I’ve seen the tape. She’s an oral artist, but no way.Only the most discerning and tasteful members of the BWI Hotness Tribunal can decide this. YOUR VOTE?
Exhibits A-F
Or, Elon Musk's Mom, Maye:
I’ve seen the tape. She’s an oral artist, but no way.Only the most discerning and tasteful members of the BWI Hotness Tribunal can decide this. YOUR VOTE?
Exhibits A-F
Or, Elon Musk's Mom, Maye:
She has the only butt visible from outer space.
Very creative, Herbie.
I used to put a Playboy inside a Sports Illustrated or Sport magazine so no one in the neighborhood store knew what I was looking at back in the magazine counter. That said, and perfected, viewing the centerfold always presented problemsYeah, I was about the same age, but no way would I have mentioned anything like this to my dad. Last I recall this issue was conveniently stashed between my mattress and boxspring for a long while.
Before the massive amounts of money and fame, when they were first starting out on TV, Kim was very tolerable. This was when her two other sisters worked at their strip mall clothing store (and didn't have a ton of money). Bruce was the big breadwinner, and everyone was really, really humble and down to earth for the most part (save Kim, who struggled with success and was terrible on camera to be honest), but fame and money went to their heads. I still think Kim gets a bad rap; she’s had fewer ‘boyfriends’ (but more husbands) - 9 since age 19 - than Taylor Swift (15 since 2008), whom I also think is great.
I volunteer to be shallow about these types of things. Further, I am good at it and proud of it.Sigh. Can't I just be shallow about this one thing? Why are the editors so hell bent on destroying a good thing?
Gotta admit, I thought that that plus size model WAS the model from Olde Frothingslosh (the pale stale ale with the foam on the bottom)Should have used the model from Olde Frothingslosh ...
Oh, forgot to add this in my anti SI rant...they're also giving us a "plus-size" model. Yay
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That's more thought about their family right there than I've had in 10 years. I don't begrudge fame and fortune, I just reject all modern pop culture. I think it started around 2011... not sure why but I started to despise a lot of different people and institutions.
It's interesting in a positive way how fascinated you are with pop culture.
My pop culture is found in 50 year old pieces of plastic. To quote the great Phil Anselmo:
"There is a part of me that's always sixteen
I've found the secret of eternal youth
Some get high on life or money
But there's an escape, drop out of the race
To walk through world by one's self, you can't be protected
Your trust is in whiskey, weed and Black Sabbath
It's goddamn electric"
I'm less fascinated than I used to be (I think I had dreams at one point of working for Interview Magazine or GQ or something....LOL) but I just have a natural memory for a lot of this useless information. I started watching KUWTK when it first came on because my wife liked it and watching TV together is something we enjoy. The early seasons are fascinating - Bruce is dicking around with remote controlled airplanes in his garage all the time (and makes all the family money by giving corporate speeches), Kylie and Kendall are in HS and are very nice/well behaved. Kourtney and Khloe work at their 'DASH' strip mall store (like, actually work there - run the register, do the merchandising, etc.) and they make fun of Kim because she's just now coming into big time money and is dating Reggie Bush. Rob is a student at USC. Bruce's sons are relatively low key, nice guys (with gorgeous wives/girlfriends) who are not at all very Hollywood (save Brodie). They were all very charming I thought and Kim has always been fairly vapid. Once Kendall and Kylie blossomed, and Khloe started dating basketball players, it was all over and we were done watching. Kendall is still ridiculous though.
Leave aside the legion of sketchy dudes she's been with. KK's *** is GINORMOUS. It's two axe handles wide. Fully agree on the hard pass.Once upon a time, you'd be dating a girl (or thinking about dating a girl), and you'd look at the mom and see crazy big, thick hips and thighs that made it hard for her to walk, let alone do anything normal or active ... and you'd think twice about anything long-term with her, for fear she'd end up like that. Today, many people celebrate that unhealthy awfulness. It's even made the cover of the SI swimsuit edition. Hard pass.
What kind of disturbs me is this entire "Fat Pride" movement. Look, a lot of us are carrying a few extra pounds, but being way overweight at is not, IMO, something to be proud of. It is unhealthy and often leads to serious problems in later life plus, to me at least, shows a lack of effort or will power. I understand that our youth face " body related" pressures and unrealistic role model expectations, but this new "Fat Pride" stuff simply isn't doing it for me. What's next --- "Smokers Pride".This 'thing' is FAT -- and that is not PHAT !