Eliza Fletcher update:

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New member
Aug 22, 2012
I don't necessarily disagree with any of that, but we already have those issues while sentencing people to decades of anal rape. I'm not sure how much worse the death penalty is.

I'd be fine if we got rid of the death penalty in exchange for real deal life without parole. Put those people in a Parchman type set up and do whatever it takes to make it cheaper, and then use the money saved on prisoners in jail for non-violent offenses.

We demonstrably have worse issues in death penalty cases. Most heinous crimes lead to greatest pressure to conviction, which leads to errors, for just one path. Now maybe those issues/pressures would still be there absent the option for the death penalty (I think some would, some wouldnt), but at least the falsely convicted would still be around to possibly get freed.

And keep in mind we're not sentencing people like this to decades of anal rape. He'd be the raper, not the raped.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It feels like victim shaming to me. That says to me that she was really stupid to do it, thus it's her fault. It's not her fault for getting murdered while doing something she's done a hundred times and obviously felt safe doing.

It doesn't to me, but context matters. In this circumstance, most of the "why was she running by herself" comments I see seem like lamentation. They're not blaming her, but wishing she hadn't been doing that. I'm sure there are some comments on teh cess pool that is social media to the extent of she got what was coming to her for being stupid, but I haven't seen them.

I think the classic example of victim blaming is a girl going out and voluntarily getting hammered and then getting raped. If you say the victim shouldn't have been drunk in just casual conversation or god forbid to the victim or somebody that knows the victim, that's victim blaming/shaming. If you tell a daughter/niece whomever it's a dangerous world, and even though it shouldn't be this way, there are more risks for girls when they go out drinking and this event that happened is an example of why they really need to have trusted friends with them and look out for each other, not let them go with boys after drinking too much, etc., that's practical advice, not victim blaming.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
My daughter lives just a few blocks from her. She did not know her but had several mutual friends. The young folks in that area are all pretty much liberal/progressive and (until now) most seemed almost oblivious to many of the dangers of living in Memphis (or any other big city). I can tell you there is much anguish and soul searching going on right now in the area. Wife and I are basically small town folks that are not comfortable in Memphis but haven't said a word about it because she and her family have been happy. We're going to remain silent and supportive but we can sense kind of a "end of the innocence" in her voice and it's heartbreaking to us. We just hope this young lady's death may teach some others they have to always be aware of their actual surroundings instead of what they would like for them to be.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
It would also be unhelpful if folks who showed up at my hypothetical funeral asked my wife if I didn't think to look both ways before pulling out.


Active member
Sep 15, 2016
Evaluate every situation and do a risk assessment. It likely comes from 32 years of military or maybe just from being a country boy, I constantly check my six, whether walking, driving or boating. Stay alert, stay alive, always anticipate the other guy doing something unexpected.


Most bad guys rely heavily upon the element of surprise and are looking to ambush you in a location that gives them the advantage.

Thus, always take appropriate precautions, be aware of your surroundings, and be on the lookout for the bad guy . . . and always be ready to appropriately deal with him if he shows up.
Feb 23, 2008
We need to get down to how or why they are being elected in the first place in these places. Their reputation and case history is on full display. They know what they're getting. We didn't hire Leach to run the Power I.

Go Budaw

Aug 22, 2012
Wouldn’t this be more on whoever the DA was in 2001 when he was originally sentenced? Seems he did 19 years…and if my math is correct was sentenced to that as a minor and with a guilty plea. It’s not life without parole, but that’s certainly not a nothing sentence….given the circumstances in 2001.

Its perhaps just worth noting that evil / deranged / insane people simply exist in this world, and they do evil / deranged / insane things. Sad fact of life that has been true since the onset of mankind. All the political fingerpointing in the world isn’t going to change that.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Wouldn’t this be more on whoever the DA was in 2001 when he was originally sentenced? Seems he did 19 years…and if my math is correct was sentenced to that as a minor and with a guilty plea. It’s not life without parole, but that’s certainly not a nothing sentence….given the circumstances in 2001.

Its perhaps just worth noting that evil / deranged / insane people simply exist in this world, and they do evil / deranged / insane things. Sad fact of life that has been true since the onset of mankind. All the political fingerpointing in the world isn’t going to change that.

