The pilot took off and climbed to 3,000 feet. Something went really wrong and he placed the plane on autopilot which was then programmed and he was automatically and immediately ejected. The plane crashed in rural Williamsburg County. There are three versions of this aircraft, which is known as the F-35 JSF (Joint Strike Fighter). The USAF flies the A model, the Marines Fly the B model, a trust vectored VSTOL aircraft (Very Short Takeoff Landing, $118,000,000.00 a unit) which can hover, while NAVY has the C model with larger wings and under carriage. The airframe is considered a Generation Five fully stealth aircraft. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works developed this platform as they did with the F-22. While the F-22 is the unmistakable best platform in the sky and by far the most expensive, the F-35 has been plagued with numerous software problems and is going through growing pains. Since we can't afford the F-22 anymore, the F-35 is the unit of choice, despite it questionable track record to date. As an afternote, the USAF has moved forward with the purchase of a newer, upgraded version of the F-15E Strike Eagle known as the F-15EX, with much improved targeting and avionics. At the end of the day, it is all about price point. We are settling for an aircraft at a lower price point, but given what the Chinese and Russians are producing, perhaps we should be investing in more of the F-22s rather than a bunch of F-35s.