Election Day (Non-political)

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Roll your eyes at the idea of early/mail-in voting all you want, but the fact that Bruce had to stand in line for an hour is one of a dozen very valid reasons to increase early voting.
There is just no justifiable reason to make people wait 60 full minutes to vote. If an area doesnt have enough poll workers or sites to keep lines down, then that is a prime reason for increasing early voting.
Why don’t you rollerblade on back and look at my post again.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It's not so much that as it is other things.

Several media organizations in the Jackson area reported about it weeks ago.

Here's what the Northside Sun wrote: Link.
"Most of the others in full circulation were on the list due to the subject matter of Critical Race Theory."



Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Madison County, AL here. Decent crowd mid-morning. We still do the paper ballots (fill in the ovals). Quick.

This system is a great one. The votes are instantaneously read and tabulated by each machine. If they need to get the paper ballots back, they're in a bin where they kinda randomly fall into a messy pile so you cannot easily determine which ballot was put in what order.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Why don’t you rollerblade on back and look at my post again.

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Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
"Most of the others in full circulation were on the list due to the subject matter of Critical Race Theory."


Yep. A bunch of folks are confusing what's going on with Madison County Schools with what the Madison County Library System had to contend with when Ridgeland's mayor threatened to withhold funding.

Associated Press Link: Here.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Agree. It's hard for me to imagine a way to do voter fraud inside the confines of my voting precinct. In semi-related news, my son told me that they had a ballot measure in TN today that would make slavery illegal. There's no telling how many antiquated laws exist that were just left on the books but stopped being relevant/enforced long ago.
It's illegal to blow your horn in Downtown Jackson because it will scare the horses. In Missouri it was legal to kill Mormons until the 1970's.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
It's not so much that as it is other things.

Several media organizations in the Jackson area reported about it weeks ago.

Here's what the Northside Sun wrote: Link.
Thank you for this.

Interesting- I recognized 3 of the books on the highest restriction list, and neither is due to the outrage culture sexuality issue we are all living through right now.

- American Born Chinese is a book that Disney+ is turning into a series.
- Eleanor and Park is going to be a movie. I remember reading about this book because a school district in MN was yelled at by parents to ban, then a review group read it, and they said its actually quite appropriate and accurate for HS kids.
- A neighboring suburb school district was yelled at by parents over The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, but ultimately they kept the book on rotation for a lit class.

I will roll through the other titles as I am curious which ones are straight up porn.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Made if further than 35, but critical race theory has entered the chat. Shouldn’t be long now.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
After seeing who is leading the charge out there with regard to voter fraud claims, I am not at all surprised to hear there are issues out there. That state is quickly devolving into a shitshow when it comes to election trust.

'If I lose, its because you cant trust elections. If I win, its because we overcame the fraud!' Ok then, crazies.
After the shenanigans in Maricopa today, you can frick right off. People coming out on voting day is supposed to be the best way of making sure your vote is counted. But they have been suppressing voters ALL DAY there. It’s in real time in broad daylight, same way as it was there in 2020 with 4 other sh1thole dim swing cities who (supposedly) have no relation to each other. Weird how simultaneous it was.****

You seem to always take the option of believing the media and hiding your head up your @SS. If you can’t concede the fact that voting in these cesspool cities is corrupt as hell, you need help.

Online voting should become the focus. Forensic data science and cybersecurity are better defenses than boarded up windows and kicking out one party from observing the counts, for sure. This could be monitored in real time and fraud could be caught immediately. The software can be thoroughly vetted by any number of parties before elections, too.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Here is a common example if you want to look:

It's not about wanting to get off to a particular book. You just don't need these type of books aimed at "pre-teens".
Oh, thats a link to an issue in the Milwaukee WI public library system. That seems very different from a school board and school library wanting to have pornographic material available in school libraries.
Funny- I was actually in Milwaukee this past Sunday!

I figured you live in Mississippi and were upset over a school board and school library there, since you mentioned school board members and school libraries. Or better said, I thought you were upset with multiple school libraries and school boards down there since you said its still shocking to see how committed some school districts and board members are to having porn available in school libraries.

