happen this summer. I am over scheduled and unfortunately need to adjust.

Significantly better off than 4 years ago, 6 years ago, and 10 years ago.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
In 2018 I made the personal commitment to get out of the corporate world and buy my own business. I took over on 9/1/2019.

We’ve grown 18% and 10% in the 2 full years I’ve owned it. We are on pace to grown another 5-8% this year, recession pending.

My wife just took a significant raise to switch companies and starts in August.

Financially, things are a lot better here. We had twins in April of 21 to go along with our other 2 kids, so our house is getting insanely crazy, as well.

Overall, the last 4-5 years has been really good to us.

Congrats on the twins dude.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Overall we're better in some ways that we were two years ago but inflation is really hitting us hard with me being on a fixed income that I can't add to that the present moment.

ETA: as someone eloquently pointed out y'all aren't really interested in the other stuff.
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Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Financially/career, personally/mentally/spiritually - better.

Physically - worse. Age and drinking have taken its toll and it's harder than ever to get the motivation to exercise outside of yardwork.


Oct 11, 2020
Worse: net worth down, income down, expenses up. I assume most of America is the same.


Active member
May 29, 2007
Absolutely better and it has nothing to do with politics or who the POTUS is


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Are you trying to imply that things are great?
Absolutely not. I’m just curious about the journey. I think a lot of people hear about how bad things are and wear that but in reality aren’t actually that bad off from Nixon to Biden.


Aug 22, 2012
This foresight is exactly why I’m not so bullish, despite a better paycheck. My outlook for 2042 was better 4 years ago than it is today.

ETA: 2042 is an arbitrary date


New member
Aug 23, 2012
In 2018 I was in my mid 20’s, had almost nothing in savings, I had a job I was very unhappy at, was failing miserably at taking the CPA exam, and my wife and I were in the middle of a years long struggle with fertility.

Today I’m 29, still don’t have a ton in savings but am doing a lot better, I recently started a new job in a management role, I’m now a licensed CPA making about 70% more than I was four years ago, and my wife and I are expecting our first child this summer. I’ve had a better life than I deserve and I attribute that all to the good Lord above.

I try to stay out of politics. I do try to keep up with the news but I don’t watch or read any political commentary or opinion pieces, even ones I’d probably agree with. I try my best to form my own opinions and not let someone with a podcast, TV show, or a blue check mark on Twitter tell me what to think. I don’t love big parts of what this country has become but I also don’t feel like I can really do much about most of it, so I try not to think about the negatives too much.

I would like to get in better shape and there are things about my walk with Christ that I think I could do a much better job of, but overall I feel that the good things in my life far outweigh the bad.
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