Good points, concentrate on the protecting your family side of this issue. We have no influence on who is being elected in certain municipalities, so let's put our efforts into what we can control. Crime, civil disruption, etc., is only going to get worse.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Their backers (Soros et al) buy the primaries for them and many if not most cases are elected in the general elections in areas with large minority populations where all they need is a "D" behind their name to win.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
Got out early most likely due to covid concerns in 2020. All life threatening crimes should be handed life sentences. Rehabilitation obviously doesn’t work. We will probably save more money housing violent criminals for life than letting them out and policing their future crimes.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
No. That got floated a few years ago and shot down by all sides. Police budgets continue to explode.

What those activists should have said is "stop throwing money at the problem".

Nah, the extreme left is still pushing for it. And no less than the current president and vice president have advocated for it. The reason it's gotten walked back by most democrats in leadership is because the polling on it was so abysmal.

I will grant you that there were a lot of moderate democrats who thought it was a ridiculous idea to begin with. There are actually some sane people on both sides.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
My daughter lives just a few blocks from her. She did not know her but had several mutual friends. The young folks in that area are all pretty much liberal/progressive and (until now) most seemed almost oblivious to many of the dangers of living in Memphis (or any other big city). I can tell you there is much anguish and soul searching going on right now in the area. Wife and I are basically small town folks that are not comfortable in Memphis but haven't said a word about it because she and her family have been happy. We're going to remain silent and supportive but we can sense kind of a "end of the innocence" in her voice and it's heartbreaking to us. We just hope this young lady's death may teach some others they have to always be aware of their actual surroundings instead of what they would like for them to be.

Almost everyone has that "end of the innocence" reality check at some point. You just hope it's not some heartbreaking tragedy like this to reveal it.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
And the sad part is it's not something you can warn somebody that it's coming...we all have to live it for ourselves.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
We are in the era of "defund the police,"

We are in the era where that term was taken and re-defined to make it vilified.
We are in the era where very few actually want to fully defund a given city's police force.
We are in the era where discussion over how to better utilize police will hopefully lead to fewer escalations and result in citizens and police both staying safe. We are in the era where perhaps some funding should be allocated elsewhere to reduce what police are expected to handle.

Why should my brother in law, a cop for nearly 2 decades, be the first to deal with homelessness, drug use, mental illness, and more?...he isnt a trained social worker, nor a trained psychotherapist. That approach is hammering a square peg into a round hold. Itll fit eventually...with enough mangling.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Their backers (Soros et al) buy the primaries for them and many if not most cases are elected in the general elections in areas with large minority populations where all they need is a "D" behind their name to win.
Their backers (Koch et al) buy the primaries for them and many if not most cases are elected in the general elections in areas with large white populations where all they need is an "R" behind their name to win.

Hey look at that, sweeping generalizations that may or may not be based on anything can be made on both sides. Neat.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
We are in the era where that term was taken and re-defined to make it vilified.
We are in the era where very few actually want to fully defund a given city's police force.
We are in the era where discussion over how to better utilize police will hopefully lead to fewer escalations and result in citizens and police both staying safe. We are in the era where perhaps some funding should be allocated elsewhere to reduce what police are expected to handle.

Why should my brother in law, a cop for nearly 2 decades, be the first to deal with homelessness, drug use, mental illness, and more?...he isnt a trained social worker, nor a trained psychotherapist. That approach is hammering a square peg into a round hold. Itll fit eventually...with enough mangling.

It was redefined by the left once they started getting (rightly) blasted for it in polling.

I'm not going to make this thread political. I'm just asking you to post ONE goddamn honest thing in your life.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2021
Their backers (Koch et al) buy the primaries for them and many if not most cases are elected in the general elections in areas with large white populations where all they need is an "R" behind their name to win.

Hey look at that, sweeping generalizations that may or may not be based on anything can be made on both sides. Neat.

Dumbass are you ignoring SF, LA, and NYC
Oct 17, 2007
To bring this back to the original topic, from right-leaning individual, the City of Memphis has actually done a great job stifling riots, supporting police, etc. A lot of that has to do with faith leaders in the City (Memphis, not the burbs) showing a solidified front and doing what they can (understanding they can't fix everyone) to prevent destructive antics.

To bring this full circle back to topic, a group I workout with (and occasionally I do as well) runs in this exact area every day on these exact streets at this same time with no incident. There is almost always a police presence due to the University. It is a "safe" area that nobody should fear running in. As someone said above, sometimes people are just evil and the results can be devastating.

Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
Memphis used to have some restrictive gun laws but the TN gov fixed that in 2021, so there's really no excuse for not carrying in Memphis, provided you're comfortable doing so. I always do.

I carried regardless. If I never needed it then nobody knows. If I do need it then things have gotten to a point to where the legality of me carrying is secondary to the issue at hand.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Their backers (Koch et al) buy the primaries for them and many if not most cases are elected in the general elections in areas with large white populations where all they need is an "R" behind their name to win.

Hey look at that, sweeping generalizations that may or may not be based on anything can be made on both sides. Neat.

I'm not sure David or Bill Koch spent a lot of money on DA races, but to the extent they did, I can guarantee you that none of the places they were successful have turned into hell holes or reversed decades of crime reduction in a few years.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
It was redefined by the left once they started getting (rightly) blasted for it in polling.

I'm not going to make this thread political. I'm just asking you to post ONE goddamn honest thing in your life.

Some extremists wanted it to mean literally a full defunding of police departments- abolishment.
Most viewed it and wanted to defund parts of the police department- areas where police are doing too much right now.
Some extremists wanted to only focus on the other extremist's view and hammer on that over and over.
Most then sat there watching the cripple tennis match taking place in front of them.

This is from June 8th 2020, so soon after Floyd's death. Federal legislators on the left continually said they do not want to eliminate police forces and there are quotes from a bunch who do not support it, even at that early point in the push to defund.

Now this is an article that speaks to what you are referring to. I acknowledge it exists, but it is a minority opinion. And as said in the article..."I think allowing this moniker, 'Defund the police,' to ever get out there, was not a good thing," Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) told The Washington Post's Dave Weigel on Thursday.
It was a mistake to allow the extreme group to have control of the narrative. Minneapolis was ground zero and while they had to do something, I think they tried to go too far.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm not sure David or Bill Koch spent a lot of money on DA races, but to the extent they did, I can guarantee you that none of the places they were successful have turned into hell holes or reversed decades of crime reduction in a few years.

So you have no idea if they spent a lot of money on an initiative, but you guarantee that where they did spend money and were successful, the results are good.
Oh, ok that seems informative.***

My whole point was there was no specific info in the first post- I was pointing that out.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
People really don't understand the great job Memphis has done.

And I'll give credit where it's due. The deputy DA said today that they are going to go after aggravated charges against this guy because of his repeat offender status. That's the way it should be. I'd like to see them take the same action in cases that aren't as high profile as this one.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
So you have no idea if they spent a lot of money on an initiative, but you guarantee that where they did spend money and were successful, the results are good.
Oh, ok that seems informative.***

My whole point was there was no specific info in the first post- I was pointing that out.

The post you were responding to was accurate, with the possible quibble over whether "many if not most cases" may need to be qualified by places where he was successful.

And I didn't say the results were good, I said they didn't turn any place into hell holes. Why that can be guaranteed without looking at individual races gives a lot of information to those who can understand it.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The post you were responding to was accurate, with the possible quibble over whether "many if not most cases" may need to be qualified by places where he was successful.

And I didn't say the results were good, I said they didn't turn any place into hell holes. Why that can be guaranteed without looking at individual races gives a lot of information to those who can understand it.

It can't be guaranteed because it isn't even known if it's happened. Guaranteeing it while not knowing if it's happened is some serious mental gymnastics.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It can't be guaranteed because it isn't even known if it's happened. Guaranteeing it while not knowing if it's happened is some serious mental gymnastics.

I mean without looking, I can't guarantee you that David Koch didn't have a side-piece that was also 17ing a defund the police type aspiring prosecutor and she gave such good BJs that she convinced David Koch to dump a **** ton of money into her scum bag boyfriend's campaign and then he managed to stop requiring bail and essentially stop pursuing serious consequences for serious crime (although I feel like that probably would have been picked up in campaign finance disclosures and a big deal made of it with the target on the Kochs back). I can guarantee you that no prosecutor they would typically support would turn a city or other jurisdiction into a hell hole. Very few people have Soros's level of antipathy towards the rule of law. A Koch backed prosecutor might treat drug possession crimes very lightly, but that's not going to turn a city into a **** hole. Might have a negative impact on quality of life crimes, but not turn a city into a **** hole.
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