As for the Milwaukee book...
- It is not ideal for pre-teens to read that, agreed. The link you provided clearly states the book is aimed at teenagers, so your concern about it being aimed at pre-teens is not needed. Further, the book was intended for adults and older teens when it was first published.
- If pre-teens are readily reading this, then it may not be in the best location within the library.
- If any teen or pre-teen is genuinely curious about sexuality and gender fluidity, then a book may be the better source vs the cesspool that will pop up with google searches. Talking with someone is best, but also unlikely for obvious reasons.
- That drawing is not pornography. It is not, in any manner, porn. Use a more accurate term and dont lose yourself in the hysterics of this recent outrage movement.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Made if further than 35, but critical race theory has entered the chat. Shouldn’t be long now.
I have been enjoying my popcorn and wondering how long it could last. I figured once glfer showed up to save the day that would be close to the end. I am saying there is no way it goes another 20 posts? I hope that it is does because it is great to watch.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
I have been enjoying my popcorn and wondering how long it could last. I figured once glfer showed up to save the day that would be close to the end. I am saying there is no way it goes another 20 posts? I hope that it is does because it is great to watch.

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Here's my election hot take. Early voting, vote by mail, etc. That's all good. Do it your way. But it's got to be in the hands of the office by election day, otherwise it's no good. It's not election week, it's election day.

Also, you want to take your time counting and announce results days later. Go for it. But I would demand to know on election day exactly how many ballots are left to count. That can easily be done via weight or other means. Transparency above all else. Leave no one any room to criticize the process. That's not partisan. The only people against transparency have something to hide.

It's amazing to me that countries that are allegedly behind us in technology and resources hold elections and give results the same day. No excuse why we shouldn't be able to do that too.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
After the shenanigans in Maricopa today, you can frick right off. People coming out on voting day is supposed to be the best way of making sure your vote is counted. But they have been suppressing voters ALL DAY there. It’s in real time in broad daylight, same way as it was there in 2020 with 4 other sh1thole dim swing cities who (supposedly) have no relation to each other. Weird how simultaneous it was.****

You seem to always take the option of believing the media and hiding your head up your @SS. If you can’t concede the fact that voting in these cesspool cities is corrupt as hell, you need help.

Online voting should become the focus. Forensic data science and cybersecurity are better defenses than boarded up windows and kicking out one party from observing the counts, for sure. This could be monitored

Is this the issue you refer to? The red text is from me.
"We've got about 20% of the locations out there where there's an issue with the tabulator," Maricopa Board of Supervisors Chair Bill Gates, a Republican, said in a video posted online. Describing the problem, he said that after some voters filled out their ballot, the machine wouldn't accept it.
In the meantime, voters could slide their ballot into a "secure box" just below the tabulator, Gates said. Those ballots would be collected and sent to Maricopa's "central tabulators," County Recorder Stephen Richer said.
"This is actually what the majority of Arizona counties do on Election Day all the time," Richer added.

-So a Republican Board of Supervisors is running the show and updating people.
-They have a workaround.
-That workaround is what the majority of AZ counties do on Election Day.

I got nothing here. I dont know how you leap from these facts to what you are crying about.

As for voter suppression, I dont think you were crying over what has happened for years in many states like Georgia, Texas, and elsewhere when voting locations in white areas were relatively fast while locations in black areas had lines that lasted for hours.
There is actual voter suppression in the way voting lines are drawn and laws are written, and then there is perceived voter suppression like what you are crying about in AZ.
The REPUBLICAN Chair said they have a workaround and that its what many other counties do on election day, but lets fire up the conspiracy engine and take to Twitter!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I have been enjoying my popcorn and wondering how long it could last. I figured once glfer showed up to save the day that would be close to the end. I am saying there is no way it goes another 20 posts? I hope that it is does because it is great to watch.
17 that. I posted because one person has rambled about porn in school libraries and another thinks there is voter corruption in AZ, even though the Republican chair hasnt said anything like that.
Oh, and I posted that people shouldnt have to wait 60 minutes to vote, which seriously should be a universally agreed on viewpoint.

