FC/OT: CFB Hall Of Fame Worthy?


Active member
Nov 3, 2021
Worst part is that the record for most overtimes most likely can not/will not be broken because of the collegiate rule change. A game that will truly live infamy.
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New member
Sep 5, 2023
I booked a 6 am biz flight the next morning out of CLE thinking "no problem, the game is over at 3:30, a half hour to get out of the parking lot, three hours to CLE and I'll be home by 7 pm. Since nobody left the stadium, the traffic jam was epic. I didn't get home until around midnight and had to pack. I didn't get to bed until close to 1 am and the alarm went off at 4 am to catch my 6 am flight. Dang.

BTW, no fan of HoFs. Just a bunch of old trophies and footballs. This HoF is right outside the MB stadium if anyone wants to go.
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