I didn't see anyone say we need to honor Leach "instead" of any other coaches. Also didn't see anyone saying we should honor him "before" any other coaches.
It does make sense to me that we would do something. He is a legend in college football. One of a kind. He was in a STATE shirt the last time everyone saw him coach (bless you, Randy Charlton). Turning the entire stadium into a pirate ship is probably over the top, but putting something up as a marker for him makes sense. I would think people would want to keep Mississippi State relevant in college football world, and to stake a claim as part of a college football legend's story only helps that.
Did you see the coaches and players who turned out to his memorial? Did you see where said memorial was held?? Hell, I would love for visitors to DWS to be reminded that Leach was here and part of our football history. Why wouldn't we want that? Because he lost too many games?
This. And it's not rocket science. The people arguing not to do it are the Leach haters, that's easy to see.
No one is talking about putting up a statue and hailing him as our best coach ever. That honor goes to no one in our history. To do that, you have to win AND endear yourself to our fanbase, which is hard to do because we'll turn on you quickly.
I envision this as like a plaque or something, somewhere around the stadium where the public can see, honoring Leach as the sitting head coach when he died. That's it.
Texas Tech may do it, depends on how many of those toxic folks around there are still in charge, like a Craig James.
Wazzou might do something similar to us, more honoring his life and personality, along with the football, since he was there for 8 years.