If people want to keep politics out of this, then go complain to the posters who initiated that with the political talking points.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Why don’t you rollerblade on back and look at my post again.

It was an eyeroll gif. There isnt much to look at.
The quoted post was mentioned wanting mail-in ballots that are not notarized. Is that the issue- you think they need to be notarized?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
After the shenanigans in Maricopa today, you can frick right off. People coming out on voting day is supposed to be the best way of making sure your vote is counted. But they have been suppressing voters ALL DAY there. It’s in real time in broad daylight, same way as it was there in 2020 with 4 other sh1thole dim swing cities who (supposedly) have no relation to each other. Weird how simultaneous it was.****

You seem to always take the option of believing the media and hiding your head up your @SS. If you can’t concede the fact that voting in these cesspool cities is corrupt as hell, you need help.

Online voting should become the focus. Forensic data science and cybersecurity are better defenses than boarded up windows and kicking out one party from observing the counts, for sure. This could be monitored in real time and fraud could be caught immediately. The software can be thoroughly vetted by any number of parties before elections, too.
Just an aside. We've been seeing nationwide DDOS attacks that are most likely Russian, and it is nearly 100% certain that Russia is behind sowing online social unrest pointed at both political parties. No idea of specifics on AZ, but my post is accurate. Russia is using our 2-party system against us in a big way and have been for a while. #notinfoilhathere


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Oh, thats a link to an issue in the Milwaukee WI public library system. That seems very different from a school board and school library wanting to have pornographic material available in school libraries.
Funny- I was actually in Milwaukee this past Sunday!
I was linking for the picture from the book. That is the most common example of a book that is in school libraries that is causing parents to call foul.

I figured you live in Mississippi and were upset over a school board and school library there, since you mentioned school board members and school libraries. Or better said, I thought you were upset with multiple school libraries and school boards down there since you said its still shocking to see how committed some school districts and board members are to having porn available in school libraries.

It is multiple schools/school boards that have taken a position other than "yea, our bad; we shouldn't have had a book depicting oral sex between minors in the school library in any form, even if it's just drawn."

As for the Milwaukee book...
- It is not ideal for pre-teens to read that, agreed. The link you provided clearly states the book is aimed at teenagers, so your concern about it being aimed at pre-teens is not needed. Further, the book was intended for adults and older teens when it was first published.
- If pre-teens are readily reading this, then it may not be in the best location within the library.
- If any teen or pre-teen is genuinely curious about sexuality and gender fluidity, then a book may be the better source vs the cesspool that will pop up with google searches. Talking with someone is best, but also unlikely for obvious reasons.
- That drawing is not pornography. It is not, in any manner, porn. Use a more accurate term and dont lose yourself in the hysterics of this recent outrage movement.
It is pornographic. Pornography is not limited to film or photograph.

Being in the public library is fine'ish. Should probably be restricted, but whatever; that's somewhat of a free speech values and while free speech doesn't require that no judgments are made on the value of a particular work, it's better to err on the non-censorious side. The issue is it being in school libraries.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
I love early voting in Shelby county. Plenty of locations. Nice time window offered. It's easy to pop by on a convenient day, at a convenient location, at an odd hour. Exact same voting experience with no line and fewer folks trying to hassle you outside of the 500 foot zone. I'll never vote on election day again unless I just forget.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
It was an eyeroll gif. There isnt much to look at.
The quoted post was mentioned wanting mail-in ballots that are not notarized. Is that the issue- you think they need to be notarized?
You went on a rant about early voting in response to my eye roll at non-notarized mail in votes. It makes about as much sense as most of your posts.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Just an aside. We've been seeing nationwide DDOS attacks that are most likely Russian, and it is nearly 100% certain that Russia is behind sowing online social unrest pointed at both political parties. No idea of specifics on AZ, but my post is accurate. Russia is using our 2-party system against us in a big way and have been for a while. #notinfoilhathere
In this day of cloud deployments, DDOS can be combatted much easier…


