I believe that " Clearing house" has already been breached.....
It hasn't been set up yet; the settlement, once in effect, will have a profound impact on college football. It's not going to be business as usual; once the NLI has been replaced with a 'contract', there will be financial implications for transferring before it's end - in short, will give schools some recourse to the willy nilly attitude many players have about staying committed to a school. Sure, there will still be NIL bagmen and attempts at pay for play, but given this is a COURT ORDERED SETTLEMENT - it should have more teeth than regular old NCAA rules/regulations, which were heavily in favor of schools/coaches. For some programs (Texas, OSU, Oregon, A&M, Tennessee, Michigan), it maybe won't matter much. But, schools that don't have unlimited NIL resources will count on the revenue sharing to keep them afloat and transfers/portaling is tied to it. The good news is this will hopefully further even the playing field and will penalize these players who tranfer every year without penalty.