Enrollment Numbers


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
What about the so called "enrollment cliff?" Is that something that's overblown? At State, we're building more dorms, no concern about who will fill them 5-10 years from now?
The enrollment cliff is going to hammer small colleges that can't keep prices down to stay competitive. Relatively inexpensive state colleges are going to be fine. If smaller schools can't figure out a way to compete on price, places like State nad Ole Miss are probably going to prosper as more people are hesitant to take on big student loan debt for undergrad.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Out of state can be different, in state has to be the same as all other 7 IHL Schools

Yes, UM is getting that much more applicants as they have created a brand that those who cant get into Texas, Georgia, UNC, UVA, etc can and not embarrass the parents from Highland Park.

Their freshman class is about 70% out of state this year, and as someone else mentioned, they have nowhere to house them or feed them, so they have put kids up as far away as Batesville and required meal-tickets are unable to be used.

Dont get me wrong, they have created a good product, but they have taken too much too fast.
This is why the Ole Miss branding is never going away. Guarantee you the students from those states and their parents virtually never say they or their children are attending the University of Mississippi.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
This is why the Ole Miss branding is never going away. Guarantee you the students from those states and their parents virtually never say they or their children are attending the University of Mississippi.
Not not gloss over the "old south" appeal of OM.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
OM has cut OOS fees and gone after kids with money. We continue to scratch our collective asses and recruit poor ole MS kids from jucos.
Honestly, shouldn't that be the job of "Mississippi State University?"


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
Serious students don't. It's the ones who don't care. If Mississippi State didn't have an SEC program - I doubt I would have come to State. It was part of the experience of me choosing a college. It came down between LSU and State as I started off in chemical engineering.
Serious Students most likely wouldn’t be coming to MSU or Ole Miss.


Apr 16, 2019
Remember that they are getting 30-40% more tuition on average due to the out of state students. Also, which is smart, they are targeting famous and rich families to come visit and they will cut the costs for their family member to come with the whole idea of getting money from the parents. Was Kevin Costner there 2 weeks ago on the sidelines? My son had a roommate whose dad owned 10 chick fil a stores and he couldn't keep a D average, took him 5 years plus 2 Summers to get out of school but the dad contributed about $50,000 to the foundation even though he never went there. Another boy from Chicago he knew had a dad that was worth about $250 million and would fly down 3 times a Fall to go to games with his son and paid for all the kids beer at the bar. Smart marketing if you ask me, put special people up every weekend at a nice hotel and show them a few things.
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