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
My polling place in DeSoto County switched to an electronic machine for the actual voting process instead of the fill in the circle sheets. They only had 2 machines in my Lewisburg district. Twas a long wait.
I voted where you voted apparently. Line out the door...stood for 45 minutes. Got in there, two ladies doing verification, and only four machines (assuming you voted at LHS). They must not have been expecting a big turnout. The electronic machines were cool. Mississippi finally entering the 21st century.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Here's my election hot take. Early voting, vote by mail, etc. That's all good. Do it your way. But it's got to be in the hands of the office by election day, otherwise it's no good. It's not election week, it's election day.

Also, you want to take your time counting and announce results days later. Go for it. But I would demand to know on election day exactly how many ballots are left to count. That can easily be done via weight or other means. Transparency above all else. Leave no one any room to criticize the process. That's not partisan. The only people against transparency have something to hide.

It's amazing to me that countries that are allegedly behind us in technology and resources hold elections and give results the same day. No excuse why we shouldn't be able to do that too.
Russia, China, DPRK, and Iran report results within a few minutes of the polls closing.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
After the shenanigans in Maricopa today, you can frick right off. People coming out on voting day is supposed to be the best way of making sure your vote is counted. But they have been suppressing voters ALL DAY there. It’s in real time in broad daylight, same way as it was there in 2020 with 4 other sh1thole dim swing cities who (supposedly) have no relation to each other. Weird how simultaneous it was.****

You seem to always take the option of believing the media and hiding your head up your @SS. If you can’t concede the fact that voting in these cesspool cities is corrupt as hell, you need help.

Online voting should become the focus. Forensic data science and cybersecurity are better defenses than boarded up windows and kicking out one party from observing the counts, for sure. This could be monitored in real time and fraud could be caught immediately. The software can be thoroughly vetted by any number of parties before elections, too.
Do you know who runs elections in Maricopa County? The Board of Supervisors. Here is the current breakdown of that board.
It’s not a conspiracy it’s just incompetence.


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Active member
Oct 21, 2011
Voted about 9 this morning and there was no line at all. 5 or 6 check-in stations to provide ID and get ballot, several tables and several privacy booths to mark ballot, and 2 scanners to run the ballot through at the end. This setup was gearred to handle high volume. There were no particularly close races on our ballot, and this area is pretty heavily Republican.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
It was an eyeroll gif. There isnt much to look at.
The quoted post was mentioned wanting mail-in ballots that are not notarized. Is that the issue- you think they need to be notarized?
Still feel the utmost sympathy for anyone forced to be around you.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
My polling place in DeSoto County switched to an electronic machine for the actual voting process instead of the fill in the circle sheets. They only had 2 machines in my Lewisburg district. Twas a long wait.
Voted last week and it was busy Thursday afternoon here in Williamson County Texas. We had the major State and some regional elections, school board members, Several bond issues and a large page of unchallenged local officials It was longer than the voting ballot for the 2020 election


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Voted about 9 this morning and there was no line at all. 5 or 6 check-in stations to provide ID and get ballot, several tables and several privacy booths to mark ballot, and 2 scanners to run the ballot through at the end. This setup was gearred to handle high volume. There were no particularly close races on our ballot, and this area is pretty heavily Republican.
Initially read “voted about 9 times”…that is all

Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
I was using your comment about standing in line for 60 minutes just to vote as an example of why early voting should be pushed forward. That is simply an unjustifiably long time to wait. It reduces participation in a process that we should all want more participants.

As for mail-in being subject to ballot harvesting, yeah thats a concern. At some point though, if no evidence is ever found to show it is less secure than in person, then the unfounded fear really needs to be put to rest.
I know and I agree that it is a problem. At our place, during the Presidential election, it was at least 3 hours. The line wrapped around the school and that was the older fill in the circle so there were at least 15 or 20 spots to fill out your ballot. There is no way they can do this in two years. I guess my district has many citizens who value their vote.

I just don't agree with mail-in voting. No issue with early in-person voting.
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